103 research outputs found

    Remote state preparation of a photonic quantum state via quantum teleportation

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    We demonstrate an experimental realization of remote state preparation via the quantum teleportation algorithm, using an entangled photon pair in the polarization degree of freedom as the quantum resource. The input state is encoded on the path of one of the photons from the pair. The improved experimental scheme allows us to control the preparation and teleportation of a state over the entire Bloch sphere with a resolution of the degree of mixture given by the coherence length of the photon pair. Both the preparation of the input state and the implementation of the quantum gates are performed in a pair of chained displaced Sagnac interferometers, which contribute to the overall robustness of the setup. An average fidelity above 0.9 is obtained for the remote state preparation process. This scheme allows for a prepared state to be transmitted on every repetition of the experiment, thus giving an intrinsic success probability of 1.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Applied Physics B:Lasers and Optic

    Noisy quantum teleportation: An experimental study on the influence of local environments

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    We report experimental results on the action of selected local environments on the fidelity of the quantum teleportation protocol, taking into account non-ideal, realistic entangled resources. Different working conditions are theoretically identified, where a noisy protocol can be made almost insensitive to further addition of noise. We put to test these conditions on a photonic implementation of the quantum teleportation algorithm, where two polarization entangled qubits act as the entangled resource and a path qubit on Alice encodes the state to be teleported. Bob's path qubit is used to implement a local environment, while the environment on Alice's qubit is simulated as a weighed average of different pure states. We obtain a good agreement with the theoretical predictions, we experimentally recreate the conditions to obtain a noise-induced enhancement of the protocol fidelity, and we identify parameter regions of increased insensibility to interactions with specific noisy environments.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Approximation of holomorphic mappings on strongly pseudoconvex domains

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    Let D be a relatively compact strongly pseudoconvex domain in a Stein manifold, and let Y be a complex manifold. We prove that the set A(D,Y), consisting of all continuous maps from the closure of D to Y which are holomorphic in D, is a complex Banach manifold. When D is the unit disc in C (or any other topologically trivial strongly pseudoconvex domain in a Stein manifold), A(D,Y) is locally modeled on the Banach space A(D,C^n)=A(D)^n with n=dim Y. Analogous results hold for maps which are holomorphic in D and of class C^r up to the boundary for any positive integer r. We also establish the Oka property for sections of continuous or smooth fiber bundles over the closure of D which are holomorphic over D and whose fiber enjoys the Convex approximation property. The main analytic technique used in the paper is a method of gluing holomorphic sprays over Cartan pairs in Stein manifolds, with control up to the boundary, which was developed in our paper "Holomorphic curves in complex manifolds" (Duke Math. J. 139 (2007), no. 2, 203--253)

    Entanglement breaking channels and entanglement sudden death

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    The occurrence of entanglement sudden death in the evolution of a bipartite system depends on both the initial state and the channel responsible for the evolution. An extreme case is that of entanglement braking channels, which are channels that acting on only one of the subsystems drives them to full disentanglement regardless of the initial state. In general, one can find certain combinations of initial states and channels acting on one or both subsystems that can result in entanglement sudden death or not. Neither the channel nor the initial state, but their combination, is responsible for this effect, but their combination. In this work we show that, in all cases, when entanglement sudden death occurs, the evolution can be mapped to that of an effective entanglement breaking channel on a modified initial state. Our results allow to anticipate which states will suffer entanglement sudden death or not for a given evolution. An experiment with polarization entangled photons demonstrates the utility of this result in a variety of cases

    Cost analysis in oral cavity and oropharyngeal reconstructions with microvascular and pedicled flaps.

