65 research outputs found

    Évaluation de la relation entre les apports en antioxydants et le niveau d'expression de marqueurs inflammatoires dans le tissu mammaire normal de femmes atteintes du cancer du sein

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    Le régime alimentaire joue un rôle dans le développement du cancer du sein, mais le mode d’action des facteurs nutritionnels sur le tissu mammaire est mal compris. Un des mécanismes potentiels est la création d’un stress oxydatif qui favoriserait le processus tumoral et l’inflammation. Par conséquent, la consommation d’antioxydants pourrait contribuer à réduire l’inflammation dans les tissus et à prévenir le cancer du sein. Cependant, peu d’études ont exploré la relation entre les apports en antioxydants et l’expression de marqueurs inflammatoires dans le tissu mammaire. Ce projet visait à évaluer la relation entre les apports en antioxydants et l’expression de 11 marqueurs inflammatoires dans le tissu mammaire normal de 160 femmes atteintes d’un cancer du sein. Les données alimentaires ont été obtenues par un questionnaire de fréquence alimentaire auto-administré mesurant les apports alimentaires et la prise de suppléments de l’année précédente. L’expression des marqueurs inflammatoires a été évaluée par immunohistochimie. La corrélation entre les apports en antioxydants et l’expression des marqueurs inflammatoires a été analysée par le coefficient de corrélation partiel de Spearman. Les analyses ont été effectuées pour l’ensemble de l’échantillon et pour les femmes pré-ménopausées et post-ménopausées prises séparément. Après la correction de Bonferroni, les apports élevés en bêta-tocophérol corrélaient avec une diminution de l’expression de l’IL-10 pour l’ensemble de l’échantillon (r=-0,26) et chez les femmes post-ménopausées (r=-0,39). Parmi toutes les femmes, les apports en zinc corrélaient négativement avec l’expression de l’IL-10 (r=-0,26) et parmi les femmes post-ménopausées, les apports en sélénium corrélaient négativement avec l’expression de la lactoferrine (r=-0,39). Aucune association significative n’a été observée chez les femmes pré-ménopausées. Nos résultats suggèrent que le bêta-tocophérol, le zinc et le sélénium pourraient agir sur le tissu mammaire par des mécanismes affectant l’expression de certains marqueurs inflammatoires et que ceci serait influencé par le statut ménopausique.Diet plays an important role in the development of breast cancer, but the influence of dietary factors on the mammary tissue is poorly understood. One possible underlying mechanism is the generation of oxidative stress favoring inflammation and tumorigenic processes. Consequently, antioxidant consumption that fosters tissue inflammation reduction could prevent breast cancer risk. However, few studies have explored relationships between antioxidant intakes and inflammation marker expression in breast tissue. This project aimed to evaluate potential link between the intake of antioxidants that have been associated with breast cancer risk and the protein expression level of 11 inflammatory markers in normal breast tissue of 160 women diagnosed with breast cancer. Antioxidant intakes were collected using a self-administered semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire designed to measure dietary patterns and supplement intake over the past year. Inflammation marker expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry. Correlations between antioxidant intakes and inflammatory marker expression were explored using the Spearman’s partial correlation coefficients (r) for all women, and then for premenopausal and postmenopausal women separately. After Bonferroni correction, negative correlations were observed between dietary beta-tocopherol and IL-10 expression in all women combined (r=-0.26) and among postmenopausal women (r=-0.39). For all women, negative correlation was found between total zinc intakes and IL-10 (r=-0.26). Among postmenopausal women, dietary selenium intake was negatively correlated with the expression of lactoferrin (r=-0.39). No associations were observed in premenopausal women. Our findings suggest that consumption of specific antioxidants, including beta-tocopherol, zinc and selenium, may act on the breast tissue through mechanisms affecting the expression of certain inflammation markers and that this would be influenced by the menopausal status

    Caractérisation des cellules souches présentes dans les follicules pileux et analyse de leur potentiel de différenciation in vivo et in vitro à l'aide de peaux reconstruites par génie tissulaire

