1,481 research outputs found

    The association between breakfast skipping, nutritional status and physical activity among middle-aged ecuadorian population

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    Introduction: The omission of breakfast has been known to be associated with weight gain, a lower level of physical activity and a poor diet quality. However, there is no data regarding this obesity-related eating behavior in Ecuador and its association with nutritional status level of physical activity. Objective: We replicated the traditional crossover design of nutrition studies in order to compare omission of breakfast and diet quality in self-reported surveys with anthropometric measurements and level of physical activity on the days that breakfast was skipped...Introducción: La omisión del desayuno se ha asociado con la ganancia de peso, un bajo nivel de actividad física, al igual que una dieta pobre en calidad. En Ecuador no existen datos sobre este hábito alimenticio y su asociación con estado nutricional y actividad física. Objetivo: Se replicó los tradicionales estudios nutricionales de corte transversal para comparar la omisión del desayuno y la calidad de dieta en cuestionarios con el nivel de actividad física en los días que no reportan el consume de desayuno y medidas antropométricas..

    Association Mapping of Seed Weight, Protein, and Sucrose Content; and Kinetics of Edamame Under Infrared Treatment

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    Edamame is a specialty large-seeded soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) harvested at an immature stage (R6) that has become the second largest consumed soyfood. Although United States is the largest soybean producer, majority of edamame is imported from Asia, highlighting the importance of developing new edamame varieties. Association mapping (AM) provides an alternative to bi-parental linkage mapping method to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) adding higher resolution and broader germplasm information. Seed weight, sucrose, and protein are quantitative traits of value when selecting edamame lines. However molecular mechanisms controlling each of these traits are still inconclusive and have not been addressed using edamame accessions. Edamame has not reached its potential due to lack of diversity on edamame-based products. Information regarding edamame processing is limited. Therefore, the objectives were 1) to identify and validate seed weight, sucrose, and protein QTL using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in an association mapping population, and 2) to determine the kinetics of edamame under infrared heating and evaluate three heating intensity levels on the physicochemical attributes of edamame. For the first objective 378 edamame accessions of different maturity groups (000-IX) were grown in Stuttgart and Fayetteville, AR in 2014 and 2015. A total of 16 SNPs on ten chromosomes were found to be associated (-log P \u3e 2.5) with seed weight. Validating 11 previously reported QTL and identifying three new regions on Gm04, Gm16, and Gm19. For sucrose content 13 SNPs were significantly associated, mainly in Gm08, but also in Gm04, and Gm06. For seed protein content six SNPs were found to be significant on four chromosomes, confirming previously reported QTLs. For the second objective one variety (8080) was used to establish the kinetics of edamame using three IR heating intensities. Temperature, weight, texture, green intensity, and peroxidase activity were measured. Across heating intensities, treating edamame for 100 and 120 seconds resulted on the best texture, weight reduction, and green intensity. Although 100% of peroxidase inactivation was not achieved, enzyme activity was reduced (62 %). Results indicate the potential of using IR treatment as a drying or pre-drying step in edamame product development

    Perspectives on Allyship in Academia

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    Allyship in academia is critical for creating inclusive communities that are welcoming to all students, but the perception of its benefits and challenges can vary depending on a number of factors. This session will explore perspectives of allyship in academia by bringing together a diverse group of faculty and students who can share a wide range of experiences and insights, and aims to facilitate a discussion among all attendees that leads to an exchange of ideas, the strengthening of our community, and progress toward our common goal of inclusion in computing

    Education and Technology to Empower Teacher in Digital Era

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    Digital learning technologies may enable students to grasp concepts more quickly and fully, to connect theory and application more adeptly, and to engage in learning more readily, while also improving instructional techniques, leveraging instructor time, and facilitating the widespread sharing of knowledge. Digital technologies will enable this in new and better ways and create possibilities beyond the limits of our current imagination. During this presentation, the audience will learn about their own learning styles, the benefits and disadvantages of digital learning and what the future may hold in terms of education and technology, in particular to second language acquisition

    Bridging distances: Professional development for higher education faculty through technology-facilitated lesson study.