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    Reconstructive surgery of the head and neck region has undergone tremendous advancement over the past three decades, and the success rate of free tissue transfers has risen to greater than 95\%. It must always be considered that not all patients are ideal candidates for free flap reconstruction, and also that not every defect strictly requires a free flap transfer to achieve good functional results. At our institution, free flap reconstruction is first choice, although we use pedicled alternative flaps for most weak patients suffering from severe comorbidities, and for pretreated patients presenting a second primary or a recurrent cancer. From July 2006 to May 2010, 54 consecutive patients underwent soft tissue reconstruction of oral cavity and oropharyngeal defects. We divided the cohort in three groups: Group 1 (G1): 16 patients in good general conditions that received free radial forearm flap reconstruction; Group 2 (G2): 18 high-risk patients that received a reconstruction with infrahyoid flap; Group 3 (G3): 20 patients that received temporal flap (10 cases) or pectoral flap (10 cases) reconstruction. We must highlight that pedicled alternative flaps were used in elderly, unfavourable and weak patients, where usually the medical costs tend to rise rather than decrease. We compared the healthcare costs of the three groups, calculating real costs in each group from review of medical records and operating room registers, and calculating the corresponding DRG system reimbursement. For real costs, we found a statistically significant difference among groups: in G1 the average total cost per patient was € 22,924, in G2 it was € 18,037 and in G3 was € 19,872 (p = 0.043). The amount of the refund, based on the DRG system, was € 7,650 per patient, independently of the type of surgery. Our analysis shows that the use of alternative non-microvascular techniques, in high-risk patients, is functionally and oncologically sound, and can even produce a cost savings. In particular, the infrahyoid flap (G2) ensures excellent functional results, accompanied by the best economic savings in the worst group of patients. Our data reflect a large disconnection between the DRG system and actual treatment costs.Abstract available from the publisher

    Scheme for sub-shot-noise transmission measurement using a time multiplexed single-photon source

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    A promising result from optical quantum metrology is the ability to achieve sub-shot-noise performance in transmission or absorption measurements. This is due to the significantly lower uncertainty in light intensity of quantum beams with respect to their classical counterparts. In this work, we simulate the outcome of an experiment that uses a multiplexed single-photon source based on pair generation by continuous spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) followed by a time multiplexing set-up with a binary temporal division strategy, considering several types of experimental losses. With such source, the sub-Poissonian statistics of the output signal is the key for achieving sub-shot-noise performance. We compare the numerical results with two paradigmatic limits: the shot-noise limit (achieved using coherent sources) and the quantum limit (obtained with an ideal photon-number Fock state as the input source). We also investigate conditions in which threshold detectors can be used, and the effect of input light fluctuations on the measurement error. Results show that sub-shot-noise performance can be achieved, even without using number-resolving detectors, with improvement factors that range from 1.5 to 2. This technique would allow measurements of optical absorption of a sample with reasonable uncertainty using ultra-low light intensity and minimum disruption of biological or other fragile specimens.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Tobacco exposure and complications in conservative laryngeal surgery.

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    Smoking is an important risk factor in the development of head and neck cancer. However, little is known about its effects on postoperative complications in head and neck cancer surgery. We performed a retrospective analysis on 535 consecutive laryngeal cancer patients submitted to open partial laryngectomy at the Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Department of Florence University to evaluate a possible correlation between smoking and surgical complications. Patients were grouped in non smokers and smokers and evaluated for airway, swallowing, local and fistula complications by multivariate analysis: 507 (95\%) patients were smokers, 69\% presented supraglottic, 30\% glottic and 1\% transglottic cancer. The most common operation was supraglottic horizontal laryngectomy in 58\%, followed by supracricoid partial laryngectomy in 27\% and frontolateral hemilaryngectomy in 15\% of cases. The incidence of overall complications was 30\%, airway complications representing the most frequent (14\%), followed by swallowing (7\%), local (6\%) and fistula complications (3\%). Smokers developed more local complications (p = 0.05, univariate, p = 0.04, multivariate analysis) and pharyngocutaneous fistula (p = 0.01, univariate, p = 0.03, multivariate analysis)

    Guiding of intense laser beams in highly ionized plasma columns generated by a fast capillary discharge

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    Includes bibliographical references (pages 235002-4).We have demonstrated the guiding of laser pulses with peak intensities up to 2.2 × 1017 W/cm2 in a 5.5 cm long plasma column containing highly charged Ar ions generated by a fast capillary discharge. A rapid discharge-driven hydrodynamic compression guides progressively lower order modes through a plasma with increasing density and degree of ionization, until the guide collapses on axis. The lowest order mode (FWHM ~50 μm) is guided with 75% transmission efficiency shortly before the plasma reaches the conditions for lasing in Ne-like Ar. The subsequent rapid plasma expansion forms a significantly leakier and more absorbent guide