346 research outputs found

    State border corruption and illegal migration: A model

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    State border corruption is still a problem for Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova. In a theoretical model, it is shown how a border guard authority should optimally allocate budgetary resources to oblasts in presence of corruption, so as to minimise the general average number of illegal migrants.corruption; border guard authority; illegal migration; illegal immigration; undocumented migration; border corruption; border guards; people smuggling; people smugglers; human smuggling; border region; state border corruption; border crossings; bribes; resource allocation

    Analysis of cost of production in North Atlantic fisheries

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    The purpose of this report is to analyse the cost of production in North Atlantic pelagic fisheries – Atlantic mackerel, Atlantic herring and blue whiting. The analysis is undertaken for various fleets from Norway, the United Kingdom (Scotland) and Iceland with data covering the period 2007-11. The results show substantial differences in value creation and cost of production. Moreover, it is shown that a reallocation of quota shares could enhance the total value of the fisheries in question

    Праект „дзяды” ў драматургіі Дзмітрыя Багаслаўскага

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    This paper focuses on the works of Dmitry Bogoslavsky – a Belarusian playwright who writes in Russian. Its aim is to examine the worldview of this actor, director and dramatist based on selected works by him, and to trace his artistic evolution. More specifically, the paper seeks to answer the question of how Bogoslavsky’s works explore the Belarusian custom of Dziady (Forefathers’ Eve), understood as an element of the Belarusians’ mental image of the world. The analysis of Bogoslavsky's texts and the plays he directed has led to the conclusion that the theme of deracination and homecoming are at the core of his art. In order to communicate with their ancestors, laid to rest in their native land, characters in his works must establish a relation with an extrasensory reality by entering the ritual circle of Dziady. By depicting the spiritual realm in parallel to the world of the living, Bogoslavsky has been engaged in a certain kind of ‘Dziady’ project, one set in the contemporary theatrical and dramatic context, and yet strongly embedded in Belarusian tradition and mentality.Artykuł poświęcony jest twórczości Dmitrija Bogosławskiego, białoruskiego dramatopisarza piszącego po rosyjsku. Celem badania jest ustalenie cech światopoglądu białoruskiego aktora, reżysera i autora tekstów dramatycznych na podstawie analizy wybranych utworów oraz prześledzenie ewolucji twórczej autora. Przedmiotem szczegółowej analizy stała się próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, w jaki sposób białoruski obrzęd dziady, rozumiany jako element mentalnego obrazu świata Białorusinów, obecny jest w dramaturgii Bogosławskiego. Przeprowadzona analiza tekstów i spektakli wyreżyserowanych przez Bogosławskiego pozwala na stwierdzenie, że temat oderwania od korzeni i powrotu do domu należy do najważniejszych w jego twórczości. Kontakt z przodkami, którzy spoczywają w rodzinnej ziemi, wymusza na bohaterach relacje ze światem duchów i wprowadza w rytualny krąg „dziadów”. Przedstawiając w twórczości dramatopisarskiej i reżyserskiej świat duchów, istniejący obok świata żyjących, Bogosławski konsekwentnie realizuje na gruncie współczesnego teatru i dramatu swoisty — mocno osadzony w tradycji i mentalności białoruskiej — projekt „dziady”.Артыкул прысвечаны творчасці Дзмітрыя Багаслаўскага, беларускага драматурга, які піша на рускай мове. Мэта даследавання — выявіць на аснове аналізу выбраных мастацкіх тэкстаў асаблівасці светапогляду аўтара, режысёра і акцёра і прасачыць за яго творчай эвалюцыяй. Прадметам дэталёвага аналізу з’яўляецца пошук адказу на пытанне, у якім выглядзе абрад дзяды, які разумеецца як частка ментальнага вобраза свету беларусаў, прысутнічае ў п’есах Багаслаўскага. Аналіз тэкстаў і пастаўленных Багаслаўскім спектакляў прыводзіць да высновы, што тэма адрыву ад каранёў і вяртання ў свой дом з’яўляецца адной з самых важных у яго творчасці. Сувязь з продкамі, адносіны герояў са светам духаў уводзяць чытачоў і гледачоў у рытуальная кола „дзядоў”. Прадстаўляючы у сваёй драматургічнай і рэжысёрскай творчасці свет духаў, які існуе побач са светам жывых, Багаслаўскі паслядоўна ажыццяўляе ў межах сучаснага тэатра абрад „дзядоў”, які трывала ўкараніўся ў традыцыях і менталітэце беларусаў

    ELSI: The Finnish pension microsimulation model

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    This report is an overview of the structure and functionalities of the pension microsimulation model ELSI. Developed and maintained by the Finnish Centre for Pensions, ELSI is used to simulate the life courses of individuals in order to forecast the long-term development of Finnish earnings-related pensions and national and guarantee pensions

    Derivatives Pricing in Incomplete Markets

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    In the paper the one-period (B, S) - market model with two securities is considered. In the introduction a replicating portfolio for the derivative security is obtained when the securities are primitive. In the second part we consider the situation where the stock price could have more than two values. We build an approximation of such a market using a fictive (B, S*) - market where the stock price could take only two values. In the third part the numerical illustration of the approximation is given

    A lattice structure for ancestral configurations arising from the relationship between gene trees and species trees

