24 research outputs found

    Allogeneic bone graft devitalized in liquid nitrogen - sheep experimental study

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a taxa e a forma de incorporação do aloenxerto ósseo cortical, submetido ao congelamento em nitrogênio líquido e inserido em tíbias de ovelhas. Foram utilizadas seis ovelhas clinicamente sadias que, aos pares, foram simultaneamente submetidas à ostectomia da diáfise tibial para a retirada de um segmento de 7cm que, após a desvitalização em nitrogênio líquido, foi implantado imediatamente no outro paciente e fixado com placa de compressão dinâmica (PCD) e parafusos corticais. Realizaram-se avaliações clínicas e radiográficas, imediatamente e a cada 30 dias, até o 180º dia de pós-operatório. Aos 180 dias, foi realizada eutanásia e coletouse a tíbia direita para avaliação histopatológica. Aos 60 dias de pós-operatório, foi observado o uso funcional do membro operado, sendo a união radiográfica das interfaces proximal e distal verificadas, em média, aos 95 dias. Com isso, pôde-se concluir que o nitrogênio líquido é um método adequado de desvitalização de aloimplantes ósseos corticais de ovelhas, proporcionando altas taxas de incorporação óssea, em média, aos 95 dias de pósoperatório.This study evaluated the allogeneic cortical bone graft incorporation after submission of the harvested fragment to a bout freezing in liquid nitrogen. Six adult sheep, clinically healthy, were submitted to a 7cm ostectomy of the tibial diaphysis. The fragment was submersed in a liquid nitrogen and implanted in another sheep missing a same-sized segment at the corresponding bone. Stabilization of the allograft in the host bone was accomplished by a dynamic compressive plate (DCP). Clinical and radiographic evaluations were performed in the immediate postoperatory period and in every 30 days for six months after surgery. The proximal and distal host-graft interfaces showed radiographic union at a mean postoperative time of 95 days in all the animals. The cortical bone allograft submitted to liquid nitrogen freezing provided adequate bone healing in the sheep model

    Hemangiossarcoma renal unilateral em cão

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    O hemangiossarcoma é um tumor mesenquimal maligno com origem nas células endoteliais dos vasos, podendo ser primário em qualquer tecido. As neoplasias renais, pos sua vez, são raras, podendo causar sinais locais ou sistêmicos de insuficiência renal. Um canino da raça boxer, com cinco anos de idade e 24kg foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário Vicente Borelli (HOVET) da Fundação de Ensino Octávio Bastos (UNIFEOB), com histórico de hiporexia, emese e cansaço fácil. Ao exame ultrassonográfico, constatou-se a presença de uma massa dorsal no rim direito e de estruturas anecóicas mal definidas no baço. Procedeu-se laparotomia exploratória com retirada da massa renal e realização de nefrectomia, esplenectomia e ovariosalpingohisterectomia. O material retirado adjacente ao rim foi identificado como hemangiossarcoma renal, todavia os demais órgãos não apresentaram células neoplásicas. Apesar da bibliografia afirmar que frequentemente as neoplasias renais malignas têm envolvimento bilateral, no animal em questão, isso não ocorreu, sendo o objetivo do presente trabalho relatar essa apresentação incomum de hemangiossarcoma

    Abdominal hernia repair with bovine pericardium seeded with mesenchymal stem cells in Wistar rats

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    Background: Biological membranes demonstrate superiority over synthetic ones for its biocompatibility and strength in the reduction of abdominal hernias. Recents tissue engineering researches add mesenchymal stem cells to biological membranes with the purpose of obtaining additional cellular proliferation and consequent muscle regeneration, using biological membranes as cellular scaffolds. This article aimed to study the infl uence of mesenchymal stem cells in muscle regeneration in abdominal hernias, reduced with biological membranes. Materials, Methods & Results: Adult Wistar rats underwent abdominal hernia-inducing. They were divided into two groups as to the form of treatment for the reduction of hernia: stem cells associated with biological membranes or only biological membranes. After the treatment the macro and microscopic reviews were carried out in days seven, 14 and 60 postoperatively. Preparation of bovine pericardium with glycerin 98% presented effi ciency in decellularization and conservation, maintaining its strength and avoiding bacterial growth. The mesenchymal stem cells obtained from bone marrow of adult Wistar rats, had capacity of proliferation. The majority of the cells was positive for the expression of surface antigens CD44, CD29 and CD99 and was negative for CD 34. In the differentiation trials, the same cells were able to differentiate into adipocytes and osteocytes. With 24 h from co-cultivating adhesion of mesenchymal stem cells in the membranes was observed. There was no foreign body reaction or contamination of surgical wounds and there was intense postoperative neovascularization on seven days. All animals presented omentum adherence, but no adherence to other organs. There was no statistically difference for the different times in macroscopic assessment: deposition of fi brous tissue, implant integration. The same occurred with the microscopic evaluations between the different treatment groups. The groups of immediate and later repair presented different responses to treatment. Discussion: The use of rats as animal model was satisfactory, being suitable for surgical procedures and assessments of the abdominal cavity. The different results obtained between groups of immediate repair and late repair corroborate with the idea that there is difference between induction and repair models in the same surgery or in different surgeries with the time interval between the two, suggesting the need for methodologies that simulate the hernias chronicity. The cells used were classifi ed as mesenchymal stem cells, because it met all the criteria of Mesenchymal and Tissue Stem Cell Committee of the International Society of Celullar Therapy. The membranes conserved with glycerin 98% demonstrated biocompatibility, because there was no rejection or necrosis, infection or exacerbated infl ammation. However the muscle regeneration was not obtained over the membranes - and the methodological difference in other latest experiments about the membranes decellularization and the co-cultivating - can leads to conclusion that the cells attached to membranes were insuffi cient in number to obtain the desired result. These results suggest the need of new research studies or co-cultivating times and decellularization methods of bovine pericardium for association with mesenchymal stem cells

