95 research outputs found

    Vers une construction collaborative de bases d'amers géo-référencées pour la localisation en ligne d'un véhicule en milieu urbain

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    National audienceL'aide à la navigation par Réalité Augmentée RA nécessite une estimation précise des six paramètres de la camera. Pour ceci, les solutions de localisation par vision passent par une étape de modélisation hors ligne de l'environnement. Tandis que les solutions existantes exigent des matériels coûteux et/ou un temps d'exécution très important, nous proposons dans cet article un processus qui crée automatiquement une modélisation précise de l'environnement en utilisant uniquement une caméra standard, un GPS bas coût et des modèles SIG Système d'Informations Géographique disponible gratuitement

    GPS différentiel basé vision : Amélioration de la fusion SLAM/GPS à l'aide des modèles 3D des bâtiments

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    National audienceNous proposons dans cet article une solution originale pour la localisation d'un véhicule en zone urbaine. Celleci exploite uniquement des matériels peu couteux : une caméra VGA, un GPS standard et des données issues d'un Système d'Information Géographique (SIG) tel que celui de l'IGN ou d'OpenStreeMap. Comme d'autres auparavant, notre approche repose sur un module de fusion d'un SLAM visuel avec les données GPS. Cependant, en plus de l'estimation du mouvement du véhicule, notre solution se distingue par l'estimation et la correction du biais affectant les données GPS. A la manière d'un GPS différentiel, ce biais est estimé dynamiquement en comparant la reconstruction SLAM avec les modèles 3D de ville. Les données GPS, ainsi corrigées, sont alors utilisées par le module de fusion. Il en résulte une précision de localisation jusqu'ici inaccessible avec un GPS standard. Ceci a permis son exploitation dans des applications de Réalité Augmentée

    SLAM contraint pour la localisation dans des environnements partiellement connus

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    National audienceCet article porte sur la localisation temps réel d'une caméra mobile dans un environnement partiellement connu. Ces travaux reposent sur une solution de type SLAM monoculaire et traitent la problématique de dérive inhérente à ce type de méthode en proposant un nouvel ajustement de faisceaux, dit ajustement de faisceaux contraint. Ce dernier permet d'intégrer des contraintes géométriques apportées par le modèle partiellement connu de la scène. Nous montrons l'apport de cette nouvelle méthode sur des applications de Réalité Augmentée sur de petits et grands environnements

    Prevalence of Mood Disorders and Associated Factors at the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Potocol for a Community Survey in La Manouba Governorate, Tunisia

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    Aims: The present survey aims to assess the overall mood disorder prevalence and identify associated socio-demographic and clinical factors in a Tunisian community sample, with special attention to the COVID-19 pandemic. Background: Mood disorders are one of the leading causes of all non-fatal burdens of disease, with depression being at the top of the list. The COVID-19 pandemic may have increased the prevalence of mood disorders, especially in Low and Middle-income countries (LMICs) and in vulnerable populations. Objective: 1/ Assess point and lifetime prevalence of depressive and bipolar disorders as well as subthreshold bipolarity in a representative population sample of La Manouba governorate and assess treatment patterns for these disorders; 2/Study socio-demographic and clinical correlates of mood disorders 3/ Assess the association between mood disorders and quality of life 4/ Study the impact of the COVID-pandemic on the prevalence of mood disorders 5/ Assess coping mechanisms to the COVID-pandemic and whether these mechanisms moderate the appearance of mood disorders or symptoms since the beginning of the pandemic Methods: This is a household cross-sectional observational survey to be conducted in La Manouba Governorate in a sample of 4540 randomly selected individuals aged ≥ 15 years. Data collection will be carried out by trained interviewers with clinical experience, through face-to-face interviews and the use of the computer assisted personal interviewing approach (CAPI). The following assessment tools are administered: Results: Structured clinical Interview for DSM IV-TR (Mood disorder section and Screening questions on Anxiety), Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ), Suicide Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised (SBQ), 12-item Short Form Survey (SF-12), the Brief-COPE, and a questionnaire about a headache. In addition, socio-demographic and clinical data will be collected. Conclusion: This will be one of the very few household surveys in a general population sample to assess mental health problems and COVID-19-related variables since the beginning of the pandemic. Through this research, we aim to obtain an epidemiological profile of mood disorders in Tunisia and an estimation of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their prevalence. Results should contribute to improving mental health care in Tunisia

    Telepsychiatry During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Development of a Protocol for Telemental Health Care

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    Background The rapid spread of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has forced most countries to take drastic public health measures, including the closure of most mental health outpatient services and some inpatient units. This has suddenly created the need to adapt and expand telepsychiatry care across the world. However, not all health care services might be ready to cope with this public health demand. The present study was set to create a practical and clinically useful protocol for telemental health care to be applied in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Methods A panel of psychiatrists from 15 different countries [covering all World Health Organization (WHO) regions] was convened. The panel used a combination of reactive Delphi technique and consensus development conference strategies to develop a protocol for the provision of telemental health care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results The proposed protocol describes a semi-structured initial assessment and a series of potential interventions matching mild, moderate, or high-intensity needs of target populations. Conclusions Telemedicine has become a pivotal tool in the task of ensuring the continuous provision of mental health care for the population, and the outlined protocol can assist with this task. The strength of this protocol lies in its practicality, clinical usefulness, and wide transferability, resulting from the diversity of the consensus group that developed it. Developed by psychiatrists from around the globe, the proposed protocol may prove helpful for many clinical and cultural contexts, assisting mental health care providers worldwide

    COVID-19 mental health care toolkit: an international collaborative effort by Early Career Psychiatrists section

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    The collaborative effort of an international research team from the Early Career Psychiatrists section of the World Psychiatry Association has brought about an easy-to-use, quick and stepwise mental health care toolkit for the identification and appropriate referral of those in need of mental health care during the pandemic. This simple guide can be applied in the general outpatient setting and is catered for all healthcare professionals, regardless of their expertise within the mental health field with minimal training. It is our hope that by incorporating this toolkit into our daily clinical care during the pandemic for high-risk patients and patients with non-specific complaints, we will be able to bridge the mental health gap present in our society