116 research outputs found

    Summary of updates to the 2021 European Society of Cardiology Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure

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    The article provides a summary of the 2021 European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure (CHF). The most significant changes for general practitioners, internists and primary care cardiologists, from our point of view, regards etiology, terminology, as well as algorithms for diagnosing and treating CHF in accordance with phenotypes, new indications to a number of drugs, in particular sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitors (dapagliflozin and empagliflozin) with assignment of class I recommended therapy and vericiguat. The article discusses the diagnostic criteria for different heart failure phenotypes, the potential of treating patients with heart failure mildly reduced and preserved ejection fraction

    Heart failure and atrial fibrillation: updates and perspectives

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    The article discusses modern approaches and features of management, as well as predicting the risk of complications in patients with cardiac arrhythmias, in particular, atrial fibrillation, and the potential of using conservative and interventional treatment methods for heart failure (HF), taking into account updates and achievements in clinical practice. Epidemiological data, algorithms for managing patients with HF and atrial fibrillation, prevention of thromboembolic events, results of studies comparing the effectiveness of different strategies for atrial fibrillation treatment, catheter ablation compared with drug therapy in patients with HF are presented


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    A mathematical model and algorithm of the hydraulic calculation of the crystallization wall with a complex connection of a periodically repeated system of horizontal and vertical channels are considered. A computer program allowing one to perform the hydraulic calculation of the crystallizer plate having an arbitrary number of channels of various forms and sizes is created based on the developed mathematical model. The possibilities of this software product when designing copper crystallizes to select their geometric parameters and rational regimes of hydraulic operation are shown.Рассмотрены математическая модель и алгоритм гидравлического расчета стенки кристаллизатора со сложным соединением периодически повторяющейся системы горизонтальных и вертикальных каналов. По разработанной математической модели создана компьютерная программа, позволяющая проводить гидравлический расчет стенки кристаллизатора, имеющей произвольное количество каналов различных форм и размеров. Показаны возможности этого программного продукта при конструировании медных кристаллизаторов для выбора их геометрических параметров и рациональных режимов гидравлической работы

    Сравнение классификаций и обоснование необходимости трансдисциплинарного консенсуса для учета заболеваемости и смертности, ассоциированной с хронической сердечной недостаточностью

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    A significant number of studies on chronic heart failure (CHF) are published worldwide. However, the issue of uniform criteria and approaches to accounting for ambulatory care and mortality associated with this pathology in patient accounting systems has remained resolved, meaning the data and indicators obtained in different regions and countries are not comparable. The aim of the article is to substantiate the need for discussion in the Russian Society of Cardiology on the possibility, principles and methodology of uniform accounting of ambulatory care, hospitalizations and deaths associated with chronic heart failure in healthcare using the classifications of heart failure applied in clinical practice.Основные положения. Статья посвящена анализу применения используемых в клинической практике классификаций хронической сердечной недостаточности для учета случаев амбулаторного лечения, госпитализаций, смертей и возможности сравнения этих данных. Для получения сопоставимых (по регионам, странам) данных о распространенности, госпитализации и смерти, ассоциированной с хронической сердечной недостаточностью, требуются согласованные критерии сердечной недостаточности и единые правила учета в информационных системах.Резюме. В мировой литературе представлено значительное число исследований, посвященных хронической сердечной недостаточности. Однако до сих пор не решен вопрос единых критериев и подходов к учету случаев оказания медицинской помощи и смерти, ассоциированной с данной патологией, вследствие чего результаты работ и показатели регионов и разных стран малосопоставимы. Цель статьи – обоснование необходимости дискуссии на уровне Российского кардиологического общества о возможности, принципах и методике единообразного учета в системе здравоохранения случаев амбулаторного лечения, госпитализаций и смертей, ассоциированных с хронической сердечной недостаточностью, на основе используемых в клинической практике классификаций заболевания

    Epidemiology of dermatological pathology and the need for adolescent cosmetology in children of pubert

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    The aim of the study - to assess the need for adolescents aged 14-17 years in consultation and treatment with a dermatovenereologist and cosmetologist and the level of offer of cosmetic procedures in the clinic for this age period.Цель исследования – оценить уровень потребности подростков в медицинской помощи дерматовенеролога/косметолога и современное состояние уровня предложения косметологических процедур в медицинских учреждениях для подростков

    Fibulin-2 Is a Driver of Malignant Progression in Lung Adenocarcinoma

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    The extracellular matrix of epithelial tumors undergoes structural remodeling during periods of uncontrolled growth, creating regional heterogeneity and torsional stress. How matrix integrity is maintained in the face of dynamic biophysical forces is largely undefined. Here we investigated the role of fibulin-2, a matrix glycoprotein that functions biomechanically as an inter-molecular clasp and thereby facilitates supra-molecular assembly. Fibulin-2 was abundant in the extracellular matrix of human lung adenocarcinomas and was highly expressed in tumor cell lines derived from mice that develop metastatic lung adenocarcinoma from co-expression of mutant K-ras and p53. Loss-offunction experiments in tumor cells revealed that fibulin-2 was required for tumor cells to grow and metastasize in syngeneic mice, a surprising finding given that other intra-tumoral cell types are known to secrete fibulin-2. However, tumor cells grew and metastasized equally well in Fbln2-null and -wildtype littermates, implying that malignant progression was dependent specifically upon tumor cellderived fibulin-2, which could not be offset by other cellular sources of fibulin-2. Fibulin-2 deficiency impaired the ability of tumor cells to migrate and invade in Boyden chambers, to create a stiff extracellular matrix in mice, to cross-link secreted collagen, and to adhere to collagen. We conclude that fibulin-2 is a driver of malignant progression in lung adenocarcinoma and plays an unexpected role in collagen cross-linking and tumor cell adherence to collagen

    Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Yersinia pestis Using Amplification of Plague Diagnostic Bacteriophages Monitored by Real-Time PCR

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    BACKGROUND: Yersinia pestis, the agent of plague, has caused many millions of human deaths and still poses a serious threat to global public health. Timely and reliable detection of such a dangerous pathogen is of critical importance. Lysis by specific bacteriophages remains an essential method of Y. pestis detection and plague diagnostics. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The objective of this work was to develop an alternative to conventional phage lysis tests--a rapid and highly sensitive method of indirect detection of live Y. pestis cells based on quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) monitoring of amplification of reporter Y. pestis-specific bacteriophages. Plague diagnostic phages phiA1122 and L-413C were shown to be highly effective diagnostic tools for the detection and identification of Y. pestis by using qPCR with primers specific for phage DNA. The template DNA extraction step that usually precedes qPCR was omitted. phiA1122-specific qPCR enabled the detection of an initial bacterial concentration of 10(3) CFU/ml (equivalent to as few as one Y. pestis cell per 1-microl sample) in four hours. L-413C-mediated detection of Y. pestis was less sensitive (up to 100 bacteria per sample) but more specific, and thus we propose parallel qPCR for the two phages as a rapid and reliable method of Y. pestis identification. Importantly, phiA1122 propagated in simulated clinical blood specimens containing EDTA and its titer rise was detected by both a standard plating test and qPCR. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Thus, we developed a novel assay for detection and identification of Y. pestis using amplification of specific phages monitored by qPCR. The method is simple, rapid, highly sensitive, and specific and allows the detection of only live bacteria

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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