190 research outputs found

    HIV and Concurrent Sexual Partnerships: Modelling the Role of Coital Dilution

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    Background: The concurrency hypothesis asserts that high prevalence of overlapping sexual partnerships explains extraordinarily high HIV levels in sub-Saharan Africa. Earlier simulation models show that the network effect of concurrency can increase HIV incidence, but those models do not account for the coital dilution effect (nonprimary partnerships have lower coital frequency than primary partnerships). Methods: We modify the model of Eaton et al (AIDS and Behavior, September 2010) to incorporate coital dilution by assigning lower coital frequencies to non-primary partnerships. We parameterize coital dilution based on the empirical work of Morris et al (PLoS ONE, December 2010) and others. Following Eaton et al, we simulate the daily transmission of HIV over 250 years for 10 levels of concurrency. Results: At every level of concurrency, our focal coital-dilution simulation produces epidemic extinction. Our sensitivity analysis shows that this result is quite robust; even modestly lower coital frequencies in non-primary partnerships lead to epidemic extinction. Conclusions: In order to contribute usefully to the investigation of HIV prevalence, simulation models of concurrent partnering and HIV epidemics must incorporate realistic degrees of coital dilution. Doing so dramatically reduces the role that concurrency can play in accelerating the spread of HIV and suggests that concurrency cannot be an important driver of HIV epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa. Alternative explanations for HIV epidemics in sub- Saharan Africa are needed

    Bioavailability of manganese from manganese proteinate, manganese sulfate and manganese oxide in broilers reared under heat distress

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    The relative bioavailabilities of manganese from manganese monoxide/ manganese sulfate and Mn-proteinate were compared in two different environmental conditions. Birds were raised at a cycling temperature of 18.3 to 23.9 °C or at a cycling temperature of 23 to 35 °C. Experimental animals used were day-old male commercial broiler chicks (Arbor Acre X Arbor Acre). Treatments were prepared from a starter and a grower diet (26 ppm Mn dry matter basis) which were supplemented with 0, 1000, 2000, and 3000 ppm Mn as Mnproteinate, manganese sulfate or manganese monoxide. Birds had ad libitum access to feed and water. Bone was the most sensitive tissue followed by kidney to manganese supplementation from all sources. Tibia manganese concentration increased linearly (P \u3c 0.05). Based on ratios of slopes from multiple linear regression analysis of bone manganese on manganese intake from various sources, the relative bioavailabilities were 120 and 91% from manganese proteinate and manganese oxide, respectively, compared with 100% from manganese sulfate in three-week old chicks and 125 and 83% from manganese proteinate and manganese oxide, respectively, compared with 100% from manganese sulfate in chicks older than three weeks. All values were significantly different from 100% (P \u3c 0.05). Heat distress was observed to increase the manganese bioavailabilities of the various manganese sources (P \u3c 0.05) . Manganese from Mn-proteinate was more available than manganese from manganese sulfate followed by manganese oxide under each environmental temperature regimen

    Welfare Reform and Unitended Consequences: Its Impact on a Local Child Protection Program

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    On August 22, 1996, President Clinton signed into law the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act. The Act represents a fundamental shift in the relationship between the federal government, the fifty states, and persons living in poverty. A shift of this magnitude cannot be analyzed properly without considering the significant impact of unintended consequences that may result from the new policy. Often, unintended consequences occur when two different policies, in this case, public welfare and child protective services, collide. One such possible unintended consequence of this policy shift may be to reduce the effectiveness of a successful child protection program in Walton County, Georgia. The kinship care program in Walton County has considerably reduced the number of children in foster care, altered foster roles, and resulted in savings of hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, without careful planning, the current welfare reform effort will limit the ability of extended family members to offer care for abused and neglected children via the kinship care program. This paper explores the complexity of such a major shift in federal welfare policy by analyzing its impact on a successful county-based child protection program

    Plan de Negocio para el impulso agroturístico de la finca San Carlos, Jinotega en el periodo de Agosto 2017-Enero 2018

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    La actividad turística en Nicaragua se ha desarrollado en gran magnitud aportando al PIB del país, sin embargo, está claro que la relación entre el turismo, el crecimiento económico y la reducción de la pobreza no es inmediato, sino que depende de que el turismo genere oportunidades de empleo. El sector rural está siendo aprovechado gracias al potencial turístico con el que cuenta implementando variadas tipologías de turismo, sus fincas permiten la diversificación de actividades de generación de ingresos, tomando en cuenta la ejecución del turismo con un enfoque sostenible. Una de las tipologías de turismo mejores posicionadas en el sector rural es el agroturismo. En el documento se caracterizó una de las iniciativas que se encuentra el desarrollo del mismo, esta es Finca Agro-turística San Carlos, se propone el análisis de los elementos que contempla un plan de negocio turístico con enfoque sostenible, serializó el FODA y el consolidado de actividades turísticas potencial del sitio, en base a estos resultados se creó un plan de negocio para la finca San Carlos, Jinotega a fin de propiciar su involucramiento en la actividad turística para el aprovechamiento de forma sostenible de los recursos naturales que posee. La Metodología utilizada fue CANVAS, este modelo está conformado por 9 elementos, los cuales son: Puesta en valor, segmento de mercado, relación con los clientes, canales de distribución, actividades claves, socios claves, estructura de costo y fuentes de ingresos; todos persiguiendo un mismo objetivo y es alcanzar el desarrollo turístico de la finca y lograr la inserción en el mercado turístico nacional e internacional. El presente estudio Monográfico es de carácter exploratorio y descriptivo con enfoque cualitativo, en él se caracteriza la zona y los recursos turísticos que posee la finca, se analiza e interpreta las condiciones del lugar, que permitirá desarrollar la actividad turística en el territorio

    Institute of Archaeology & Horn Archaeological Museum Newsletter Volume 21.4

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    Tall Umayri 2000, Larry Herr, modified by Paul J. Ray, Jr. Jalul 2000, Randall W. Younker and David Merling Rendsburg at AU, Moise Isaac Beaulieu Studies Tablets, Paul J. Ray, Jr. Madaba Plains Project 4 Random Surveyhttps://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/iaham-news/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Introduction : media and illiberal democracy in Central and Eastern Europe

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    This introductory overview opens the series of articles included in the issue entitled Media and Illiberal Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe, and sets the scene for the debate on the relationship between illiberal trends in politics and media landscapes in the region. Drawing on existing scholarship, it traces the roots and the evolution of illiberalism, focusing the discussion within the confines of particularities of media landscapes. Through the introduction of articles addressing manifestations of illiberalism in media landscapes, it argues that “illiberal turn” in Central and Eastern Europe is part of a global political shift, rather than a regional one