180 research outputs found

    Valuing Ecosystem Services with Fishery Rents: A Lumped-Parameter Approach to Hypoxia in the Neuse River Estuary

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    Valuing ecosystem services with microeconomic underpinnings presents challenges because these services typically constitute nonmarket values and contribute to human welfare indirectly through a series of ecological pathways that are dynamic, nonlinear, and difficult to quantify and link to appropriate economic spatial and temporal scales. This paper develops and demonstrates a method to value a portion of ecosystem services when a commercial fishery is dependent on the quality of estuarine habitat. Using a lumped-parameter, dynamic open access bioeconomic model that is spatially explicit and includes predator-prey interactions, this paper quantifies part of the value of improved ecosystem function in the Neuse River Estuary when nutrient pollution is reduced. Specifically, it traces the effects of nitrogen loading on the North Carolina commercial blue crab fishery by modeling the response of primary production and the subsequent impact on hypoxia (low dissolved oxygen). Hypoxia, in turn, affects blue crabs and their preferred prey. The discounted present value fishery rent increase from a 30% reduction in nitrogen loadings in the Neuse is $2.56 million, though this welfare estimate is fairly sensitive to some parameter values. Surprisingly, this number is not sensitive to initial conditions.Open access, Predator-prey, Hypoxia, Habitat-dependent fisheries

    The Silver Anniversary of the United States’ Exclusive Economic Zone: Twenty-Five Years of Ocean Use and Abuse, and the Possibility of a Blue Water Public Trust Doctrine

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    Sustainably managing marine ecosystems has proved nearly impossible, with few success stories. Ecosystem management failures largely stem from the traditional sector-by-sector, issue-by-issue approach to managing ocean-borne activities—an approach that is fundamentally unable to keep pace with the dynamics of coupled human, ecologi cal and oceanographic systems. In the United States today there are over twenty federal agencies and thirty-five coastal states and territories operating under dozens of statutory authorities shaping coastal and ocean policy. Among marine ecologists and policy experts there is an emerging consensus that a major overhaul in U.S. ocean governance is necessary. This Article suggests that the public trust doctrine—an ancient legal concept that is already incorporated in U.S. state coastal laws—can uniquely provide a unifying concept for U.S. federal ocean governance. Though the public trust concept can be located in the legal systems of many countries, it robustly manifests in the United States, where it has historically protected the public’s rights to fishing, navigation, and commerce in and over navigable waterways and tidal waters. In its most basic form, the doctrine obliges governments to manage common natural resources, the body of the trust, in the best interest of their citizens, the beneficiaries of the trust. Today the public trust doctrin e is integral to the protection of coastal ecosystems and beach access in many states and has even made its way into state constitutions. It would be simple, and seemingly logical, to assume that the same fiduciary responsibility of states to protect public trust uses of their waters extends to all marine resources within the United States’ 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). However an artificial line has been drawn around state waters, and the legal authority and responsibility of the U.S. government to protect public trust resources in the vast space of its EEZ (the largest of any country on earth) have never been fully and expressly established. Securing the place of the public trust doctrine in U.S. federal oceans management would be valuable, given the immense pressure to exploit EEZ resources, the failure of the current regulatory approach, improved scientific understanding of the interconnected nature of ocean ecosystems, and the growing demand for sustainable management of ocean resources. This Article will outline the development of states’ public trust doctrines; discuss the expansion of U.S. sovereignty over its neighboring ocean waters during the twentieth century; analyze possible avenues for expanding the doctrine to federal waters; and consider how a federal public trust doctrine could clarify some specific emerging issues in U.S. oceans management. At the heart of our analysis lie three questions: (1) does a federal public trust doctrine exist; (2) if so, can we rightfully extend it to include the entirety of the U.S. ocean waters; and (3) could the doctrine provide the missing catalyst for federal agencies to manage the use of U.S. ocean resources in a coordinated, sustainable fashion

    Assessing Population Responses to Multiple Anthropogenic Effects: A Case Study with Brook Trout

