6,682 research outputs found

    Long-term radial-velocity variations of the Sun as a star: The HARPS view

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    Stellar radial velocities play a fundamental role in the discovery of extrasolar planets and the measurement of their physical parameters as well as in the study of stellar physical properties. We investigate the impact of the solar activity on the radial velocity of the Sun using the HARPS spectrograph to obtain measurements that can be directly compared with those acquired in the extrasolar planet search programs. We use the Moon, the Galilean satellites, and several asteroids as reflectors to measure the radial velocity of the Sun as a star and correlate it with disc-integrated chromospheric and magnetic indexes of solar activity that are similar to stellar activity indexes. We discuss in detail the systematic effects that affect our measurements and the methods to account for them. We find that the radial velocity of the Sun as a star is positively correlated with the level of its chromospheric activity at about 95 percent significance level. The amplitude of the long-term variation measured in the 2006-2014 period is 4.98 \pm 1.44 m/s, in good agreement with model predictions. The standard deviation of the residuals obtained by subtracting a linear best fit is 2.82 m/s and is due to the rotation of the reflecting bodies and the intrinsic variability of the Sun on timescales shorter than the activity cycle. A correlation with a lower significance is detected between the radial velocity and the mean absolute value of the line-of-sight photospheric magnetic field flux density. Our results confirm similar correlations found in other late-type main-sequence stars and provide support to the predictions of radial velocity variations induced by stellar activity based on current models.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, 1 Appendix; accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Paper Session III-C - Technology Transfer of Military Space Microprocessor Development

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    Over the past 11 years Phillips Laboratory has led the development of microprocessors and computers for USAF space and strategic missile applications. As a result of their programs, advanced computer technology is available for use by civil and commercial space customers as well. The Generic VHSIC Spaceborne Computer (GVSC) program began in 1985 at the USAF Phillips Laboratory to fulfill a deficiency in the availability of space-qualified data and control processors. GVSC developed a radiation hardened multi-chip version of the 16-bit, Mil-Std 1750A microprocessor. The follow-on program to the GVSC, the Advanced Spaceborne Computer Module (ASCM) program, was initiated by Phillips Laboratory to establish two industrial sources for complete, radiation-hardened 16-bit and 32-bit computers and microelectronic components. Development of the Control Processor Module (CPM), the first of two contract phases, completed in 1994 with the availability of two sources for space-qualified, 16-bit Mil-Std- 1750A computers, cards, multi-chip modules, and integrated circuits. The second phase of the program, the Advanced Technology Insertion Module (ATIM), is currently scheduled to complete at the end of 1997. ATIM is developing two single board computers based on 32-bit reduced instruction set computer (RISC) processors. GVSC, CPM, and ATIM technologies are flying or baselined in the majority of today’s DoD, NASA, and commercial satellite systems

    Metodologia para avaliação da reação de genótipos de milho à Fusarium verticillioides em casa de vegetação.

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    Recomendação para o controle químico da antracnose foliar do sorgo.

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    Recomendações para o controle químico da mancha branca do milho.

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    Aplicação foliar de fungicidas e incidência de grãos ardidos e fumonisinas totais em milho.

