282 research outputs found

    Spectral triples and the super-Virasoro algebra

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    We construct infinite dimensional spectral triples associated with representations of the super-Virasoro algebra. In particular the irreducible, unitary positive energy representation of the Ramond algebra with central charge c and minimal lowest weight h=c/24 is graded and gives rise to a net of even theta-summable spectral triples with non-zero Fredholm index. The irreducible unitary positive energy representations of the Neveu-Schwarz algebra give rise to nets of even theta-summable generalised spectral triples where there is no Dirac operator but only a superderivation.Comment: 27 pages; v2: a comment concerning the difficulty in defining cyclic cocycles in the NS case have been adde

    Limits of Gaudin algebras, quantization of bending flows, Jucys--Murphy elements and Gelfand--Tsetlin bases

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    Gaudin algebras form a family of maximal commutative subalgebras in the tensor product of nn copies of the universal enveloping algebra U(\g) of a semisimple Lie algebra \g. This family is parameterized by collections of pairwise distinct complex numbers z1,...,znz_1,...,z_n. We obtain some new commutative subalgebras in U(\g)^{\otimes n} as limit cases of Gaudin subalgebras. These commutative subalgebras turn to be related to the hamiltonians of bending flows and to the Gelfand--Tsetlin bases. We use this to prove the simplicity of spectrum in the Gaudin model for some new cases.Comment: 11 pages, references adde

    Estado nutricional mineral del ganado lechero en el altiplano de Pasto, Nariño.

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    El objetivo del trabajo fué conocer la situación mineral en el ganado de leche, del altiplano de Nariño (Colombia). Se seleccionaron 5 fincas para realizar muestreos en suelo-planta-animal en 2 épocas del año: fin de invierno y terminación del verano. El pasto predominante fué el tetrelite (80 a 90 por ciento) se utilizaron 5 animales/finca los cuales recibieron mezcla mineral a voluntad con 8 por ciento de P. Los suelos de las 5 fincas aunque diferentes, mostraron altas concentraciones de materia orgánica y niveles de elementos minerales entre subnormales y deficitarios, especialmente en P, Cu y Zn. En invierno y verano las concentraciones promedios de proteina cruda (13.82 y 14.43 por ciento), de digestibilidad de materia seca (86.94 y 77.25 por ciento) y de fibra en detergente ácido (27.45 y 22.29 por ciento) se consideran suficientes para garantizar un buen consumo de materia seca y una producción de leche aceptable (15 lt/día en el invierno y 10 en el verano). Los elementos minerales en los forrajes presentaron grandes diferencias entre fincas y estaciones quedando dentro de los llamados niveles normales el Ca, K, Fe y Mn, dentro de los subnormales el Mn y el S y dentro de los francamente deficitarios el P, el Cu y el Zn. Los elementos analizados mostraron altas diferencias de suero entre fincas, estaciones e interacciones entre finca por época. El Ca, P y Mg superaron los niveles críticos, aunque el Cu en promedio resultó normal en el verano, pero deficiente en el invierno. El Zn alcanzó nivel normal durante las lluvias, pero fue deficiente en el verano, mostrando que las sales minerales empleadas no satisfacen las necesidades de Cu y Zn y que se exceden en Fe y Mn, los cuales pueden interferir el buen uso de los dos microelementos. El Cu fue deficiente en todas las fincas en las dos estaciones.;Al elaborar mezclas minerales para esta zona, debe incrementarse la concentración de Mg, Cu y Zn para aumentar o mantener la producción lechera sin causar problemas nutricionales a los animalesGanado de leche-Ganadería lech

    Lupane-type triterpenes and their anti-cancer activities against most common malignant tumors

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    In recent times, a great deal of interest has been motivated on plant derived compounds known as nutraceuticals. These compounds exert important beneficial activities that improve people’s health status when are consumed regularly, and now they appear as a viable option to explore their possible therapeutic effects against diseases like cancer. Particularly, lupane-type triterpenes have shown great ability to modulate multiple cancer-related signaling pathways and processes, including NF-κB, Wnt/β-catenin, PI3K/Akt, apoptosis, and many other routes related to proliferation or cell death, which are uncontrolled in malignant tumors. These investigations have promoted in vitro and in vivo studies, searching their mechanisms of action; although more research is still needed to prove its potential in human clinical trials. This review focuses on the ability of betulin, betulinic acid and lupeol to show benefits against the most common types of malignant tumors, which are considered a major global threat for public health

    Efecto del cobre, fósforo y calcio en ganancias de peso del ganado en pastoreo.