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    Population declines are often caused by multiple factors, including anthropogenic ones that can be mitigated or reversed to enhance population recovery. We used a size-classified matrix population model to examine multiple anthropogenic effects on a population and determine which factors are most (or least) important to population dynamics. We modeled brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in southern Appalachian mountain streams responding to multiple anthropogenic effects including the introduction of an exotic salmonid species (rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss), a decrease in pH (through acidic deposition), an increase in siltation (from roadbuilding and logging), and an increase in fishing pressure. Potential brook trout responses to rainbow trout include a decrease in survival rate of small fish, a change in density dependence in survival of small fish, and a decrease in growth rates of all sizes. When we included these responses in the population model, we found that population size tended to decrease with an increase in small-fish growth rate (producing a population with fewer, but larger, fish). In addition, changes in patterns of density-dependent survival also had a strong impact on both population size and size structure. Brook trout respond to decreases in pH with decreased growth rate in all size classes, decreased survival rates of small fish, and decreased egg-to-larva survival rates. This combination of effects, at magnitudes documented in laboratory experiments, had severe negative impacts on the modeled population. If siltation effects were severe, the extreme increase in egg-to-larva mortality could have strong negative effects on the population. However, even very strong increases in large fish mortality associated with sport harvesting were not likely to cause a local extinction. In all of these cases, the interaction of drastic changes in population size structure with randomly occurring floods or droughts may lead to even stronger negative impacts than those predicted from the deterministic model. Because these fish can reproduce at a small size, negative impacts on survival of the largest fish were not detrimental to the persistence of the population. Because survival of small juveniles is density dependent, even moderate decreases in survival in this stage had little effect on the ultimate population size. In general, a brook trout population will respond most negatively to factors that decrease survival of large juveniles and small adults, and growth rates of small juveniles.This work was supported by the Lucas Fellowship in Biomathematics at North Carolina State University (to E. A. Marschall), the J. F. Allen Award from the American Fisheries Society (to E. A. Marschall), an Electric Power Research Institute Fellowship in Population Dynamics (to E. A. Marschall), a U.S. Forest Service Cost-Share Agreement (to L.B. Crowder and E. A. Marschall), the Department of Zoology at North Carolina State University (to L. B. Crowder), and the Department of Zoology at The Ohio State University (to E. A. Marschall)

    Are We Missing Important Areas in Pelagic Marine Conservation? Redefining Conservation Hotspots in the Ocean

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    The protection of biodiversity is one of the most important goals in terrestrial and marine conservation. Marine conservation approaches have traditionally followed the example of terrestrial initiatives. However, patterns, processes, habitats, and threats differ greatly between the 2 systems - and even within the marine environment. As a result, there is still a lack of congruence as to how to best identify and prioritize conservation approaches moving from the static terrestrial and nearshore realm into a more fluid, 3-dimensional pelagic realm. To address this problem, we investigate how the conservation science literature has been used to inform and guide management strategies in the marine system from coastal to pelagic environments. As cumulative impacts on the health of the oceans continue to increase, conservation priorities have shifted to include highly dynamic areas of the pelagic marine system. By evaluating whether priorities match science with current place-based management approaches (i.e. marine protected areas, MPAs), we identify important gaps that must be considered in current conservation schemes. Effective pelagic MPA design requires monitoring and evaluation across multiple physical, biological, and human dimensions. Because many threatened and exploited marine species move through an ephemeral and ever-changing environment, our results highlight the need to move beyond traditional, 2-dimensional approaches to marine conservation, and into dynamic management approaches that incorporate metrics of biodiversity as well as oceanographic features known to promote multilevel, trophic productivity

    Mitigating By-Catch of Diamondback Terrapins in Crab Pots

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    ABSTRACT Chronic by-catch of diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) in blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) pots is a concern for terrapin conservation along the United States Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts. Despite the availability of by-catch reduction devices (BRDs) for crab pots, adoption of BRDs has not been mandated and by-catch of terrapins continues. We conducted experimental fishing studies in North Carolina's year-round blue crab fishery from 2000 to 2004 to evaluate the ability of various BRDs to reduce terrapin by-catch without a concomitant reduction in the catch of blue crabs. In 4,822 crab pot days fished, we recorded only 21 terrapin captures. Estimated capture rates were 0.003 terrapins/pot per day in hard crab experimental fishing and 0.008 terrapins/pot per day in peeler experimental fishing. All terrapin captures occurred from April to mid-May within 321.4 m of the shoreline. Longer soak times produced more dead terrapins, with 4 live and 4 dead during hard crab experimental fishing and 11 live and 2 dead during peeler experimental fishing. The 4.0-cm BRDs in fall and 4.5-cm and 5.0-cm BRDs in spring reduced the catch of legal-sized male hard crabs by 26.6%, 21.2%, and 5.7%, respectively. Only the 5.0-cm BRDs did not significantly affect the catch of legal-sized hard male crabs. However, BRDs had no measurable effect on catch of target crabs in the peeler crab fishery. Our results identify 3 complementary and economically feasible tools for blue crab fishery managers to exclude terrapins from commercially fished crab pots in North Carolina: 1) gear modifications (e.g., BRDs); 2) distance-to-shore restrictions; and 3) time-of-year regulations. These measures combined could provide a reduction in terrapin by-catch of up to 95% without a significant reduction in target crab catch. ß 2011 The Wildlife Society