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    Foram conduzidos dois ensaios nas áreas experimentais da Embrapa Milho e Sorgo, em Sete Lagoas, MG, e da empresa Círculo Verde Assessoria Agronômica e Pesquisa, em Luís Eduardo Magalhães (LEM), BA, na safra 2010/11. Em Sete Lagoas, foi utilizado a cultivar BRS1035 submetido à aplicação dos fungicidas azoxistrobina + ciproconazole (0,30 + 0,60 l.ha-1), piraclostrobina + epoxiconazole (0,75 + 0,50 l.ha-1) e trifloxistrobina + tebuconazole (0,60 + 0,60 l.ha-1). Os tratamentos consistiram de 0, 1, 2, e 3 aplicações de cada fungicida em diferentes fases do ciclo da cultura, com três repetições. No tratamento testemunha não foi realizada aplicação de fungicidas. No ensaio conduzido em LEM, o híbrido 30F53H foi submetido à aplicação com quatro fungicidas. Os tratamentos consistiram da aplicação dos fungicidas picoxistrobina + ciproconazol (0,30 + 0,60 l.ha-1), piraclostrobina + epoxiconazole (0,75 + 0,50 l.ha- 1), trifloxistrobina + tebuconazole (0,60 + 0,60 l.ha-1) e azoxistrobina + ciproconazole (0,30 + 0,60 l.ha-1) em zero, uma (V10) e duas (V10 + 15 dias após a primeira) aplicações, com três repetições. Ao final do ciclo da cultura, foi realizada a colheita manual de espigas, e, após a homogeneização da massa de grãos, foram retiradas duas amostras de 500 g de cada parcela. Em ambos os ensaios, não foi observada diferença significativa entre os tratamentos submetidos a zero, uma e duas aplicações com os diferentes fungicidas testados quanto à incidência de grãos ardidos e fumonisinas totais nos grãos. Quanto à incidência de fungos associados aos grãos, foi verificada diferença significativa apenas para o fator tipo de grão (ardido e assintomático). Foi detectada elevada incidência de fungos do gênero Fusarium sp. tanto em grãos ardidos quanto em grãos assintomáticos, embora tenha sido detectada presença estatisticamente superior nos grãos ardidos (sintomáticos). Penicillium sp. foi detectado em maior frequência em grãos assintomáticos, e Stenocarpella sp. esteve predominantemente associada a grãos ardidos. Não houve diferença para a incidência de Aspergillus sp. entre os tratamentos. Esses resultados demonstram uma baixa eficiência da aplicação de fungicidas na redução da incidência de patógenos fúngicos nas espigas, na incidência de grãos ardidos e nos teores de fumonisinas totais nos grãos.bitstream/item/126043/1/bol-114.pd

    A reference architecture for federating IoT infrastructures supporting semantic interoperability

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    : The Internet-of-Things (IoT) is unanimously identified as one of the main pillars of future smart scenarios. However, despite the growing number of IoT deployments, the majority of IoT applications tend to be self-contained, thereby forming vertical silos. Indeed, the ability to combine and synthesize data streams and services from diverse IoT platforms and testbeds, holds the promise to increase the potential of smart applications in terms of size, scope and targeted business context. This paper describes the system architecture for the FIESTA-IoT platform, whose main aim is to federate a large number of testbeds across the planet, in order to offer experimenters the unique experience of dealing with a large number of semantically interoperable data sources. This system architecture was developed by following the Architectural Reference Model (ARM) methodology promoted by the IoT-A project (FP7 “light house” project on Architecture for the Internet of Things). Through this process, the FIESTAIoT architecture is composed of a set of Views that deals with a “logical” functional decomposition (Functional View, FV) and data structuring and annotation, data flows and inter-functional component interactions (Information View, IV)

    Searching for star-planet magnetic interaction in CoRoT observations

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    Close-in massive planets interact with their host stars through tidal and magnetic mechanisms. In this paper, we review circumstantial evidence for star-planet interaction as revealed by the photospheric magnetic activity in some of the CoRoT planet-hosting stars, notably CoRoT-2, CoRoT-4, and CoRoT-6. The phenomena are discussed in the general framework of activity-induced features in stars accompanied by hot Jupiters. The theoretical mechanisms proposed to explain the activity enhancements possibly related with hot Jupiter are also briefly reviewed with an emphasis on the possible effects at photospheric level. The unique advantages of CoRoT and Kepler observations to test these models are pointed out.Comment: Invited review paper accepted by Astrophysics and Space Science, 13 pages, 5 figure

    Predictive value of hematological and phenotypical parameters on postchemotherapy leukocyte recovery

