71 research outputs found

    A Wireless LC Sensor Coated with Ba0.9Bi0.066TiO3 for Measuring Temperature

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    This paper presents a passive LC wireless sensor for measuring temperature. The sensor is designed as a parallel connection of a spiral inductor and an interdigitated capacitor and it was fabricated in a conductive layer using LTCC (Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic) technology. The inderdigitated capacitor electrodes were coated with a thin film of bismuth doped barium titanate (Ba0.9Bi0.066TiO3), whose permittivity changes with temperature, which directly induces changes in the capacitance of the interdigitated capacitor and consequently changes the resonant frequency of the sensor. The measurements of S-parameter of the sensor were performed using a Vector Network Analyzer (E5071B, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA), whose port was connected to the antenna coil that was placed around the sensor in order to be able to wirelessly detect temperature, in the temperature range from 25 degrees C to 165 degrees C

    Charge identification of fragments with the emulsion spectrometer of the FOOT experiment

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    The FOOT (FragmentatiOn Of Target) experiment is an international project designed to carry out the fragmentation cross-sectional measurements relevant for charged particle therapy (CPT), a technique based on the use of charged particle beams for the treatment of deep-seated tumors. The FOOT detector consists of an electronic setup for the identification of Z ≥ 3 fragments and an emulsion spectrometer for Z ≤ 3 fragments. The first data taking was performed in 2019 at the GSI facility (Darmstadt, Germany). In this study, the charge identification of fragments induced by exposing an emulsion detector, embedding a C2 H4 target, to an oxygen ion beam of 200 MeV/n is discussed. The charge identification is based on the controlled fading of nuclear emulsions in order to extend their dynamic range in the ionization response

    Charge identification of fragments with the emulsion spectrometer of the FOOT experiment

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    The FOOT (FragmentatiOn Of Target) experi- ment is an international project designed to carry out the fragmentation cross-sectional measurements relevant for charged particle therapy (CPT), a technique based on the use of charged particle beams for the treatment of deep-seated tumors. The FOOT detector consists of an electronic setup for the identification of Z >= 3 fragments and an emulsion spectrometer for Z <= 3 fragments. The first data taking was performed in 2019 at the GSI facility(Darmstadt, Germany). In this study, the charge identifi-cation of fragments induced by exposing an emulsion detector, embedding a C2H4 target, to an oxygen ion beam of 200 MeV/n is discussed. The charge identifica-tion is based on the controlled fading of nuclear emulsions in order to extend their dynamic range in the ionization response

    Measuring the Impact of Nuclear Interaction in Particle Therapy and in Radio Protection in Space: the FOOT Experiment

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    In Charged Particle Therapy (PT) proton or 12C beams are used to treat deep-seated solid tumors exploiting the advantageous characteristics of charged particles energy deposition in matter. For such projectiles, the maximum of the dose is released at the end of the beam range, in the Bragg peak region, where the tumour is located. However, the nuclear interactions of the beam nuclei with the patient tissues can induce the fragmentation of projectiles and/or target nuclei and needs to be carefully taken into account when planning the treatment. In proton treatments, the target fragmentation produces low energy, short range fragments along all the beam path, that deposit a non-negligible dose especially in the first crossed tissues. On the other hand, in treatments performed using 12C, or other (4He or 16O) ions of interest, the main concern is related to the production of long range fragments that can release their dose in the healthy tissues beyond the Bragg peak. Understanding nuclear fragmentation processes is of interest also for radiation protection in human space flight applications, in view of deep space missions. In particular 4He and high-energy charged particles, mainly 12C, 16O, 28Si and 56Fe, provide the main source of absorbed dose in astronauts outside the atmosphere. The nuclear fragmentation properties of the materials used to build the spacecrafts need to be known with high accuracy in order to optimise the shielding against the space radiation. The study of the impact of these processes, which is of interest both for PT and space radioprotection applications, suffers at present from the limited experimental precision achieved on the relevant nuclear cross sections that compromise the reliability of the available computational models. The FOOT (FragmentatiOn Of Target) collaboration, composed of researchers from France, Germany, Italy and Japan, designed an experiment to study these nuclear processes and measure the corresponding fragmentation cross sections. In this work we discuss the physics motivations of FOOT, describing in detail the present detector design and the expected performances, coming from the optimization studies based on accurate FLUKA MC simulations and preliminary beam test results. The measurements planned will be also presented

    Performance of the ToF detectors in the foot experiment

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    The FOOT (FragmentatiOn Of Target) experiment aims to deter- mine the fragmentation cross-sections of nuclei of interest for particle therapy and radioprotection in space. The apparatus is composed of several detectors that allow fragment identification in terms of charge, mass, energy and direction. The frag- ment time of flight (ToF) along a lever arm of ∼2 m is used for particle ID, requiring a resolution below 100ps to achieve a sufficient resolution in the fragment atomic mass identification. The timing performance of the ToF system evaluated with 12C and 16O beams is reviewed in this contribution

    Phase diagram of hard-core bosons on a zig-zag ladder

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    We study hard-core bosons with unfrustrated nearest-neighbor hopping t and repulsive interaction V on a zigzag ladder. As a function of the boson density ρ and V/t, the ground state displays different quantum phases. A standard one-component Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid is stable for ρ2/3) at any value of V/t. At commensurate densities ρ=1/3, 1/2, and 2/3 insulating (crystalline) phases are stabilized for a sufficiently large interaction V. For intermediate densities 1/3<ρ<2/3 and large V/t, the ground state shows a clear evidence of a bound state of two bosons, implying gapped single-particle excitations but gapless excitations of boson pairs. These properties can be understood by the fact that the antisymmetric sector acquires a gap and a single gapless mode survives. Finally, for the same range of boson densities and weak interactions, the system is again a one-component Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid with no evidence of any breaking of discrete symmetries, in contrast to the frustrated case, where a Z2 symmetry breaking has been predicted