    Fish Cohort Dynamics: Application of Complementary Modeling Approaches

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    The recruitment to the adult stock of a fish population is a function of both environmental conditions and the dynamics of juvenile fish cohorts. These dynamics can be quite complicated and involve the size structure of the cohort. Two types of models, i-state distribution models (e.g., partial differential equations) and i-state configuration models (computer simulation models following many individuals simultaneously), have been developed to study this type of question. However, these two model types have not to our knowledge previously been compared in detail. Analytical solutions are obtained for three partial differential equation models of early life-history fish cohorts. Equivalent individual-by-individual computer simulation models are also used. These two approaches can produce similar results, which suggests that one may be able to use the approaches interchangeably under many circumstances. Simple uncorrected stochasticity in daily growth is added to the individual-by-individual models, and it is shown that this produces no significant difference from purely deterministic situations. However, when the stochasticity was temporally correlated such that a fish growing faster than the mean 1 d has a tendency to grow faster than the mean the next day, there can be great differences in the outcomes of the simulations.This research was sponsored in part by the Electric Power Research Institute under contract no. RP2932-2 (DOE no. ERD-87-672) with the U.S. Department of Energy under contract no. DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, and in part by grant no. NAI6RG0492-01 from the Coastal Ocean Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to the University of North Carolina Sea Grant College Program

    Social drivers forewarn of marine regime shifts

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    Some ecosystems can undergo regime shifts to alternative compositions of species. Although ecological indicators can identify approaching regime shifts, we propose that rapid changes in the social drivers underlying ecosystem change may provide additional and potentially earlier indicators of impending shifts. We demonstrate this by reconstructing the underlying social drivers of four iconic marine regime shifts: Pacific kelp forests, Northwest Atlantic continental shelf, Jamaican coral reefs, and the Chesapeake Bay estuary. In all cases, a range of social drivers – including opening of lucrative markets, technological innovations, and policies that enhanced the driver – ultimately prompted these ecosystem shifts. Drawing on examples emerging from environmental management practice, we present three practical recommendations for using social drivers as early indicators: monitor social change, determine social trigger points, and identify policy responses. We argue that accounting for the underlying social drivers of ecosystem change could improve decision making

    Heterogeneous Perceptions of Social-Ecological Change Among Small-Scale Fishermen in the Central Gulf of California: Implications for Adaptive Response

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    As changes in climate, governance, and organization reshape the dynamics of small-scale fisheries around the globe, the persistence of many local livelihoods appears contingent upon the ability of resource users to respond and adapt. Though significant scholarship has considered the limiting roles of resources and infrastructure, recent research has highlighted the importance of local learning and knowledge. Rather than being driven by forces exogenous to local communities, it is increasingly recognized that adaptation may be limited by perceptions and processes within them. Here, we explore knowledge production and adaptive response within a small-scale fishery in the central Gulf of California following system perturbation. Using mixed methods from the natural and social sciences, we (1) identify local drivers of social-ecological change, (2) document knowledge concerning their causes and consequences across a diverse group of small-scale fishermen, and (3) identify patterns of intracultural agreement and disagreement associated with divergent adaptive response. Results indicate that perceptions of social-ecological change were heterogeneous and that gear ownership and target species diversification were critical factors in determining the cultural models through which fishermen understood and responded to changes in the resource system. Unlike other user groups, owner-operator fishermen pursuing generalist livelihood strategies held consensus beliefs regarding changes to system structure and function and demonstrated increased ability to modify fishing tactics with the best practices for sustainable use. Our findings highlight how local knowledge can be used to assess the proximate impacts of external drivers of change and provide insight into the cultural models influencing in situ decision-making and adaptive response within modern fishery systems