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    Background: Grade IV chemotherapy toxicity is defined as absolute neutrophil count <500/μL. The nadir is considered as the lowest neutrophil number following chemotherapy, and generally is not expected before the 7th day from the start of chemotherapy. The usual prophylactic dose of rHu-G-CSF (Filgrastim) is 300 μg/day, starting 24-48 h after chemotherapy until hematological recovery. However, individual patient response is largely variable, so that rHu-G-CSF doses can be different. The aim of this study was to verify if peripheral blood automated flow cytochemistry and flow cytometry analysis may be helpful in predicting the individual response and saving rHu-G-CSF. Methods: During Grade IV neutropenia, blood counts from 30 cancer patients were analyzed daily by ADVIA 120 automated flow cytochemistry analyzer and by Facscalibur flow cytometer till the nadir. "Large unstained cells" (LUCs), myeloperoxidase index (MPXI), blasts, and various cell subpopulations in the peripheral blood were studied. At nadir rHu-G-CSF was started and 81 chemotherapy cycles were analyzed. Cycles were stratified according to their number and to two dose-levels of rHuG-CSF needed to recovery (300-600 vs. 900-1200 μg) and analyzed in relation to mean values of MPXI and mean absolute number of LUCs in the nadir phase. The linear regressions of LUCs % over time in relation to two dose-levels of rHu-G-CSF and uni-multivariate analysis of lymphocyte subpopulations, CD34+ cells, MPXI, and blasts were also performed. Results: In the nadir phase, the increase of MPXI above the upper limit of normality (>10; median 27.7), characterized a slow hematological recovery. MPXI levels were directly related to the cycle number and inversely related to the absolute number of LUCs and CD34 +/CD45+ cells. A faster hematological recovery was associated with a higher LUC increase per day (0.56% vs. 0.25%), higher blast (median 36.7/μL vs. 19.5/μL) and CD34+/CD45+ cell (median 2.2/μL vs. 0.82/μL) counts. Conclusions: Our study showed that some biological indicators such as MPXI, LUCs, blasts, and CD34 +/CD45+ cells may be of clinical relevance in predicting individual hematological response to rHu-G-CSF. Special attention should be paid when nadir MPXI exceeds the upper limit of normality because the hematological recovery may be delayed. © 2009 Clinical Cytometry Society

    Viabilidade técnica e econômica da aplicação de estrobilurinas em milho.

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    Resumo: Nos últimos anos, grande ênfase tem sido dada ao uso de fungicidas para o manejo de doenças foliares na cultura do milho no Brasil. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo a realização de uma análise da viabilidade técnica e econômica da aplicação de fungicidas no rendimento de cultivares de milho em diferentes regiões produtoras. Foram conduzidos experimentos para avaliação do efeito da aplicação de fungicidas no rendimento de diferentes cultivares de milho, em três localidades: Sete Lagoas (MG), Londrina (PR) e Rio Verde (GO). Foram consideradas a não aplicação, uma e duas aplicações de fungicidas em cada cultivar. Foram avaliadas a severidade das doenças foliares e o rendimento de cada cultivar. Os resultados de rendimento das cultivares tratadas com fungicidas apresentaram elevada inconsistência em condições de baixa severidade de doenças. Maior frequência de rendimentos positivos e benefício econômico ocorreu quando as aplicações de fungicida foram realizadas em condição de elevada pressão de doença. Mais estudos são necessários para o melhor entendimento do efeito dos fungicidas do grupo das estrobilurinas na fisiologia e na produção de plantas de milho. Abstract: Technical and economic feasibility of strobilurin fungicides application on maize In recent years, great emphasis has been given to the use of fungicides for managing foliar diseases in corn in Brazil. This study aimed to conduct an analysis of technical and economic feasibility of application of fungicides on maize in different growing regions. Trials were conducted to evaluate the effect of fungicides on the yield of different maize cultivars at three locations: Sete Lagoas (state of Minas Gerais), Londrina (state of Paraná) and Rio Verde (state of Goiás). The effect of one and two fungicide applications on each cultivar was evaluated. For each trial, the difference in mean yield and disease severities between treated and untreated plots for each cultivars was compared. For all trials, yield response of cultivars treated with fungicides was highly inconsistent under low disease severity. A higher frequency of positive yields and economic benefit occurred when fungicide applications were made under conditions of high disease pressure. More studies are needed to better clarify the effect of strobilurin fungicides on the physiology and production of corn plants