6,704 research outputs found

    Faint Field Galaxies Around Bright Stars - A New Strategy for Imaging at the Diffraction Limit

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    This paper presents a new strategy for observing faint galaxies with high order natural guide star systems. We have imaged 5 high galactic latitude fields within the isoplanatic patch of bright stars (8.5 < R < 10.3 mag). The fields provide a rich set of faint field galaxies that are observable with a natural guide star adaptive optics system on a large telescope. Due to the small fields of many AO science cameras, these preliminary images are necessary to identify candidate galaxies. We present the photometry and positions for 78 objects (at least 40 galaxies) near five bright stars, appropriate for diffraction limited studies with the Keck and other AO systems on large ground-based telescopes. The K band seeing conditions in each field were excellent (0.4" - 0.7") allowing us to identify stars and estimate galaxy sizes. We also simulate AO images of field galaxies to determine the feasibility of infrared morphological studies at the diffraction limit. With new high order AO systems coming on line with 8-10 meter class telescopes, we believe these observations are invaluable in beginning to study faint galaxy populations at the diffraction limit.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in P.A.S.

    Profiles of near-resonant population-imbalanced trapped Fermi gases

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    We investigate the density profiles of a partially polarized trapped Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover region using mean field theory within the local density approximation. Within this approximation the gas is phase separated into concentric shells. We describe how the structure of these shells depends upon the polarization and the interaction strength. A Comparison with experiments yields insight into the possibility of a polarized superfluid phase.Comment: 4 pages, 5 Figures, Published versio

    Magnetic field dependence of the superconducting gap node topology in non-centrosymmetric CePt3_3Si

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    The non-centrosymmetric superconductor CePt3_3Si is believed to have a line node in the energy gap arising from coexistence of s-wave and p-wave pairing. We show that a weak c-axis magnetic field will remove this line node, since it has no topological stability against time-reversal symmetry breaking perturbations. Conversely a field in the a−ba-b plane is shown to remove the line node on some regions of the Fermi surface, while bifurcating the line node in other directions, resulting in two 'boomerang'-like shapes. These line node topological changes are predicted to be observable experimentally in the low temperature heat capacity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Abrikosov flux-lines in two-band superconductors with mixed dimensionality

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    We study vortex structure in a two-band superconductor, in which one band is ballistic and quasi-two-dimensional (2D), and the other is diffusive and three-dimensional (3D). A circular cell approximation of the vortex lattice within the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity is applied to a recently developed model appropriate for such a two-band system [Tanaka et al 2006 Phys. Rev. B 73, 220501(R); Tanaka et al 2007 Phys. Rev. B 75, 214512]. We assume that superconductivity in the 3D diffusive band is "weak", i.e., mostly induced, as is the case in MgB2_2. Hybridization with the "weak" 3D diffusive band has significant and intriguing influence on the electronic structure of the "strong" 2D ballistic band. In particular, the Coulomb repulsion and the diffusivity in the "weak" band enhance suppression of the order parameter and enlargement of the vortex core by magnetic field in the "strong" band, resulting in reduced critical temperature and field. Moreover, increased diffusivity in the "weak" band can result in an upward curvature of the upper critical field near the transition temperature. A particularly interesting feature found in our model is the appearance of additional bound states at the gap edge in the "strong" ballistic band, which are absent in the single-band case. Furthermore, coupling with the "weak" diffusive band leads to reduced band gaps and van Hove singularities of energy bands of the vortex lattice in the "strong" ballistic band. We find these intriguing features for parameter values appropriate for MgB2_2.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Finite-Size Scaling Critical Behavior of Randomly Pinned Spin-Density Waves

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    We have performed Monte Carlo studies of the 3D XYXY model with random uniaxial anisotropy, which is a model for randomly pinned spin-density waves. We study L×L×LL \times L \times L simple cubic lattices, using LL values in the range 16 to 64, and with random anisotropy strengths of D/2JD / 2 J = 1, 2, 3, 6 and ∞\infty. There is a well-defined finite temperature critical point, TcT_c, for each these values of D/2JD / 2 J. We present results for the angle-averaged magnetic structure factor, S(k)S (k) at TcT_c for L=64L = 64. We also use finite-size scaling analysis to study scaling functions for the critical behavior of the specific heat, the magnetization and the longitudinal magnetic susceptibility. Good data collapse of the scaling functions over a wide range of TT is seen for D/2JD / 2 J = 6 and ∞\infty. For our finite values of D/2JD / 2 J the scaled magnetization function increases with LL below TcT_c, and appears to approach an LL-independent limit for large LL. This suggests that the system is ferromagnetic below TcT_c.Comment: 21 pages in single column format, 20 .eps files, revised and expanded, errors corrected, submitted to PR

    Shot-noise-driven escape in hysteretic Josephson junctions

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    We have measured the influence of shot noise on hysteretic Josephson junctions initially in macroscopic quantum tunnelling (MQT) regime. Escape threshold current into the resistive state decreases monotonically with increasing average current through the scattering conductor, which is another tunnel junction. Escape is predominantly determined by excitation due to the wide-band shot noise. This process is equivalent to thermal activation (TA) over the barrier at temperatures up to about four times above the critical temperature of the superconductor. The presented TA model is in excellent agreement with the experimental results

    Superfluidity and magnetism in multicomponent ultracold fermions

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    We study the interplay between superfluidity and magnetism in a multicomponent gas of ultracold fermions. Ward-Takahashi identities constrain possible mean-field states describing order parameters for both pairing and magnetization. The structure of global phase diagrams arises from competition among these states as functions of anisotropies in chemical potential, density, or interactions. They exhibit first and second order phase transition as well as multicritical points, metastability regions, and phase separation. We comment on experimental signatures in ultracold atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Discrete transverse superconducting modes in nano-cylinders

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    Spatial variation in the superconducting order parameter becomes significant when the system is confined at dimensions well below the typical superconducting coherence length. Motivated by recent experimental success in growing single-crystal metallic nanorods, we study quantum confinement effects on superconductivity in a cylindrical nanowire in the clean limit. For large diameters, where the transverse level spacing is smaller than superconducting order parameter, the usual approximations of Ginzburg-Landau theory are recovered. However, under external magnetic field the order parameter develops a spatial variation much stronger than that predicted by Ginzburg-Landau theory, and gapless superconductivity is obtained above a certain field strength. At small diameters, the discrete nature of the transverse modes produces significant spatial variations in the order parameter with increased average magnitude and multiple shoulders in the magnetic response.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Emergence of Quintet Superfluidity in the Chain of Partially Polarized Spin-3/2 Ultracold Atom

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    The system of ultracold atoms with hyperfine spin F=3/2F=3/2 might be unstable against the formation of quintet pairs if the interaction is attractive in the quintet channel. We have investigated the behavior of correlation functions in a model including only s-wave interactions at quarter filling by large-scale density-matrix renormalization-group simulations. We show that the correlations of quintet pairs become quasi-long-ranged, when the system is partially polarized, leading to the emergence of various mixed superfluid phases in which BCS-like pairs carrying different magnetic moment coexist.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; significantly rewritten compared to the first versio
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