    An initial evaluation of a long-term, sustainable, integrated community-based physical activity program for adults with intellectual disability

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    Background Physical activity (PA) programs for adults with intellectual disability (ID) have positive impacts, at least in the short term. No research has been reported on the effect of long-term engagement in PA programs for adults with ID. This paper explores the physical and psychosocial benefits gained by two individuals with mild ID who participated in a long-term PA program. Method Accelerometery was used to collect PA data during the program and for 7-day periods outside of the program. To explore the psychosocial outcomes gained from participating in the program, participants and their caregivers were interviewed about their participation experiences. Results Across time, a decrease in the amount of light activity engaged in during sessions was found, with participants gradually increasing their moderate to vigorous activity. Psychosocial benefits, including meeting new people and gaining social acknowledgement were reported by participants and caregivers. Conclusions Long-term, sustainable, low cost PA programs (such as the one under investigation) can minimise barriers to physical activity for people with ID

    Immigration: Interventions in sanitary management in Veneto region

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    Objectives: In this article measures as regards immigration and health, in particular in relation to the control of infectious diseases, enacted by Veneto Region from 1990 to 1998 are analyzed. Methods: Experiences and political directives carried out in the last decade by Veneto region are considered. Results and conclusions: The management of immigration phenomenon, relatively new in consistence and growth in Italian and in particular in Venetian socio-cultural contest, in matter of health policy particularly addresses its interests in the control and valutation of socio- sanitary aspects linked with infectious and diffusive diseases epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment, because known as one of the risk factors in for health status of this new demographic component of the population. The collection of epidemiological informations at regional level, permits to formulate a correct management and sanitary planning and in the end to prevent alarmist attitudes in host people maintaining a good level of 'social tollerance'

    Mixed particle beam for simultaneous treatment and online range verification in carbon ion therapy: Proof-of-concept study

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    Purpose Methods Radiation therapy with ion beams provides a better conformation and effectiveness of the dose delivered to the tumor with respect to photon beams. This implies that a small uncertainty or variation in the crossed tissue shape and density may lead to a more important underdosage of the tumor and/or an overdosage of the surrounding healthy tissue. Although the online control of beam fluence and transverse position is well managed by an appropriate beam delivery system, the online measurement of the longitudinal position of the Bragg peak inside the patient is still an open issue. In this paper we propose a proof-of-concept study of a technique that would allow the online verification of the patient thickness along the beam direction, which could permit detecting a subset of possible range error causes, such as morphological variations. The nuclei C-12 and He-4 have the same magnetic rigidity: the two species could be accelerated together in an accelerator and a mixed particle beam delivered to the patient. In the same medium and with the same energy per nucleon, the range of He-4(2+) is about three times the C-12(6+) one. It is, thus, conceivable to achieve a dual goal with a single mixed beam: carbon, stopping into the tumor, is appointed to cure, while helium, emerging from the patient, to control: by detecting and measuring the residual range and position of He, it would be possible to determine the integrated relative stopping power of the patient and prove that it is the expected one. For the detection of helium particles, a plastic scintillator and an optical sensor are proposed. Being helium ions not available at CNAO, the detection system has been characterized using a proton beam. Nevertheless, since the light emitted by a proton is less than the one produced by a helium ion, the helium signal is expected to be more pronounced than the proton one (for the same number of particles). To predict the magnitude of the light signal measured by the sensor, two Monte Carlo models have been setup and validated by measuring the photons per pixel impinging on the sensor. To deal with the many optical issues and to reliably describe the physical process, some corrections have been included into the models. Results Conclusions The predictions of both the models are in good agreement with the measurements (within the 20% in terms of absolute photons per pixel). The proposed detection system is able to measure the range of a proton beam with sub-millimetrical precision also in the presence of the background produced by carbon ion fragments and discrepancies in the expected range were detected with a resolution better than 1 mm. Although many technical issues have still to be addressed for a real implementation in a clinical environment, the preliminary results of this study suggest that a surrogate of real-time verification of the beam range inside the patient during a treatment with carbon ions is possible by adding a small fraction of helium ions to the primary beam

    Impact of consumption of cooked red and black Chenopodium quinoa Willd. over blood lipids, oxidative stress, and blood glucose levels in hypertension-induced rats

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    Hypertension is associated with the overproduction of free radicals, generating oxidative stress, which could contribute to the lipid peroxidation, altering the blood lipid levels, and to the development of diseases such as diabetes. The aim of this work was to evaluate the bioactivity of cooked red and black quinoa over blood lipids, oxidative stress and glucose levels in hypertension34 induced rats by the supply of the drug N (\u3c9)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME). The consumption of red quinoa increased significantly (p < .05) the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL). In addition, the quinoa consumption, regardless of the variety, not only increased the activity of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase and catalase), but also reduced blood glucose levels. The total phenolic compounds and total flavonoids content were higher in red than in black quinoa while this latter obtained better values for the total antioxidant activity. In conclusions, the presence of bioactive compounds in quinoa could be the responsible for its capacity to improve the HDL levels, the in vivo antioxidant activity and the levels of fasting blood glucose in hypertension-induced rats. Findings from this study could promote the consumption of quinoa, which seems to be a good source in the development of functional foods, in order to take advantages of its bioactivities