73 research outputs found

    Clinical, Salivary and Bacterial Markers on the Orthodontic Treatment

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    Effect of orthodontic treatment on saliva, plaque and the levels of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify changes in the oral environment with clinical, salivary and bacterial risk markers after placement of fixed orthodontic appliances on permanent dentition. Material and Methods: With ethical approval, we used different techniques to analyzed clinical, salivary and bacterial risk markers in 34 patients (mean age, 16.7 ± 5.2 years), 14 males and 20 females; before starting orthodontic treatment and 1 month after. Clinical risk markers (decayed, missing, and filled surfaces [DMFS], O?Leary´s plaque index, and plaque pH); salivary markers (unstimulated and stimulated saliva flow rate, buffer capacity, pH, and occult blood in saliva) and bacterial counts (Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus). Data were analyzed by paired t-test and ?2 test. Results: This study showed that orthodontic appliances increased the stimulated salivary flow rate (p=0.0001), buffer capacity (p=0.0359), salivary pH (p=0.0246) and occult blood in saliva (p=0.0305). Bacterial levels increased slightly after 1 month of treatment, without statistical significance. Between genders, initially we observed differences in: stimulated saliva (p=0.0019), buffer capacity (p=0.0381) and plaque pH (p=0.0430); after treatment the unstimulated saliva (p=0.0026) showed differences. Conclusions: Orthodontic treatment changes the oral environmental factors, promotes an increase in stimulated flow rate, buffer capacity and salivary pH, which augment the anti caries activity of saliva. In contrast, increased occult blood indicated more gingival inflammation, apparently because augmented the retentive plaque surfaces and the difficult to maintain a good oral hygiene, rinsed the bleeding in saliva by periodontal damage


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    Evaluar si la lactancia materna influye en el desarrollo de la oclusión de los dientes temporales.Los cambios en el estilo de vida de las sociedades avanzadas han provocado nuevos comportamientos que conllevan trasformaciones en los hábitos alimentarios de la infancia. La nutrición afecta a los dientes en desarrollo y cualquier tipo de malnutrición puede alterar la salud oral. La lactancia materna constituye uno de los pilares fundamentales de la promoción de la salud, se ha comprobado que la leche humana tiene gran valor en la prevención de enfermedades sobretodo en la niñez


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    En la odontología infantil cada paciente constituye una peculiaridad, generalmente no existen dos casos similares, sus reacciones dependen de factores como, la etapa de crecimiento y desarrollo, las características de la salud del paciente, las condiciones socioculturales de los padres y otros elementos que hacen distintas las respuestas de cada niño en particular.El manejo del comportamiento del paciente en Odontopediatría es parte fundamental para el éxito de un buen tratamiento dental. Existen diversas técnicas las cuales logran este objetivo una de ellas es la técnica mano sobre boca (HOME por sus siglas en inglés: hand over mouth exercise) dicha técnica es empleada en niños con un comportamiento histérico, ésta es empleada colocando la mano gentilmente pero con firmeza sobre la boca del niño para cesar la explosión verbal y mal comportamiento, la finalidad de ésta es ganar la atención del paciente, lograr establecer buena comunicación y conseguir que coopere con el fin de lograr un tratamiento eficaz y seguro

    Prevención de la desmineralización dental por uso de aparatología ortodóntica fija y su remineralización

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    El fenómeno de la desmineralización-remineralización es un ciclo continuo pero variable, que se repite con la ingesta de los alimentos; específicamente los carbohidratos, que al metabolizarse en la placa dental, forman ácidos que reaccionan en la superficie del esmalte, la cual cede iones de calcio y fosfato y altera la estructura cristalina de la hidroxiapatita, tornándola más susceptible a ser remineralizada. Si no continúa la producción de ácidos después de 30 a 45 minutos, el pH sube y los minerales en forma iónica tienden a incorporarse a la estructura dentaria (Monterde, 2002). La lesión de mancha blanca es la primera expresión clínica de la desmineralización, que ocurre sobre la superficie del esmalte, como resultado de alteraciones sucesivas del pH (Livias et al., 2008). La formación de lesiones de mancha blanca durante el tratamiento de ortodoncia, se han asociado con la acumulación prolongada de placa bacteriana en las superficies del esmalte adyacentes a la aparatología fija, pues es un hecho que la remoción de la misma es muy complicada y es seguida de la producción de ácido y pérdida de la sustancia calcificada del diente (Livias et al., 2008). Las características que alteran la superficie del diente pueden presentarse como un problema estético incluso más de 5 años después del tratamiento (Castellanos et al., 2013)