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    Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2005-2006Les cellules souches sont à la base de la régénération des tissus adultes et du maintien de leur homéostasie. Afin d'étudier le processus de différenciation des cellules souches cutanées et d'approfondir nos connaissances sur les conditions qui contrôlent leur différenciation en épiderme et/ou en follicules pileux in vitro différents substituts cutanés ont été mis au point par génie tissulaire. D'une part, la portion dermique des peaux reconstruites a été produite par la superposion de feuillets de matrice extracellulaire produits par des fibroblastes humains ou murins cultivés en présence d'acide ascorbique. D'autre part, des kératinocytes (humains ou murins) ou des follicules pileux immatures (murins) ont été implantés sur les dermes reconstruits. Les propriétés histologiques et immunohistochimiques des tissus ont été évaluées après leur maturation in vitro ou sur l'animal. Nos résultats ont révélé que les interactions mésenchyme-épithéliales créées dans la peau reconstruite par génie tissulaire influencent significativement la voie de différenciation qu'empruntent les kératinocytes engendrés par les cellules souches et qu' il est possible, en recréant les conditions adéquates, de reconstruire des substituts cutanées aux propriétés histologiques similaires à la peau native ainsi que des peaux reconstruites capables de soutenir la formation de follicules pileux après la greffe. Des études in situ ont également été menées sur les cellules souches de la vibrisse de la souris. Nous avons observé que les kératinocytes présentant un cycle cellulaire long forment deux populations distinctes dans la région du renflement: une est en contact avec la membrane basilaire et l'autre ne l'est pas (appelée Bs1). Chacune de ces populations possède un aspect histologique distinct et présente une organisation, du réseau de kératine qui lui est spécifique et qui est associée à l'expression de kératines particulières. L'étude des vibrisses des souris dont le gène de la kératine 17 (K 17) a été invalidé a révélé que la K 1 7 est essentielle à la formation des vibrisses et à l'intégrité ultrastructurale des cellules Bs 1. En conclusion, mes travaux apportent de nouvelles données sur les conditions qui régissent la différenciation des cellules souches cutanées et sur les caractéristiques intrinsèques des cellules souches de la vibrisse

    Expression of C4.4A in an in Vitro Human Tissue-Engineered Skin Model

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    A multi-LU-domain-containing protein denoted C4.4A exhibits a tightly regulated membrane-associated expression in the suprabasal layers of stratified squamous epithelia such as skin and the esophagus, and the expression of C4.4A is dysregulated in various pathological conditions. However, the biological function of C4.4A remains unknown. To enable further studies, we evaluated the expression of C4.4A in monolayer cultures of normal human keratinocytes and in tissue-engineered skin substitutes (TESs) produced by the self-assembly approach, which allow the formation of a fully differentiated epidermis tissue. Results showed that, in monolayer, C4.4A was highly expressed in the centre of keratinocyte colonies at cell-cell contacts areas, while some cells located at the periphery presented little C4.4A expression. In TES, emergence of C4.4A expression coincided with the formation of the stratum spinosum. After the creation of a wound within the TES, C4.4A expression was observed in the suprabasal keratinocytes of the migrating epithelium, with the exception of the foremost leading keratinocytes, which were negative for C4.4A. Our results are consistent with previous data in mouse embryogenesis and wound healing. Based on these findings, we conclude that this human TES model provides an excellent surrogate for studies of C4.4A and Haldisin expressions in human stratified epithelia

    Des­ Canadiens­ «­ précurseurs­ de ­la ­recherche­ sur­ les ­cellules­ souches­ hématopoïétiques­ »­ lauréats­ du ­prix­ Lasker

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    À la fin de l'année 2005, le prestigieux prix Lasker pour la recherche médicale fondamentale a été décerné à deux scientifiques canadiens, les Docteurs Ernest A. McCulloch et James E. Till, qui se sont illustrés par leurs travaux portant notamment sur la capacité des cellules souches à s’auto-renouveler et à se différencier en cellules pouvant présenter de multiples phénotypes

    27.12 MHz radiofrequency ablation for benign cutaneous lesions

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    As surgical and/or ablative modalities, radiofrequency (RF) has been known to produce good clinical outcomes in dermatology. Recently, 27.12 MHz RF has been introduced and has several advantages over conventional 4 or 6 MHz in terms of the precise ablation and lesser pain perception. We aimed to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of 27.12 MHz RF for the treatment of benign cutaneous lesions. Twenty female patient subjects were enrolled. Digital photography and a USB microscope camera were used to monitor the clinical results before one session of treatment with 27.12 MHz RF and after 1 and 3 weeks. Treated lesions included telangiectasias, cherry and spider angiomas, skin tags, seborrheic keratoses, lentigo, milium, dilated pore, acne, piercing hole, and one case of neurofibroma. For vascular lesions, clinical results were excellent for 33.3%, good for 44.4%, moderate for 11.1%, and poor for 11.1%. For nonvascular lesions (epidermal lesions and other benign cutaneous lesions), clinical results were excellent for 48.3%, good for 45.2%, moderate for 3.2%, and poor for 3.2%. No serious adverse events were observed. Mild adverse events reported were slight erythema, scale, and crust. The 27.12 MHz RF treatment of benign vascular and nonvascular lesions appears safe and effective after 3 weeks of follow-up

    Normal Human Merkel Cells are Present in Epidermal Cell Populations Isolated and Cultured from Glabrous and Hairy Skin Sites

