7 research outputs found

    Manfaat Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) sebagai intervensi keperawatan dalam meningkatkan Quality of Life (QOL) wanita kanker payudara yang menjalani kemoterapi

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    Based on epidemiological data, the incidence recorded globally by theInternational Agency for Research On Cancer (IARC) in 2012, as many as 43.3women had breast cancer. The patient will undergoing chemotherapy andexperience various disturbing symptoms. Various complaints can affect QOL.One of the therapies recommended by the journal Oncology Nursing is thetherapy of Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR).Objective: To find out the benefits of PMR as one of the nursing interventions indealing with the quality of life for women Ca. Mammae is undergoingchemotherapyThe method used in this paper is a review literature study. Databases used insource search are CINAHL, PubMed, Science Direct, and Medline. The criterionof inclusion in literature search is the year of article publishing starting in 2010until 2018, and the English full article. Search keywords are Progressive MuscleRelaxation, breast cancer, quality of life and chemotherapy. Literature analysisuses PICOT (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time).Based on the analysis found 5 themes, namely the quality of life characteristicsof patients undergoing chemotherapy, PMR as a relaxation therapy, PMR as apsychological stress reduction intervention, PMR as an intervention to increasemuscle metabolism, and PMR as a pain reduction intervention.Patients who undergoing chemotherapy will experience a decrease in QOL. PMRis a recommended intervention to improve patient QOL

    Manfaat Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) sebagai intervensi keperawatan dalam meningkatkan Quality of Life (QOL) wanita kanker payudara yang menjalani kemoterapi

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    Based on epidemiological data, the incidence recorded globally by theInternational Agency for Research On Cancer (IARC) in 2012, as many as 43.3women had breast cancer. The patient will undergoing chemotherapy andexperience various disturbing symptoms. Various complaints can affect QOL.One of the therapies recommended by the journal Oncology Nursing is thetherapy of Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR).Objective: To find out the benefits of PMR as one of the nursing interventions indealing with the quality of life for women Ca. Mammae is undergoingchemotherapyThe method used in this paper is a review literature study. Databases used insource search are CINAHL, PubMed, Science Direct, and Medline. The criterionof inclusion in literature search is the year of article publishing starting in 2010until 2018, and the English full article. Search keywords are Progressive MuscleRelaxation, breast cancer, quality of life and chemotherapy. Literature analysisuses PICOT (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time).Based on the analysis found 5 themes, namely the quality of life characteristicsof patients undergoing chemotherapy, PMR as a relaxation therapy, PMR as apsychological stress reduction intervention, PMR as an intervention to increasemuscle metabolism, and PMR as a pain reduction intervention.Patients who undergoing chemotherapy will experience a decrease in QOL. PMRis a recommended intervention to improve patient QOL

    Self Care Management Activities to Improve Psychological Serenity of Cancer Patients

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    Cancer patients need intensive psychological assistance when undergoing the process of cancer treatment. Nurses have a duty to provide holistic nursing care, namely by handling psychological serenity in cancer patients. The purpose of making this study is to provide scientific information to nurses related to self care management activities that can be educated to patients in order to provide psychological calm while undergoing treatment independently. The design used was a literature review study, using various databased CINAHL, PubMed, Science Direct, Google Schoolar, and Medline. Searching for articles was carried out by collecting themes about Self Care Management, Nursing Activities and Psychological Serenity of cancer patients. The criterion for inclusion in the search for literature sources is the year the article was published, starting from 2010 to 2020, in English, and full article. Search keywords are self care management, nursing activities, self activities, self care, psychological serenity, and psychological problems. A total of 25 articles were analyzed and produced 6 themes, including sports, self-management through spiritual activities, shared care with health practitioners or fellow cancer survivors, implementing positive self talk, listening to instrumental music therapy, and doing art making and art therapy. The application of appropriate innovation selfcare management to the psychological symptoms of cancer patients can also help improve the Quality of Life of cancer patients