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    En la granja Turipaná, en el departamento de Córdoba, Colombia, se realiza un experimento de ceba en pasto pará usando 3 mezclas de sales: sal comercial (1), fosfato bicálcico más sulfato de cobre (2), y sulfato de cobre (3). Durante 320 días se mide el aumento de peso cada 28 días y se determinan los contenidos de minerales en forraje, suero e hígado. La mayoría de elementos minerales en forraje, suero e hígado presentan valores más altos en sequía, Mn, Cu y P presentan valores más altos en época de lluvia. Las variaciones de elementos minerales al inicio y al final del ensayo en los 3 tratamientos muestran una disminución de Ca, P y Mg en suero, las concentraciones iniciales de Zn fueron altas y continuaron aumentando. El Cu inició el ensayo con concentraciones deficientes en la sangre, pero solo redujo su nivel en el grupo 1. En hígado, con Cu se observa comportamiento similar al del suero en los tratamientos 1 y 2. Las concentraciones de Fe y Zn fueron normales en ambos períodos. El Mn se redujo en los 3 tratamientos y siempre fué subnormal. Se confirma que los elementos más susceptibles a deficiencias en la región son el Cu, P y Ca. Se encontró diferencia en el aumento de peso no significativa entre tratamientos (142, 137, 127 kg para las sales 3, 2 y comercial respectivamente). Los rendimientos diarios en peso fueron susceptibles en época de lluvia. El costo de las sales 2 y 3 fue de 64.4 por ciento y 34 por ciento de la comercialGanado de doble propósito-Ganaderia doble proposit

    Treatment of Truncal Incompetence and Varicose Veins with a Single Administration of a New Polidocanol Endovenous Microfoam Preparation Improves Symptoms and Appearance

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    ObjectiveThis multicenter, parallel group study was designed to determine if a single administration of ≤15 mL of pharmaceutical-grade polidocanol endovenous microfoam (PEM, now approved in the United States as Varithena [polidocanol injectable foam], BTG International Ltd.) could alleviate symptoms and improve appearance of varicose veins in a typical population of patients with moderate to very severe symptoms of superficial venous incompetence and visible varicosities of the great saphenous vein (GSV) system.MethodsThe primary endpoint was patient-reported venous symptom improvement measured by change from baseline to Week 8 in 7-day average VVSymQ score. Co-secondary endpoints measured improvement in appearance of visible varicose veins from baseline to Week 8, as measured by the Independent Photography Review–Visible Varicose Veins (IPR-V3) and Patient Self-assessment of Visible Varicose Veins (PA-V3) scores. Patients were randomized to five groups: PEM 0.125% (control), 0.5%, 1%, 2%, or placebo. Adverse events (AEs) were recorded at each study visit. Tertiary endpoints measured duplex ultrasound response, changes in venous clinical severity score, and the modified Venous Insufficiency Epidemiological and Economic Study–Quality of Life/Symptoms.ResultsAt Week 8, VVSymQ scores for the pooled PEM group (0.5% + 1% + 2%; p < .0001) and individual dose concentrations (p < .001) were significantly superior to placebo. Mean changes from baseline to Week 8 in IPR-V3 and PA-V3 scores were significantly greater for pooled PEM than for placebo (p < .0001). Most AEs were mild and resolved without sequelae. No pulmonary emboli were reported.ConclusionsThis study demonstrated that a single administration of up to 15 mL of PEM is a safe, effective, and convenient treatment for the symptoms of superficial venous incompetence and the appearance of visible varicosities of the GSV system. Doses of 0.5%, 1%, and 2% PEM appear to have an acceptable risk-benefit ratio

    The personal is political: reframing individual acts of kindness as social solidarity in social work practice

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    This paper develops the theoretical position proposed by Zygmunt Bauman (2009), that one of the greatest contemporary ‘social evils’ or injustices we face in society, is the total marketization and individualisation of our lived experience. Bauman (2009) along with Harvey (2005) argues that the last forty years of social, political, and economic reform under the zeitgeist of neoliberalism have transferred the burden of care from the state to the individual. This paper will explore the position that the dominant neoliberal culture within social work, in the form of ‘new managerialism’ has reconstituted social work institutionally as one where interventions now focus on minimum statutory interventions emphasising; risk management, resource allocation, audit culture, and the promotion of self-care through a case work methodology. The discussion will analyse these macro social, political and economic discourses using an ethnographic approach based upon Michael Burawoy’s Global Ethnographic (GE) methodology (Burawoy et al, 2010). Despite the current landscape the research highlights the importance of the personal reframed as the political, and the nuanced ways in which acts of defiance and resistance against the prevailing orthodoxies have been adopted by social workers on the front line
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