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    Higher education faculty benefit from participating in communities of practice focused on developing and improving their own instruction. However, collaborators with common interests are not always located at the same physical location. In this article, we share how participation in a technology-facilitated lesson study provided the means for five higher education faculty across the U.S. to engage in professional development and evolve into a virtual community of practice. Through the use of synchronous and asynchronous communication technology, we formulated goals, planned a common lesson, conducted research on our students’ learning, and reflected on our own teaching practice. For this paper, we share how the process of technology-facilitated lesson study provided professional learning for us as individuals

    Academic Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Triarchic Analysis of Education Policy Developments across Canada

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    This study employed a qualitative content analysis of provincial policy documents, following deductive methods, to examine academic resilience and education policy developments across Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic. More specifically, the study explicates the nature and scope of provincial policy responses to the global pandemic that address academic issues, physical health and well-being, and mental health issues for K–12 students. The pan-Canadian analysis revealed a total of 62 documents were issued between January 2020 and December 2021 that addressed one or more of the triarchic dimensions of academic resilience. The findings suggested greater attention was devoted to academic issues and there was a general lack of policy differentiation in terms of how specific resources and supports were to be directed within provincial educational jurisdictions.Cette étude a employé une analyse qualitative de contenu des documents de politiques provinciales, en suivant des méthodes déductives, pour examiner la ténacité scolaire et le développement des politiques d’éducation à travers le Canada pendant la pandémie de COVID-19. Plus précisément, l’étude détaille la nature et la portée des réponses politiques provinciales à la pandémie mondiale qui traitent des questions relatives à l’éducation, à la santé physique, au bien-être, et à la santé mentale des étudiants de la maternelle à la 12e année. L’analyse pancanadienne révèle qu’un total de 62 documents ont été publiés entre janvier 2020 et décembre 2021 qui abordaient une ou plusieurs dimensions triarchiques de la ténacité scolaire. Les conclusions mènent à penser qu’une plus grande attention est accordée aux problématiques scolaires et qu’il y a un manque général de différenciation dans les politiques quant à la façon dont les ressources et les soutiens seraient utilisés au sein des instances éducatives provinciales

    Growing a greater understanding of multiplication through lesson study: Mathematics teacher educators’ professional development

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    Research cites the need for developing teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) as well as for developing mathematics teacher educators’ (MTEs) mathematical knowledge for teaching teachers (MKTT). Using the framework of lesson study: formulating goals and researching, planning, implementing and observing, and reflecting (Lewis & Hurd, 2011), a group of MTEs designed and analyzed a lesson on multiplication for prospective elementary teachers. A qualitative analysis of MTE journal reflections and prospective teacher work showed a greater understanding of MTEs’ MKTT related to multiplication after completion of the lesson study. The authors recommend MTEs conduct lesson studies for other mathematics topics to further understand what MKTT MTEs need to develop to best support prospective teachers’ MKT

    Pasantía del buen manejo de prácticas apícolas en el área de Apicultura del Departamento de Zootecnia de la Escuela Nacional de Agricultura “Roberto Quiñónez” (ENA)

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    La pasantía de prácticas profesionales se desarrolló en la Escuela Nacional de Agricultura “Roberto Quiñónez” (ENA), El Salvador, con una duración de seis meses, desde el 06 de junio de 2021 hasta el 24 de noviembre de 2021, cumpliendo un total de 760 horas. La práctica profesional tenía como objetivos la formulación de las actividades y procesos de las buenas prácticas apícolas que se realizan en la institución; además contribuir de manera técnica en el manejo, mantenimiento y en las actividades que se desarrollaron, y describir las actividades a realizar en el apiario del área de Apicultura de la institución. En el área de Apicultura en el Departamento de Zootecnia de la Escuela Nacional de Agricultura “Roberto Quiñónez” (ENA), se programaron diferentes actividades a lo largo de la pasantía; las cuales tienen una gran importancia para el manejo y cuido de sus colmenas. Las actividades que se realizaron fueron: la reducción de piquera, revisión de las colmenas, alimentación artificial, regulación de sombra, control de maleza, cambio de materiales apícolas, diagnóstico y control de plagas, eliminación de panal viejo, introducción de cera estampada, nivelación de colmenas y registro de actividades. Al igual se desarrollaron actividades emergentes que no estaban establecidas en el plan de trabajo, que contribuyeron de manera práctica y teórica en el desarrollo y formación de las prácticas profesionales. Todas las actividades desarrolladas fortalecieron los conocimientos, contribuyendo a mejorar las capacidades y habilidades, que fueron adquiridas en el curso de Apicultura de mi pensum académico. Los resultados de esta pasantía se basaron principalmente, en la capacitación y experiencia práctica y teórica de las actividades que son necesarias de realizar, en conjunto con las buenas prácticas apícolas que son de relevancia para el buen desarrollo y mantenimiento de un apiario, todo ello bajo la metodología “aprender haciendo”