    Gambaran Kualitas Hidup pada Pasien Hipertensi selama Pandemi Covid-19

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian guna mengetahui gambaran kualitas hidup pasien hipertensi selama pandemic covid-19 , penelitian ini penting dilakukan dikarenakan agar dapat mengatasi dan mengetahui gambaran kualitas hidup pasien hipertensi selama covid -19 yang mungkin berbeda saat tidak dalam masa pandemi COVID-19 .Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kualitas hidup pasien hipertensi selama pandemic COVID-19. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analitik, dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel sebanyak 66 orang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik nonprobability sampling dengan metode consecutive sampling dihitung dengan rumus Slovin. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner WHOQOL-BREF yang terdiri dari 26 pertanyaan. Instrumen WHOQOL memiliki reliabilitas yang ditunjukkan oleh nilai Cronbach’s Alpha antara 0,84-0,88. Nilai validitas menunjukkan nilai r= 0,75.  Kualitas hidup secara umum buruk (48,5%), Kesehatan tidak memuaskan (47,9%), Kualitas hidup Kesehatan fisik buruk (40,9%), kualitas hidup psikologis buruk (39,4%), kualitas hidup personal sosial buruk (42,4%), kualitas hidup lingkungan buruk (36,4%). Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa tidak terdapat lansia dengan hipertensi yang memiliki kualitas hidup yang baik. Hal ini mengindikasikan adanya penurunan kualitas hidup lansia dengan hipertensi. Lansia yang kurang dukungan keluarga, menyebabkan lansia merasa tertekan akibat menyendiri sehingga harapan hidupnya kurang baik, dan mempengaruhi kualitas hidupnya menjadi tidak baik

    Hubungan Self Efficacy dengan Tingkat Depresi Perawat Onkologi selama Pandemi Covid 19

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    Penyakit Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) memberikan efek piskologis pada dunia  tenaga kesehatan, khususnya perawat. Berdasarkan beberapa penelitian efek psikologis yang dirasakan adalah depresi.  Perawat onkologi sendiri sebelumnya sudah dibekali terkait dengan SOP Protokol kesehatan tenaga kesehatan di Rumah Sakit selama Pandemi, namun jika secara psikologis para perawat onkologi merasa tertekan,maka perlu diteliti kembali terkait Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan Self Efficacy dengan tingkat Depresi Perawat Onkologi selama Pandemi COVID 19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian  Non Experimental dengan , dimana uji menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi yang digunakan adalah perawat onkologi yang bekerja di RS St. Elisabeth Tengah berjumlah 14 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampsel menggunakan teknik Total Sampling. Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kuesioner HDRS dan GSES. Kuesioner HDRS sudah teruji reliabilitas pada tahun 2012 oleh Azim dan nilai r tabel 0,60 sudah reliabel karena dengan ketentuan bila alpha lebih besar dari pada r tabel (0,60). Pada kuesioner GSES uji reliabilitas terhadap item skala self-efficacy diperoleh koefisien reliabilitas sebesar 0,809. Dan uji validitas menunjukan t-value > 1.96.Berdasarkan hasil uji Gamma Test, ditemukan hasil p value adala 0,20 dimana jika p value kurang dari 0,05 maka dapat disimpulkan terdapat hubungan anatar kedua variebal dengan nilai korelasi berdasarkan hasil tabulasi SPSS, adalah -2,335 dengan pengertian bahwa terdapat korelasi yang bertolak belakang dan memiliki hubungan yang lemah. Korelasi yang bertolak belakang memiliki makna semakin tinggi tingkat self efficacy maka semakin rendah tingkat depresi, dan semakin rendah self efficacy maka semakin tinggi tingkat depresi


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    Effect of Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) on the level of fatigue and Quality Of Life (QOL) for women with Ca. Mammae after undergoing chemotherapy Ii + 96 Pages + 8 Tables + 4 Charts + 1 Figures + 13 Appendixes Fatigue is a side effect of chemotherapy that often appears in patients after undergoing chemotherapy. Increased fatigue can worsen the quality of everyday life. This study aims to determine the effect of Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) on the level of fatigue and Quality of Life (QOL) for women with Ca. Mammae after undergoing chemotherapy.This study used a quasi experimental research design with pre and post test with control group. Samples were taken by consecutive sampling according to inclusion criteria (ages 25-60years, stage I to III, long-term duration of chemotherapy, cooperative, compostment, and undergoing chemotherapy cycle I to IV, with a duration of 2 weeks) and criteria exclusion (experiencing musculoskeletal weakness, blindness, and decreased hearing). The total sample was 68 people, divided into 34 respondents in the intervention group and 34 respondents in the control group dividedby random allocation. Instruments for measuring fatigue was FACIT FS(Functional Chronic Illness Therapy Fatigue Scale), and for measuring QOLwas EORTC QLQ C30 BR23 (Europian Organization of Research and Treatment of Quality of Life Cancer30 and Breast 23).The results of statistical tests using paired t test for fatigue variable in the intervention group showed p <0.001, whereas in the control group, using the Wilcoxon test found p = 0.473. In the QOL variable, the intervention group using the Mc.Nemar statistical testshowed p <0.001 and in the control group p = 1,000. The conclusion of this study is that PMR exercises can reduce fatigue levels and improve the QOL of patients with Ca. Mammae undergoing chemotherapy. Keywords:Chemotherapy, Fatigue, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Quality of Life Bibliography: 55 (2002-2018


