
Remote state preparation of a photonic quantum state via quantum teleportation


We demonstrate an experimental realization of remote state preparation via the quantum teleportation algorithm, using an entangled photon pair in the polarization degree of freedom as the quantum resource. The input state is encoded on the path of one of the photons from the pair. The improved experimental scheme allows us to control the preparation and teleportation of a state over the entire Bloch sphere with a resolution of the degree of mixture given by the coherence length of the photon pair. Both the preparation of the input state and the implementation of the quantum gates are performed in a pair of chained displaced Sagnac interferometers, which contribute to the overall robustness of the setup. An average fidelity above 0.9 is obtained for the remote state preparation process. This scheme allows for a prepared state to be transmitted on every repetition of the experiment, thus giving an intrinsic success probability of 1.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Applied Physics B:Lasers and Optic

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