    Efeito antinociceptivo mecânico e neurotoxicidade do meloxicam administrado via subaracnóidea em ratos wistar

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    Evidências demonstram que ambas as isoformas da ciclooxigenase (COX) são constitutivamente expressas na medula espinhal (ME) de ratos, sendo COX-2 predominante no corno dorsal da medula espinhal (CDME) e podendo apresentar importante papel no desenvolvimento e manutenção da dor inflamatória. Assim, sugerese que os antiinflamatórios não-esteroidais (AINEs) possam exercer sua ação analgésica diretamente sobre o sistema nervoso central (SNC), e a administração espinhal desses fármacos tem despontado como uma alternativa no manejo da dor. O presente estudo objetiva, portanto, avaliar os efeitos da administração subaracnóidea (SA) do meloxicam em um modelo de dor inflamatória, bem como sua possível toxicidade sobre o SNC. Foram utilizados 27 ratos Wistar, machos, nos quais uma cânula SA foi implantada. Os animais foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em três grupos e submetidos à administração de 5 L de solução salina (Grupo I – GI), 30 g de meloxicam (Grupo II – GII) ou somente à manutenção crônica da cânula SA (Grupo III – GIII). A hipernocicepção mecânica foi induzida pela injeção intraplantar de carragenina e avaliada com o emprego de um analgesímetro digital durante um período de 4 horas. Para estudo da neurotoxicidade, os animais foram diariamente avaliados quanto ao peso corporal, alterações comportamentais e funções neurológicas, sendo mortos por perfusão transcardíaca um, sete ou 14 dias após a implantação da cânula SA. A ME foi coletada e submetida à análise histopatológica. Os resultados demonstraram que a administração do meloxicam na dose de 30 g.animal-1 não foi capaz de suprimir a resposta hipernociceptiva mecânica induzida pela carragenina. Nenhum animal, contudo, apresentou qualquer alteração comportamental ou das funções neurológicas durante o período de observação, tampouco ocorrendo diferença na variação do peso corporal entre os grupos. A análise histopatológica da ME não apresentou diferenças entre os grupos experimentais, entretanto revelou a presença de alterações severas relacionadas à presença da cânula SA, especialmente na região cervical. Estes dados sugerem a ausência de efeitos neurotóxicos após a administração SA do meloxicam, encorajando a realização de estudos adicionais com modelos de dor ou doses distintas.Evidences show that both isoforms of cyclooxygenase (COX) are constitutively expressed in the spinal cord (SC) of rats; COX-2 is predominant in the spinal cord dorsal horn (SCDH) and capable of having an important role in the development and maintenance of inflammatory pain. Thus, it is suggested that non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may exercise their analgesic action directly on central nervous system (CNS), and spinal administration of these drugs has emerged as an alternative in pain management. This study aims therefore to assess the effects of subarachnoid administration (SA) of meloxicam in a model of inflammatory pain as well as its possible toxicity on the CNS. Twenty-seven Wistar male rats were used, in which a SA catheter was implanted. The animals were randomly distributed in three groups and submitted to administration of 5 L of saline (Group I-GI), 30 g of meloxicam (Group II-GII) or only to chronic maintenance of SA catheter (Group IIIGIII). The mechanical hypernociception was induced by intraplantar injection of carrageenan and assessed with the use of a digital analgesymeter during a period of four hours. To study the neurotoxicity, the animals were assessed daily for body weight, behavioral changes and neurological functions, being euthanized by transcardiac perfusion in one, seven or fourteen days after implantation of SA catheter. The SC was collected and submitted to histopathologic analysis. Results showed that the administration of meloxicam in the 30 g.animal-1 dose was not capable of suppressing hypernociceptive mechanical response induced by carrageenan. No animal, however, exhibited any changes in behavior or neurological functions during the observation period, neither difference in body weight variation among groups. Histopathologic analysis of SC did not show differences among the experimental groups, but revealed the presence of severe alterations related to the presence of SA catheter, especially in the cervical. These data suggest the absence of neurotoxic effects after SA administration of meloxicam, encouraging further studies in pain models or different doses