    User-experience in design and use: enhancing the experience of media content with programmable surround lighting

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    Table of contents\ud 1 Introduction 4\ud 1.1 Affect and UX 4\ud 1.2 Framework for UX design and evaluation 6\ud 1.3 Programmable surround lighting to enhance UX 6\ud 1.4 UX evaluation 9\ud 1.5 Rationale and research questions 12\ud 2 Method 12\ud 2.1 Design 13\ud 2.2 Participants 13\ud 2.3 Materials and equipment 13\ud 2.4 Procedure 17\ud 3 Results 17\ud 3.1 Aggregated comparisons 18\ud 3.2 Comparisons by clip 27\ud 4 Discussion 29\ud 4.1 The effect of surround lighting on UX 29\ud 4.2 Assimilation effects 33\ud 4.3 Evaluation method 35\ud 4.4 Future work 36\ud 5 Recommendations 38\ud 6 Conclusion 38Programmable surround lighting has the potential to enhance user-experience of media content, but there is a lack of research demonstrating this. Building on existing work in user-experience and Kurosu’s framework for user-experience design and evaluation, we developed a method for testing people’s experience of video content with added programmable controlled surround lighting. We employed simple video content to evoke a response of positive or negative affect. Using a repeated-measures design (N = 33), we manipulated the colour of surround lighting to enhance the affect response (yellow and green for positive affect; red and purple for negative affect) and then tested the benefits of added surround lighting. Yellow surround colour enhanced positive affect in response to video content and red surround colour enhanced negative affect. There was evidence of assimilation effects as a result of alternating coloured (e.g., yellow) and white surround lighting on affect. This work has implications for the choice of surround lighting colour to enhance user-experience, research design and substantive future research.\ud Keywords (up to 6): user-experience evaluation; magnitude-based inference; programmable surround lighting; media content; data analysis; comparative testin

    Knockdown of menin affects pre-mRNA processing and promoter fidelity at the interferon-gamma inducible IRF1 gene

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The tumor suppressor menin (<it>MEN1</it>) is mutated in the inherited disease multiple endocrine neoplasia type I, and has several documented cellular roles, including the activation and repression of transcription effected by several transcription factors. As an activator, MEN1 is a component of the Set1-like mixed lineage leukemia (MLL) MLL1/MLL2 methyltransferase complex that methylates histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4). MEN1 is localized to the signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1)-dependent gene, interferon regulatory factor 1 (<it>IRF1)</it>, and is further recruited when <it>IRF1 </it>transcription is triggered by interferon-γ signaling.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>RNAi-mediated knockdown of MEN1 alters the H3K4 dimethylation and H3 acetylation profiles, and the localization of histone deacetylase 3, at <it>IRF1</it>. While MEN1 knockdown does not impact the rate of transcription, <it>IRF1 </it>heteronuclear transcripts become enriched in MEN1-depleted cells. The processed mRNA and translated protein product are concomitantly reduced, and the antiviral state is attenuated. Additionally, the transcription start site at the <it>IRF1 </it>promoter is disrupted in the MEN1-depleted cells. The H3K4 demethylase, lysine specific demethylase 1, is also associated with <it>IRF1</it>, and its inhibition alters H3K4 methylation and disrupts the transcription start site as well.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Taken together, the data indicate that MEN1 contributes to STAT1-activated gene expression in a novel manner that includes defining the transcription start site and RNA processing.</p