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    Severe acute respiratory syndromecoronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. The disease caused by this viral infection is called COVID-19. COVID-19 can attack anyone, one of them is people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). One of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for PLWHA is anxiety. Ongoing anxiety problems result in PLWHA being irregular in taking treatment, and difficulties in obtaining health facilities. This research is a quantitative-research that is descriptive analytic. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling with a total sample of 45 respondents. Data is presented in the form of tables, pictures, and narratives. Respondents with no anxiety category 17 (37.8%), mild anxiety 15 (33.3%), moderate anxiety 10 (22.2%), severe anxiety 3 (6.7%). Based on gender, male respondents who were not anxious 8 (17.8%), mild anxiety 12 (26.7%), moderate anxiety 6 (13.3%), severe anxiety 3 (6.7%), female who are not anxious are 9 (20.0%), mild anxiety 3 (6.7%), moderate anxiety 4 (8.8%), severe anxiety 0 (0.0%). Based on age, respondents with no anxiety were 13 (28.9%), mild anxiety 13 (28.9%), moderate anxiety 9 (20.0%), severe anxiety 3 (6.7%). In the middle age, respondents who were not anxious were 4 (8.9%), mild anxiety 2 (4.4%), moderate anxiety 1 (2.2%), and severe anxiety 0 (0.0%). Most of the respondents did not experience anxiety as many as 17 respondents (37.8%). Male respondents were dominant in mild anxiety, namely 12 (26.7%) while women in the non-anxious category were 9 (20.0%). Adult respondents in the non-anxiety and mild anxiety categories were 13 respondents (28.9%), while middle age dominated the non-anxious category, namely 4 respondents (8.9%). So, the level of anxiety between one respondent and another respondent will be different, this is because one of the factors is age, and gender.Severe acute respiratory syndromecoronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. The disease caused by this viral infection is called COVID-19. COVID-19 can attack anyone, one of them is people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). One of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for PLWHA is anxiety. Ongoing anxiety problems result in PLWHA being irregular in taking treatment, and difficulties in obtaining health facilities. This research is a quantitative-research that is descriptive analytic. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling with a total sample of 45 respondents. Data is presented in the form of tables, pictures, and narratives. Respondents with no anxiety category 17 (37.8%), mild anxiety 15 (33.3%), moderate anxiety 10 (22.2%), severe anxiety 3 (6.7%). Based on gender, male respondents who were not anxious 8 (17.8%), mild anxiety 12 (26.7%), moderate anxiety 6 (13.3%), severe anxiety 3 (6.7%), female who are not anxious are 9 (20.0%), mild anxiety 3 (6.7%), moderate anxiety 4 (8.8%), severe anxiety 0 (0.0%). Based on age, respondents with no anxiety were 13 (28.9%), mild anxiety 13 (28.9%), moderate anxiety 9 (20.0%), severe anxiety 3 (6.7%). In the middle age, respondents who were not anxious were 4 (8.9%), mild anxiety 2 (4.4%), moderate anxiety 1 (2.2%), and severe anxiety 0 (0.0%). Most of the respondents did not experience anxiety as many as 17 respondents (37.8%). Male respondents were dominant in mild anxiety, namely 12 (26.7%) while women in the non-anxious category were 9 (20.0%). Adult respondents in the non-anxiety and mild anxiety categories were 13 respondents (28.9%), while middle age dominated the non-anxious category, namely 4 respondents (8.9%). So, the level of anxiety between one respondent and another respondent will be different, this is because one of the factors is age, and gender