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    To a given gene tree topology GG and species tree topology SS with leaves labeled bijectively from a fixed set XX, one can associate a set of ancestral configurations, each of which encodes a set of gene lineages that can be found at a given node of a species tree. We introduce a lattice structure on ancestral configurations, studying the directed graphs that provide graphical representations of lattices of ancestral configurations. For a matching gene tree topology and species tree topology, we present a method for defining the digraph of ancestral configurations from the tree topology by using iterated cartesian products of graphs. We show that a specific set of paths on the digraph of ancestral configurations is in bijection with the set of labeled histories -- a well-known phylogenetic object that enumerates possible temporal orderings of the coalescences of a tree. For each of a series of tree families, we obtain closed-form expressions for the number of labeled histories by using this bijection to count paths on associated digraphs. Finally, we prove that our lattice construction extends to nonmatching tree pairs, and we use it to characterize pairs (G,S)(G,S) having the maximal number of ancestral configurations for a fixed GG. We discuss how the construction provides new methods for performing enumerations of combinatorial aspects of gene and species trees.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures. This version contains reference updates, first author name update, minor changes to the tex

    ВИКОРИСТАННЯ УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ АГІОГРАФІЇ У СИСТЕМІ ДУХОВНО-МОРАЛЬНОГО СТАНОВЛЕННЯ УЧНІВСЬКОЇ МОЛОДІ (Activation of Ukrainian Hagiography in the Spiritual and Moral Education System of Students Yath)

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    Стаття присвячена проблемі інтегрування української агіографічної спадщини в систему сучасного виховання. Спираючись на науковий доробок видатних вітчизняних педагогів, автор пропонує активізувати вивчення житій українських святих у контексті навчального курсу “Християнська етика” (The article is devoted to the use of Ukrainian in the hagiography of modern education. The author reckons that it is written about the famous Ukrainian teachers. Therefore, the author proposes to study the life of Ukrainian saints on the lessons of “Christian ethics”

    Partition of the Life Course: An Extended Dynamic Microsimulation Analysis

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    This study explores life courses in a dynamic microsimulation framework at a time of high public interest in prolonging working lives. We provide new insights into how historical records could be merged with microsimulation outcomes and develop a new indicator for measuring and illustrating individual life course stages in adulthood. Partition of the life course yields the average lengths of life course stages in Finland. We illustrate our indicator and its distribution by gender, cohort and level of education. The proposed indicator is also used to elaborate widely accepted indicators from the Pension Adequacy Report. We conclude that the proposed partitioning method should be easily transferrable to other countries where historical records are available

    Проблеми і перспективи вдосконалення процесу виховання духовних цінностей студентів в умовах ВНЗ негуманітарного профілю

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    The article deals with the problems of teaching spiritual values to students, obtaining the profession of non-humanitarian profile. On the basis of theoretical and structural analysis, the concept «spiritual values education student's personality» has been determined. This concept has fundamental-philosophical foundation, special functional features (regulatory, resultiveness, dynamism, complexity, consistency), and through various forms, methods and means it realizes educational influence on emotions, world outlook, way and quality of life, values, readiness for self-perfection of both, the individual and the society. It is cleared out that the purpose of teaching  spiritual values of students is in the training of specialists capable to think ethically, to exercise moral choice, to make moral decisions, ready for active work on spiritual self-improvement. It is determined that the task of educating the spiritual values of students, regardless of specialty and directions of training involves: improving the culture of ethical thinking, providing positive motivation for self-improvement; inclusion in the process of interaction with the environment for the formation of the ability to display feelings of deep hearty affection, implementation of the moral act. The article explains the thesis about the necessity of creation of special educational programs, aimed at improving the process of formation of spiritually-valuable sphere of the personality of the student.Стаття присвячена проблемам виховання духовних цінностей студентів, які здобувають професію негуманітарного профілю. На підставі теоретичного, структурного аналізу визначено поняття «виховання духовних цінностей особистості студента» як ціннісне явище, що має фундаментально-філософське підґрунтя, особливі функціональні ознаки (нормативність, результативність, динамічність, комплексність, системність) та через різні форми, методи і засоби здійснює виховний вплив на емоції, світогляд, спосіб і якість життя, цінності, готовність до самовдосконалення як окремої особистості, так і усього суспільства. З’ясовано, що мета виховання духовних цінностей студентів полягає у підготовці фахівця, здатного етично мислити, здійснювати моральний вибір, приймати моральні рішення, готового до активної роботи над духовним самовдосконаленням. Встановлено, що завданнями виховання духовних цінностей студентів за будь-якої спеціальності та напряму професійної підготовки є: підвищення культури етичного мислення, забезпечення позитивної мотивації до самовдосконалення; включення у процес взаємодії з оточенням для формування спроможності вияву почуття глибокої сердечної прихильності, здійснення морального вчинку. У статті обґрунтовується теза про необхідність створення спеціальних виховних програм, спрямованих на вдосконалення процесу формування духовно-ціннісної сфери особистості студента

    Cultural transmission of move choice in chess

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    The study of cultural evolution benefits from detailed analysis of cultural transmission in specific human domains. Chess provides a platform for understanding the transmission of knowledge due to its active community of players, precise behaviors, and long-term records of high-quality data. In this paper, we perform an analysis of chess in the context of cultural evolution, describing multiple cultural factors that affect move choice. We then build a population-level statistical model of move choice in chess, based on the Dirichlet-multinomial likelihood, to analyze cultural transmission over decades of recorded games played by leading players. For moves made in specific positions, we evaluate the relative effects of frequency-dependent bias, success bias, and prestige bias on the dynamics of move frequencies. We observe that negative frequency-dependent bias plays a role in the dynamics of certain moves, and that other moves are compatible with transmission under prestige bias or success bias. These apparent biases may reflect recent changes, namely the introduction of computer chess engines and online tournament broadcasts. Our analysis of chess provides insights into broader questions concerning evolution of human behavioral preferences and modes of social learning.Comment: 25 page