7 research outputs found

    Implementation of Reciprocal Teaching Models to Increase the Capability of Writing Definition and Theorem in Simbolic Form

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    This study aims to obtain objective information about increasing in writing skill about definitions and theorems in symbolic form students through RT models in the sets, all kind of relations and functions in set and logic courses. In addition, this study develop the ability of understanding of definitions and theorems, because the ability of students to write definitions and theorems in symbolic form will foster the ability of understanding of the definitions and theorems.The sample of this study are the first semester students in class A2 who follow sets and logic course in mathematics education program of PMIPA FKIP Untan 2016-2017. Implementation focus on subject, sets and all kind of relations and functions.The data collection conducted in providing achievement test after being given treatment. Form of test is Essai with 15 questions which consist of 4 questions from subject set, 8 questions from kind of relations and 3 questions from functions.The results showed if the Reciprocal Teaching Model is one of model that could improve the writing skill about definitions and theorems through symbolic form in the subject matter ; Sets, kind of relations, functions in Sets and Logic courses

    Por el bien de la economía nacional: trabajo terapéutico y asistencia pública en el Manicomio de La Castañeda de la ciudad de México, 1929-1932 For the good of the nation's economy: therapeutic work and public assistance at La Castañeda asylum in Mexico City, 1929-32

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    El Manicomio de La Castañeda de la Ciudad de México, fundado en 1910, enfrentó hacia 1930 el problema de su masificación debido al elevado número de pacientes crónicos que hacían ver a la institución como un depósito de enfermos más que como un espacio terapéutico. Esta circunstancia condujo a la psiquiatría a su primera crisis de legitimidad como ciencia. Con el objetivo de combatir la leyenda negra en torno al manicomio, los médicos de La Castañeda promovieron la difusión en la prensa de un tratamiento de origen decimonónico que proyectaba la imagen pública de que los enfermos mentales podían tener la misma capacidad productiva que el resto de los hombres: la terapéutica por medio del trabajo. Esta propuesta contó con el apoyo del Estado emanado de la revolución mexicana porque el objetivo que guiaba la asistencia pública a los grupos más desprotegidos consistía en lograr su integración a la vida productiva del país a través del mercado, lo que se obtenía en el caso de los enfermos mentales a través de la terapia ocupacional.<br>Founded in 1910, by 1930 Mexico City's La Castañeda insane asylum was grappling with the problem of a massive number of chronic patients, a situation that earned it an image as a warehouse for the sick more than a place of treatment. Psychiatrists endeavored to restore the asylum's legitimacy by publicizing a nineteenth-century treatment which projected the public image that the mentally ill could be as productive as anyone else: work therapy. The government born of the Mexican revolution supported this proposal because the guiding objective behind public assistance for underprivileged groups was to make them part of the country's productive life via the market