382 research outputs found

    Empleo apropiado y desempleo estructural en el Ecuador

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    Child Malnutrition, Social Development and Health Services in the Andean Region

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    This study analyzes social, ethnic and regional determinants of child malnutrition, as well as the effects of access to health services in the Andean Region, through a comparison between Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. These three countries share a profile with high stunting prevalence and strong socio-economic, regional and ethnic disparities. The analysis is conducted using DHS (Peru 1992, 1996 and 2000, Bolivia 1997) and LSMS (Ecuador 1998) surveys and it focuses on an international comparative perspective. In the case of Ecuador a detailed analysis is provided. The main task was to identify the determinants of the z-score indicators for height and weight for age. For that matter, multiple equation models were estimated, applying instrumental variables and combining different multivariate procedures, to identify the relative importance of education, housing, ethnicity and contextual regional factors as determinants of stunting in each national case. In all cases we have found strong negative ethnic effects of indigenous ethnicity as well as contextual regional negative factors for highland regions. The results remain significant even after controlling for all relevant socio- economic determinants, such as education, housing and economic status, with few exceptions.nutrition,health,child,cronic,waste,stunting,Child anthropometric measures Principal component analysis

    Child Malnutrition, Social Development and Health Services in the Andean Region

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    This paper analyzes the social, ethnic and regional determinants of child malnutrition, as well as the effects of access to health services in the Andean region, by comparing conditions in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. These three countries are marked by a high prevalence of stunting and by wide socioeconomic, regional and ethnic disparities. The analysis used Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from Peru (1992, 1996 and 2000) and Bolivia (1997), and Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) data for Ecuador (1998). The paper adopts an international comparative perspective, analyzing Ecuador in particular detail.

    Fictional Projection and Search for Identity in Muriel Spark’s African Spaces

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    Literary and feminist criticism on Muriel Spark seems to ignore the fact that the meaning of her work is rooted in her experiences in Africa for six years. The purpose of this essay is to review her short stories and novels, which take place in lands of natives and colonists, in order to detect common features of these spaces, particularly how the writer projects herself through characters who construct and deconstruct social conventions in a metafictive way. Thus, the novelist questions concepts such as masculine and feminine roles, madness, matrimony, ethnicity, social class and most of all, she questions her own identy as a writerA través de la proyección de Muriel Spark sobre las narradores de varias novelas y breves relatos, que tienen lugar en espacios africanos, descubrimos la deconstrucción de convencionalismos y categorías sobre género, sexo, etnia, clase social, etc. Spark, se sirve del ojo crítico de las narradoras, para cuestionar irónicamente las costumbres de la sociedad colonial y británica. Además, mediante estrategias de ficción onírica y misticismo, reconstruye la naturaleza humana y replantea los limites entre la cordura y la locura. Así, autobiografía y obra literaria se completan mutuamente, sin que se puedan escindir los limites de una y otra. En ambos casos, autobiografía y relatos, los paisajes extremos y cambios climáticos del contienente africano constituye un parangón al proceso de la búsqueda de su identidad

    Do nutritional supplements reduce iron-deficiency anemia in children? Evidence from Ecuador

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    A micronutrient deficiency during infancy impairs growth, increases the risk of mortality, and can have long term effects on cognitive development. We evaluate a nationwide public policy that administered "sprinkles" to reduce iron-deficiency anemia in children 6 to 59 months of age in Ecuador, a country that has persistent problems with iron-deficiencies among children. We exploit the exogenous age eligibility rule of the program to identify its causal effect, and address non-compliance issues with a Fuzzy RD design and IV models. Our IV estimates suggest that the program reduces Hb levels in children with low Hb but increases Hb levels in children with higher Hb levels. On average, these heterogeneous effects cancel out and both RD and IV estimates yield insignificant effects

    The Supercore for Normal Form Games

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    We study the supercore of a system derived from a normal form game. For the case of a finite game with pure strategies, we define a sequence of games and show that the supercore of that system coincides with the set of Nash equilibrium strategy profiles of the last game in the sequence. This result is illustrated with the characterization of the supercore for the n-person prisoners’ dilemma. With regard to the mixed extension of a normal form game, we show that the set of Nash equilibrium profiles coincides with the supercore for games with a finite number of Nash equilibria. For games with an infinite number of Nash equilibria this need not be no longer the case. Yet, it is not difficult to find a binary relation which guarantees the coincidence of these two sets.individual contingent threat situation, Nash equilibrium, subsolution, Morgenstern stable set, Von Neumann

    Programación Didáctica sobre literatura en 1º de Bachillerato

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyaments d'Idiomes. Codi: SAP429. Curs: 2019/2020En el presente trabajo se explicará un proyecto de mejora educativa de un área de la asignatura Lengua Castellana y sus Literaturas. El área escogida se ha seleccionado en el periodo de observación correspondiente al Prácticum del Máster Universitario en Profesor/a de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas y dicho proyecto también ha sido implementado durante la realización de esas prácticas. La propuesta educativa, por lo mencionado anteriormente, se inserta en la modalidad 1 del Trabajo Final de Máster y en ella, se aludirán a los temas teóricos que se han abordado, a las actividades que se han elaborado e impartido, a la temporalización de las mismas y, posteriormente, al sistema de evaluación que se ha empleado para su corrección. Por lo que respecta a los objetivos que se han intentado alcanzar en dicha propuesta, podemos destacar la adquisición de conocimientos de la temática impartida, el desarrollo de la creatividad y de valores como el compañerismo, lograr que efectúen la tarea final de forma adecuada y que todo lo que han aprendido en esa ejecución les sirva para futuras exposiciones orales. En cuanto a los principales resultados y conclusiones, he podido apreciar que con la utilización de recursos TIC, la aplicación de metodologías innovadoras y la elaboración de actividades atrayentes y próximas a su cotidianidad se consigue aumentar el interés y la motivación del alumnado y que interioricen de manera más efectiva y enriquecedora contenidos teóricos sobre literatura. Además, también he podido comprobar que, con todas las limitaciones y desventajas que pueda tener, la enseñanza telemática puede lograr las mismas metas y objetivos que la presencial si el docente hace un continuo seguimiento del proceso, mantiene un contacto exhaustivo con los discentes para resolver posibles dudas y todos participan y se involucran en la enseñanz