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    En el presente estudio, el grupo de 15 a 17 años presenta un mayor crecimiento horizontal, siendo más evidente en las mujeres; mientras que los hombres en general muestran mayor crecimiento vertical, siendo significativamente superior para mayores de 18 años.Establecer los parámetros cefalométricos ideales de acuerdo al Análisis de Kim para población mexiquense de 15 a 17 y mayores de 18 años de edad

    Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles on Orthodontic Brackets: A New Alternative in the Prevention of White Spots

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    Abstract: Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are used for their powerful antibacterial e ect and their ability to adhere to surfaces due to their size; they are used in di erent areas of life, mainly in the area of health as medicine. More recently, in dentistry, the synthesis and characterization of AgNPs attracted significant attention due to their antibacterial properties. In this study, the AgNPs were synthesized using the most e ective method on di erent orthodontic brackets (metallic and esthetic) and characterized by scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Their antimicrobial e ect was tested against the widely used standard human pathogens Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-negative) and Escherichia coli (Gram-positive). Our results showed that, via a simple chemical method, AgNPs can be synthesized on the surface of orthodontic brackets with good antimicrobial activity and the possibility of reducing dental decay, periodontal disease and white spots generated during orthodontic treatment

    Fluoride releasing dental materials used in orthodontics: Literature review

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: In this manuscript, fluoride releasing dental materials controlling demineralization in fixed orthodontic patients, and the current strategies to prevent white spots were evaluated. METHODS: General literature review was carried out in SciVerse ScienceDirect databases. The search strategy included the terms from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) created by National Library of Medicine. RESULTS: 44 relevant studies were included and the respective data were extracted. Many studies showed new alternatives for the treatment of white spot lesions by the use of orthodontic appliances. CONCLUSION: Patients receiving fixed orthodontic treatment should be instructed in a proper brushing technique using a fluoride containing toothpaste, and high risk patients should be bonded with fluoride releasing agent. Additionally, it is recommended to apply fluoride varnish periodically during orthodontic treatment

    The effects of remineralization via fluoride versus Low-Level Laser IR810 and fluoride agents on the mineralization and microhardness of bovine dental

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    Abstract: The objective of this study was to assess the mineralization and microhardness of bovine dental enamel surfaces treated with fluoride, tri-calcium phosphate, and infrared (IR) 810 laser irradiation. The study used 210 bovine incisors, which were divided into six groups (n = 35 in each): Group A: Untreated (control), Group B: Fluoride (Durapath-Colgate), Group C: Fluoride+Tri-calcium phosphate (Clin-Pro White-3 M), Group D: Laser IR 810 (Quantum), Group E: Fluoride+laser, and Group F: Fluoride+tri-calcium phosphate+laser). Mineralization was measured via UV-Vis spectroscopy for phosphorus and via atomic absorption spectroscopy for calcium upon demineralization and remineralization with proven agents. Microhardness (SMH) was measured after enamel remineralization. Mineral loss data showed differences between the groups before and after the mineralizing agents were placed (p < 0.05). Fluoride presented the highest remineralization tendency for both calcium and phosphate, with a Vickers microhardness of 329.8 HV0.1/11 (p < 0.05). It was observed that, if remineralization solution contained fewer minerals, the microhardness surface values were higher (r = −0.268 and −0.208; p < 0.05). This study shows that fluoride has a remineralizing effect compared with calcium triphosphate and laser IR810. This in vitro study imitated the application of different remineralizing agents and showed which one was the most efficient for treating non-cavitated injuries. This can prevent the progression of lesions in patients with white spot lesions

    Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles on Orthodontic Elastomeric Modules: Evaluation of Mechanical and Antibacterial Properties

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    Abstract: In the present study, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were synthesized in situ on orthodontic elastomeric modules (OEM) using silver nitrate salts as metal-ion precursors and extract of the plant Hetheroteca inuloides (H. inuloides) as bioreductant via a simple and eco-friendly method. The synthesized AgNPs were characterized by UV-visible spectroscopy; scanning electron microscopy-energy-dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The surface plasmon resonance peak found at 472 nm confirmed the formation of AgNPs. SEM and TEM images reveal that the particles are quasi-spherical. The EDS analysis of the AgNPs confirmed the presence of elemental silver. The antibacterial properties of OEM with AgNPs were evaluated against the clinical isolates Streptococcus mutans, Lactobacillus casei, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli using agar diffusion tests. The physical properties were evaluated by a universal testing machine. OEM with AgNPs had shown inhibition halos for all microorganisms in comparison with OEM control. Physical properties increased with respect to the control group. The results suggest the potential of the material to combat dental biofilm and in turn decrease the incidence of demineralization in dental enamel, ensuring their performance in patients with orthodontic treatmentUAEME