335 research outputs found

    L’intégration du malade mental dans la société

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    À la suite de plusieurs années de pratique dans le milieu psychiatrique au Québec et à l'étranger, l'auteure expose ses préoccupations et ses interrogations sur l'avenir et le rôle des équipes de psychiatrie de secteur.Following many years of practice in psychiatric settings in Québec and abroad, the author exposes his preoccupations and questions on the future and the role of sectorial psychiatric teams

    Living Among Giants: Cedar Trees and the Nootka

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    This multi-disciplinary curriculum explores the importance of one natural resource, the cedar tree, in the lives of the Nootka, a Pacific Northwest First Nation. Through inquiry-based discussion, science experiments, language arts, and drawing, Third and Fourth grade students learn how this amazing natural resource was (and often still is) used in everything from tools and clothing to food and shelter

    Quinze ans de pratique psychiatrique

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    Cet article est une rétrospective de 15 ans d’expérience d’une infirmière de clinique externe en santé mentale. Les allusions et la réalité de la psychiatrie communautaire sont exposées comme vécues dans le cœur d’un travail de groupe. L’auteure présente aussi les résultats de son approche thérapeutique. Elle trace plusieurs projections pour l’avenir sur de nouveaux modèles de fonctionnement de groupe et des programmes structurés de prévention.Retrospective of 15 years experience as a clinic-nurse in mental health. The illusions and realities in community psychiatry as experienced in the course of group work. Results of our therapeutic approach. Several projections for the future : towards new models for group functioning and towards structured programs in prevention

    Québec comme laboratoire urbain : Transformations socioprofessionnelles et industrialisation dans la ville de Québec, 1871-1901

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    La ville de Québec connut une forte croissance économique et démographique dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle. Cependant, au tournant des années 1860, s’amorça une période de crise relative qui dura jusqu’à la fin du siècle, résultat de l’effritement de la base économique de la ville. Longtemps considérées comme une période de stagnation économique et sociale, ces décennies correspondent plutôt à une phase de bouleversements durables des assises matérielles de la vie locale à Québec. Cette transition profonde suscite des interrogations sur l’incidence des changements économiques sur le paysage social de la ville. Ainsi, comment cette transition s’est-elle répercutée sur la différenciation socioprofessionnelle de ses espaces résidentiels ? À partir de données géoréférencées des recensements de 1871 et 1901, l’analyse a pour objet de vérifier s’il y a eu des changements dans la répartition des hommes et des femmes en emploi à Québec selon les catégories socioprofessionnelles dans le dernier tiers du XIXe siècle.During the first half of the 19th century, Quebec City experienced significant economic and demographic growth. Nevertheless, by 1860, a crisis had already set in, one that lasted until the end of the century and was due to the collapse of the city’s economic foundations. Long considered as a period of social and economic stagnation for the city, these decades were in fact a time of lasting changes to the material foundations of local life. To what extent did such a major shift in the city’s economic sphere impact upon the social cityscape? How did this transition modify the socio-professional differentiation of residential spaces? Using georeferenced data gleaned from the 1871 and 1901 census reports, our analysis is designed to study mod-ifications of spatial manpower distribution, according to occupational categories, during the last third of the 19th century

    Reporting on Risk: Who Decides What\u27s News?

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    Dr. Lanouette argues that risks alone do not command national media attention; their implications must first be framed by broader national issues

    Emotion, Place, and Practice: Exploring the Interplay in Children\u27s Engagement in Ecologists\u27 Sampling Practices

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    In science education, there has been a sustained focus on supporting the emergence of science practices in K–12 and field-based settings. Recent work has elevated the integral role of emotion in sparking and sustaining such disciplinary practices, deepening the field\u27s understanding of what is entailed in “doing” science. Yet even as we gain this richer understanding of practice, less attention has been given to the places where practice emerges. These places play a critical role in the co-emergence of emotion and practice, and while separate strands of research have elevated emotion and practice or, alternately, place and practice, rarely has their dynamic relationship been considered together. In this article, I explore this interplay of emotion, place, and practice emergent in children\u27s sampling practices within a multiweek curriculum centered around their schoolyard soil ecosystem. Through a comparative case study analysis of two student pairs using video data, student interviews, and classroom artifacts, my analysis reveals how children\u27s emergent emotion was entangled in their relationships with the schoolyard and life within, shaping not only how they engaged in sampling practices but also what dimensions of the ecological system they attended to. I argue that emotion and place should be central to the design, teaching, and analysis of learning contexts, in turn centering the social and emplaced dimensions of science disciplinary practices for children and scientists alike. Implications for science teaching and learning are discussed, with particular consideration of field-based sciences

    Alien Registration- Lanouette, Robert (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Portrait des activités internationales réalisées en 2014-2015 dans les collèges privés subventionnés québécois

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    La présente recherche a été subventionnée par le ministère de l’Éducation, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche dans le cadre du Programme de recherche et d’expérimentation pédagogiques (PREP) de l’Association des collèges privés québécois (ACPQ).Comprend des références bibliographique

    Learning Within Socio-Political Landscapes: (Re)imagining Children’s Geographies

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    In this special issue, we bring together educators and researchers to (re)imagine what it means to teach and learn within the immediacy of the here and now, an orientation crucial to confronting contemporary threats to children’s lives, democracy, and the planet. We seek to extend and broaden Mitchell’s original conceptualizations—centering the past and future alongside the immediacies of the now, elevating Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC) perspectives in children’s geographies and exploring potentialities of mapping in analog as well as emerging digital forms. We also aim to carry forward her commitments to listening to children with curiosity and care, rooted in a belief that young people know a lot about the world already and that they are fully capable of delving deep into complex processes and problems. As such, this collection situates young peoples’ here and now within sociopolitical landscapes, the wider nested systems and structures that constitute and reconstitute land, place, and children’s geographies
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