15 research outputs found

    CO2FIX V2.0 : manual of a modeling framework for quantifying carbon sequestration in forest ecosystems and wood products

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    This reports presents a manual of the CO2FIX V 2.0 model. CO2FIX V 2.0 is a simple bookkeeping model that converts volumetric net annual increment data (and additional parameters) to annual carbon stocks and fluxes of the forest ecosystem-soil-wood products chain. It calculates on the hectare scale with time steps of one year. This Version 2.0 is a hectare scale model which was improved on the ability to simulate multi-species and uneven aged stands in multiple cohorts (e.g. selective tropical selective logging systems, and agroforestry systems); the ability to parametrize the growth also by stand density; the ability to deal with inter cohort competition; harvesting, allocation, processing lines, and end-of-life disposal of harvested wood; soil dynamics; the ability to deal with a wider variety of forest types including agro-forestry systems, selective logging systems, and post harvesting mortality; output viewing charts

    Analysis of osteoarthritis in a mouse model of the progeroid human DNA repair syndrome trichothiodystrophy

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    The increasing average age in developed societies is paralleled by an increase in the prevalence of many age-related diseases such as osteoarthritis (OA), which is characterized by deformation of the joint due to cartilage damage and increased turnover of subchondral bone. Consequently, deficiency in DNA repair, often associated with premature aging, may lead to increased pathology of these two tissues. To examine this possibility, we analyzed the bone and cartilage phenotype of male and female knee joints derived from 52- to 104-week-old WT C57Bl/6 and trichothiodystrophy (TTD) mice, who carry a defect in the nucleotide excision repair pathway and display many features of premature aging. Using micro-CT, we found bone loss in all groups of 104-week-old compared to 52-week-old mice. Cartilage damage was mild to moderate in all mice. Surprisingly, female TTD mice had less cartilage damage, proteoglycan depletion, and osteophytosis compared to WT controls. OA severity in males did not significantly differ between genotypes, although TTD males had less osteophytosis. These results indicate that in premature aging TTD mice age-related changes in cartilage were not more severe compared to WT mice, in striking contrast with bone and many other tissues. This segmental aging character may be explained by a difference in vasculature and thereby oxygen load in cartilage and bone. Alternatively, a difference in impact of an anti-aging response, previously found to be triggered by accumulation of DNA damage, might help explain why female mice were protected from cartilage damage. These findings underline the exceptional segmental nature of progeroid conditions and provide an explanation for pro- and anti-aging features occurring in the same individual

    Lifelong voluntary joint loading increases osteoarthritis in mice housing a deletion mutation in type II procollagen gene, and slightly also in non-transgenic mice

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    Objectives: To investigate the effects of voluntary running on the incidence and severity of osteoarthritis (OA) and associated changes in cartilage matrix and subchondral bone in a transgenic Del1 mouse model for OA. Methods: Del1 mice and their non-transgenic littermate controls were housed from the age of 5–6 weeks to 15 months in individual cages with running wheels. The running activity of each mouse was monitored for the entire 12 month period. Additional Del1 and control mice were housed in individual cages without running wheels. At the end of the experiment the severity of OA was evaluated by light microscopy, and the articular cartilage matrix changes by digital densitometry and quantitative polarised light microscopy. Results: Lifelong voluntary running increased the incidence and severity of OA significantly in Del1 mice (transgenic runners), and slightly also in non-transgenic runners. Severe OA changes increased from 39% in transgenic non-runners to 90% in transgenic runners (p=0.006) in lateral tibial condyles, and from 24% to 80% (p=0.013) in lateral femoral condyles, respectively. The proteoglycan content of articular cartilage was reduced in transgenic runners in comparison with transgenic non-runners (p=0.0167), but a similar effect was not seen in non-transgenic runners compared with non-transgenic non-runners. No attributable differences were seen in the collagen network of articular cartilage or in the subchondral bone between any of the groups. Conclusion: The Del1 mutation has earlier been shown to disturb the assembly of the cartilage collagen network and thereby increase the incidence and severity of OA with age. In this study, voluntary running was shown to increase further cartilage damage in the lateral compartments of the knee. This suggests that articular cartilage in Del1 mice is less resistant to physical loading than in control mice. Despite severe OA lesions in the knee joint at the age of 15 months, Del1 mice continued to run voluntarily 2–3 km every night