22 research outputs found

    Обзор практики создания научно-технических парков

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    Материалы VII Междунар. межвуз. науч.-техн. конф. студентов, магистрантов и аспирантов,Гомель, 3–4 мая 2007 г

    Neural network approach to sea-level modeling case study of a storm surge in the gulf of trieste in early december 2008

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    Na mnogih območjih so tablice plimovanja priročno orodje za napovedovanje morskega vodostaja. Sektor za hidrološke prognoze Agencije RS za okolje za napovedovanje morskega vodostaja v Tržaškem zalivu pogosto uporablja tablice plimovanja skupaj s harmonično analizo. Meteorološki vplivi, kot so gradient zračnega tlaka, veter in lastno nihanje morja vzdolž glavne osi Jadrana, so se mnogokrat izkazali kot pomembni dejavniki, ki vplivajo na višino vodostaja v Tržaškem zalivu. Ti dejavniki so v harmonične analize vključeni le posredno. Poleg tega za uporabne kratkoročne prognoze s pomočjo harmonične analize potrebujemo veliko število natančno umerjenih modelskih parametrov. Novejše raziskave so pokazale, da lahko uporaba umetnih nevronskih mrež bistveno izboljša napovedovanje vodostajev, če le vnesemo ustrezne vhodne spremenljivke (npr. predhodni vodostaj, zračni tlak, hitrost in smer vetra, tablice plimovanja itd.) Na dogodku neurnega vala (ang. storm surge) in poplavljanja morja na slovenski obali v začetku decembra 2008 smo izdelali analizo s pomočjo umetne nevronske mreže. Rezultati uporabe nevronskih mrež so dobro primerljivi s trenutno uporabljanimi konvencionalnimi metodami napovedovanja višine morskih gladin.Tide tables can be a useful tool for sea-level forecasting in many areas. Slovenian operational service for hydrological forecasts at the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia frequently deploys tide tables alongside least square harmonic analysis to predict maximum sea levels in the Gulf of Trieste. Meteorological influences such as pressure gradient, wind stress and induced basin eigenoscillations (seiches) along the main axis of the Adriatic basin have repeatedly been proven as important factors influencing the sea level in the Gulf of Trieste. They are, however, only indirectly included in the harmonic analysis which in itself requires a large number of carefully tuned model parameters in order to make useful short-range forecasts. A number of recent reports show that an artificial neural network (ANN) can greatly improve sea level forecasts, providing we supply it with suitable input variables (ie. previous water levels, air pressure, wind speed, wind direction, tide charts etc.) We report on an ANN-based analysis of the recent storm surge and flooding events at the Slovenian coast in the beginning of December 2008. The ANN model compares favourably with the currently used conventional forecasting methods

    Effects of recombinant human prothrombin on thrombin generation in plasma from patients with haemophilia A and B.

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    The present study was done to investigate the impact of FII levels and increases thereof on the haemostatic potential in plasma from haemophilia A and B patients with and without inhibitors

    Decrease of the atrial fibrillatory rate, increased organization of the atrial rhythm and termination of atrial fibrillation by AZD7009

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    Background: The atrial fibrillatory rate (APR), on AZD7009 as compared to placebo, was investigated as a potential biomarker for electrophysiological effect in early antiarrhythmic drug development. Methods: Patients with permanent AF received infusions of AZD7009 and placebo in an exploratory two-way, single-blind, randomized cross-over study. The ECG was continuously recorded, and following QRST cancellation the APR, its standard deviation (SD), the exponential decay and the atrial electrogram amplitude were determined as 3-min averages. Results: The mean APR rapidly decreased by 43% from baseline (394 +/- 38 to 225 +/- 61 fibrillations/min, p = 0.0003) on AZD7009, but not on placebo. The SD of the AFR and the exponential decay decreased in parallel. In 2 of 8 patients, termination of AF occurred after the APR had decreased by 58% and 53%, respectively. Conclusions: The APR may potentially serve as a biomarker of electrophysiological effects in early evaluation of rhythm control agents. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Rapid slowing of the atrial fibrillatory rate after administration of AZD7009 predicts conversion of atrial fibrillation.

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    Effects on the atrial fibrillatory rate (AFR) were studied during infusion with the combined potassium and sodium channel blocker AZD7009

    Validity and Utility of a Hierarchical Composite End Point for Clinical Trials of Kidney Disease Progression:A Review

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    Clinical trials in nephrology often use composite end points comprising clinical events, such as onset of ESKD and initiation of kidney function replacement therapy, along with a sustained large (e.g., 5050%) decrease in GFR. Such events typically occur late in the disease course, resulting in large trials in which most participants do not contribute clinical events. In addition, components of the end point are considered of equal importance; however, their clinical significance varies. For example, kidney function replacement therapy initiation is likely to be clinically more meaningful than GFR decline of 50%. By contrast, hierarchical composite end points (HCEs) combine multiple outcomes and prioritize each patient’s most clinically relevant outcome for inclusion in analysis. In this review, we consider the use of HCEs in clinical trials of CKD progression, emphasizing the potential to combine dichotomous clinical events such as those typically used in CKD progression trials, with the continuous variable of GFR over time, while ranking all components according to clinical significance. We consider maraca plots to visualize overall treatment effects and the contributions of individual components, discuss the application of win odds in kidney HCE trials, and review general design considerations for clinical trials for CKD progression with kidney HCE as an efficacy end point.</p

    Validity and Utility of a Hierarchical Composite End Point for Clinical Trials of Kidney Disease Progression:A Review

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    Clinical trials in nephrology often use composite end points comprising clinical events, such as onset of ESKD and initiation of kidney function replacement therapy, along with a sustained large (e.g., 5050%) decrease in GFR. Such events typically occur late in the disease course, resulting in large trials in which most participants do not contribute clinical events. In addition, components of the end point are considered of equal importance; however, their clinical significance varies. For example, kidney function replacement therapy initiation is likely to be clinically more meaningful than GFR decline of 50%. By contrast, hierarchical composite end points (HCEs) combine multiple outcomes and prioritize each patient’s most clinically relevant outcome for inclusion in analysis. In this review, we consider the use of HCEs in clinical trials of CKD progression, emphasizing the potential to combine dichotomous clinical events such as those typically used in CKD progression trials, with the continuous variable of GFR over time, while ranking all components according to clinical significance. We consider maraca plots to visualize overall treatment effects and the contributions of individual components, discuss the application of win odds in kidney HCE trials, and review general design considerations for clinical trials for CKD progression with kidney HCE as an efficacy end point.</p