418 research outputs found

    Presencia de Microtus (Allophaiomys) chalinei Alcalde, Agustí y Villalta, 1981 (Arvicolidae, Rodentia) en el yacimiento de Bagur-2 (Pleistoceno inferior, Girona, España)

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    We report for the first time the presence of the species Microtus (Allophaiomys) chalinei in the Lower Pleistocene locality of Bagur-2 (Girona). The association with Microtus (Allophaiomys) pliocaenicus probably supposes the oldest known record of this species. Key words: Microtus (Allophaiomys) chalinei, Lower Pleistocene, Bagur-2, Girona, Spain.Se cita por primera vez la presencia de la especie Microtus (Allophaiomys) chalinei en el yacimiento del Pleistoceno inferior de Bagur-2 (Girona). La asociación con Microtus (Allophaiomys) pliocaenicus supone probablemente el registro más antiguo de esta especie. Palabras clave: Microtus (Allophaiomys) chalinei, Pleistoceno inferior, Bagur-2, Girona, España

    Luciana Gentilli y Renata Londero, eds., Emocionar escribiendo. Teatralidad y géneros literarios en la España áurea

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    Review of Luciana Gentilli y Renata Londero, eds., Emocionar escribiendo. Teatralidad y géneros literarios en la España áurea, Iberoamericana y Vervuert, Madrid y Frankfurt am Main, 2011, 289 pp. ISBN: 9788484895787.Reseña de Luciana Gentilli y Renata Londero, eds., Emocionar escribiendo. Teatralidad y géneros literarios en la España áurea, Iberoamericana y Vervuert, Madrid y Frankfurt am Main, 2011, 289 pp. ISBN: 9788484895787

    The activation of diboron reagents and their application in catalytic boron additions to alkenes

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    Els compostos organoborats son altament utilitzats en un extens nombre de camps, des de la medicina, en la teràpia de captura neutrònica en bor o altres molècules amb activitat biològica, fins a l’ús de molècules funcionals com els polímers. Nosaltres hem centrar la nostra atenció a l’ús dels compostos organoborats com intermedis de síntesis per a productes d’alt valor afegit. El tema principal d’aquesta tesis es el desenvolupament de noves metodologies sintètiques per la obtenció de compostos organoborats de manera eficient. Ens hem centrat bastant en la síntesis de compostos carbonílics -borats, com a sintons per la síntesis de molècules difuncionals. Em estudiat la addició de bor a molècules insaturades des de dos estratègies diferents: la addició catalítica de bor mitjançant metalls de transició i sense metall. Sempre ficant especial énfasis en la versió quiral de la reacció.Organoborane compounds are highly used in a huge number of fields, from medicine, in the boron neutral capture therapy or other molecules with biological activity to the use of functional molecules such us polymers. In our case, we focused our atention in the use of organoborane compounds as a intermediates for the synthesis of high value products. The main topic of this thesis is develop new synthetic methodologies for the efficient obtaition of organoborane compounds. We focus in the synthesis of -boryl carbonyl compounds as a synthons for the synthesis of difuncional molecules. We studied the boron addition to unsaturated molecules in to main strategies: the boron addition using transition metal catalyst or without metal. Always with special attention for the chiral approach of the reaction

    El concepto de erudiciĂłn

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    [Resumen] El presente artículo analiza el concepto de erudición en Baltasar Gracián, partiendo del estudio teórico del “Arte de erudición” incluido en los discursos LVIII y LIX de la Agudeza y arte de ingenio. Se trata de un concepto de erudición de carácter esencialmente paremiológico, donde se combinan brevedad y agudeza, ceñido al ámbito de las Humanidades y muy distinto del llamado “humanismo erudito” de su época.[Sommaire] L’article analyse le concept d’érudition chez Baltasar Gracián, basé sur l’étude théorique de l’ «Art de l’érudition» incluse dans les discours LVIII et le discours LIX de l’Agudeza y arte de ingenio. Il s’agit d’un concept d’érudition à caractère essentiellement parémiologique, qui combine la brièveté et l’acuité, et qui, à la fois, est proche du domaine des Humanités et très différente de «l’humanisme érudit» de son époque.[Abstract] This article discusses the concept of erudition in Baltasar Gracián, based on the theoretical study of the «Art of Erudition» included in the discourses LVIII and LIX of Agudeza y arte de Ingenio. It is a concept of erudition of essentially paremiological character, which combines brevity and wit, stuck to the field of Humanities and very different from the so-called “erudite humanism” of his time

    Un tratado de fisiognomĂ­a de 1650

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    Resilience effects of SGK1 and TAP1 DNA markers during PRRSV outbreaks in reproductive sows

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    The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is a major infectious stressor that causes serious health problems and productivity drops. Based on previous genome-wide analyses, we selected SGK1 and TAP1 as candidate genes for resilience, and genotyped three mutations, including a 3′UTR variant SGK1_rs338508371 and two synonymous variants TAP1_rs1109026889 and TAP1_rs80928141 in 305 Landrace × Large White sows. All polymorphisms affected the reproductive performance in the outbreak, but not during the endemic phase, thereby indicating a potential use of these markers for resilience. Moreover, some genotypes were associated with a stable performance across PRRSV phases. Thus, in the outbreak, the SGK1_rs338508371 AA sows had less piglets born alive (p < 0.0001) and more stillborns (p < 0.05) while other sows were able to keep their productivity. During the outbreak, TAP1_rs80928141 GG sows had less piglets born alive (p < 0.05) and both TAP1 polymorphisms influenced the number of mummies in an additive manner (p < 0.05). Remarkably, TAP1_rs80928141 AA sows had around one mummy more than GG sows (p < 0.01). Resilience to PRRSV could be improved by including the SGK1 and TAP1 markers in crossbreeding and/or selection schemes, as they contribute to maintaining a stable number of piglets born alive and lost, particularly mummies, despite the outbreak.This research and the APC were partially funded by FEDER projects COMRDI16-1-0035-03 and RTI2018-097700-B-I00 from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities. M.L. received a postdoctoral grant from UdL-Impuls programme
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