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    The Merkel cell is a highly specialized cell that primarily acts as a slowly adapting mechanoreceptor. Merkel cells are scarce in normal skin but can be identified by the expression of distinct keratin filaments. Merkel cells constitute a very unique population and many questions still remain as to their origin, number, proliferative capacity, and functions in cutaneous biology. The dissociation of epidermal cells from skin is a widely used technique to extract and culture keratinocytes. We took advantage of a two-step extraction method to quantify keratin-20-expressing Merkel cells among total cutaneous cells obtained from either hairy or glabrous skin biopsies. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that keratin-20-labeled Merkel cells represent between 3.6% and 5.7% of freshly dissociated basal epidermal cells. No significant differences were seen between samples derived from glabrous palmar and hairy anatomic sites, from children and adult, respectively. We also report on the presence of Merkel cells in primary and first subcultures of epidermal cells indicating their capacity to remain viable after extraction from skin of various anatomic sites. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of nontumorigenic human Merkel cells in culture in vitro. The persistence of a small number of Merkel cells in culture suggests that, with the development of appropriate culture conditions, these cells could be amplified and further studied to unravel long-standing questions relative to their paracrine function or epithelial origin

    Production of a bilayered self-assembled skin substitute using a tissue-engineered acellular dermal matrix

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    Our bilayered self-assembled skin substitutes (SASS) are skin substitutes showing a structure and functionality very similar to native human skin. These constructs are used, in life-threatening burn wounds, as permanent autologous grafts for the treatment of such affected patients even though their production is exacting. We thus intended to shorten their current production time to improve their clinical applicability. A self-assembled decellularized dermal matrix (DM) was used. It allowed the production of an autologous skin substitute from patient's cells. The characterization of SASS reconstructed using a decellularized dermal matrix (SASS-DM) was performed by histology, immunofluorescence, transmission electron microscopy, and uniaxial tensile analysis. Using the SASS-DM, it was possible to reduce the standard production time from about 8 to 4 and a half weeks. The structure, cell differentiation, and mechanical properties of the new skin substitutes were shown to be similar to the SASS. The decellularization process had no influence on the final microstructure and mechanical properties of the DM. This model, by enabling the production of a skin substitute in a shorter time frame without compromising its intrinsic tissue properties, represents a promising addition to the currently available burn and wound treatments

    Improved methods to produce tissue-engineered skin substitutes suitable for the permanent closure of full-thickness skin injuries

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    There is a clinical need for skin substitutes to replace full-thickness skin loss. Our group has developed a bilayered skin substitute produced from the patient’s own fibroblasts and keratinocytes referred to as Self-Assembled Skin Substitute (SASS). After cell isolation and expansion, the current time required to produce SASS is 45 days. We aimed to optimize the manufacturing process to standardize the production of SASS and to reduce production time. The new approach consisted in seeding keratinocytes on a fibroblast-derived tissue sheet before its detachment from the culture plate. Four days following keratinocyte seeding, the resulting tissue was stacked on two fibroblast-derived tissue sheets and cultured at the air–liquid interface for 10 days. The resulting total production time was 31 days. An alternative method adapted to more contractile fibroblasts was also developed. It consisted in adding a peripheral frame before seeding fibroblasts in the culture plate. SASSs produced by both new methods shared similar histology, contractile behavior in vitro and in vivo evolution after grafting onto mice when compared with SASSs produced by the 45-day standard method. In conclusion, the new approach for the production of high-quality human skin substitutes should allow an earlier autologous grafting for the treatment of severely burned patients

    The Grizzly, December 9, 2010

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    UC Performing Arts to Come Together • Conflux Festival Allows for Innovative Technology • UCompost Continues to Help Create Change on Campus • Breakthroughs in Science Bring New Insight • UC Students Embrace Gaming and Some Late Night Fun • Clarifying the Calamity of Clamer Hall Renovations • Local Holiday Light Displays Worth Checking Out • Banning of Four Loko May Not Bring Change • Internship Profile: Inki Hong • Opinion: Korean War Could Cause International Problems; Review of the Diversity Monologues • Men\u27s Basketball Looks to Grow Throughout Season • Indoor Track and Field Begins Seasonhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1826/thumbnail.jp

    Les jeunes retraités : entre l’enchantement et le désenchantement

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    La présente réflexion se propose de jeter un regard sur le phénomène de la retraite anticipée. Plus précisément, à travers la revue des écrits et le témoignage d’une dizaine de retraités, elle tente d’examiner les facteurs qui militent en faveur d’une retraite hâtive, les éléments qui en favorisent l’adaptation, l’inadaptation ou la réorientation. Bref, cet article tente de répondre aux interrogations suivantes : Comment les jeunes retraités sont-ils entrés dans ce nouvel épisode de leur vie ? Comment réorganisent-ils leur temps ? Sont-ils satisfaits ? Questions pertinentes si l’on songe qu’au Québec l’espérance de vie d’une personne de 50 ans est de plus de 30 ans
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