385 research outputs found

    On the complex dynamics of intracellular ganglion cell light responses in the cat retina

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    We recorded intracellular responses from cat retinal ganglion cells to sinusoidal flickering lights and compared the response dynamics to a theoretical model based on coupled nonlinear oscillators. Flicker responses for several different spot sizes were separated in a 'smooth' generator (G) potential and eorresponding spike trains. We have previously shown that the G-potential reveals complex, stimulus dependent, oscillatory behavior in response to sinusoidally flickering lights. Such behavior could be simulated by a modified van der Pol oscillator. In this paper, we extend the model to account for spike generation as well, by including extended Hodgkin-Huxley equations describing local membrane properties. We quantified spike responses by several parameters describing the mean and standard deviation of spike burst duration, timing (phase shift) of bursts, and the number of spikes in a burst. The dependence of these response parameters on stimulus frequency and spot size could be reproduced in great detail by coupling the van der Pol oscillator, and Hodgkin-Huxley equations. The model mimics many experimentally observed response patterns, including non-phase-locked irregular oscillations. Our findings suggest that the information in the ganglion cell spike train reflects both intraretinal processing, simulated by the van der Pol oscillator) and local membrane properties described by Hodgkin-Huxley equations. The interplay between these complex processes can be simulated by changing the coupling coefficients between the two oscillators. Our simulations therefore show that irregularities in spike trains, which normally are considered to be noise, may be interpreted as complex oscillations that might earry information.Whitehall Foundation (S93-24

    A gain-control model relating nulling results to the duration of dynamic motion aftereffects

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    AbstractStrength of the motion aftereffect (MAE) is most often quantified by its duration, a high-variance and rather ‘subjective’ measure. With the help of an automatic gain-control model we quantitatively relate nulling-thresholds, adaptation strength, direction discrimination threshold, and duration of the dynamic MAE (dMAE). This shows how the nulling threshold, a more objective two-alternative forced-choice measure, relates to the same system property as MAE-durations. Two psychophysical experiments to test the model use moving random-pixel-arrays with an adjustable luminance signal-to-noise ratio. We measure MAE-duration as a function of adaptation strength and compare the results to the model prediction. We then do the same for nulling-thresholds. Model predictions are strongly supported by the psychophysical findings. In a third experiment we test formulae coupling nulling threshold, MAE-duration, and direction-discrimination thresholds, by measuring these quantities as a function of speed. For the medium-to-high speed range of these experiments we found that nulling thresholds increase and dMAE-durations decrease about linearly, whereas direction discrimination thresholds increase exponentially with speed. The model description then suggests that the motion-gain decreases, while the noise-gain and model’s threshold increase with speed

    Sensitivity for reverse-phi motion

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    AbstractLow-level contrast information in the primary visual pathway is represented in two different channels. ON-center cells signal positive contrasts and OFF-center cells signal negative contrasts. In this study we address the question whether initial motion analysis is performed separately in these two channels, or also through combination of signals from ON and OFF cells. We quantitatively compared motion coherence detection for regular and for reverse-phi motion stimuli. In reverse-phi motion the contrast of a pattern flips during displacements. Sensitivity is therefore based on correlating positive and negative contrasts, whereas for regular motion it is based on correlating similar contrasts. We compared tuning curves for step size and temporal interval for stimuli in which motion information was limited to a single combination of step size and interval. Tuning for step size and temporal interval was highly similar for the two types of motion. Moreover, minimal coherence thresholds for both types of motion matched quantitatively, irrespective of dot density. We also measured sensitivity for so-called no-phi motion stimuli, in which the contrast of displaced dots was set to zero. Sensitivity for no-phi motion was low for stimuli containing only black or only white dots. When both dot polarities were present in the stimulus, sensitivity was absent. Thus, motion information based on separate contrasts was effectively cancelled by a component based on different contrasts. Together these results show equal efficiency in correlating dots of opposite contrast and of similar contrast, which strongly suggests efficient detection of correlations across ON and OFF channels

    Spike-Interval Triggered Averaging Reveals a Quasi-Periodic Spiking Alternative for Stochastic Resonance in Catfish Electroreceptors

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    Catfish detect and identify invisible prey by sensing their ultra-weak electric fields with electroreceptors. Any neuron that deals with small-amplitude input has to overcome sensitivity limitations arising from inherent threshold non-linearities in spike-generation mechanisms. Many sensory cells solve this issue with stochastic resonance, in which a moderate amount of intrinsic noise causes irregular spontaneous spiking activity with a probability that is modulated by the input signal. Here we show that catfish electroreceptors have adopted a fundamentally different strategy. Using a reverse correlation technique in which we take spike interval durations into account, we show that the electroreceptors generate a supra-threshold bias current that results in quasi-periodically produced spikes. In this regime stimuli modulate the interval between successive spikes rather than the instantaneous probability for a spike. This alternative for stochastic resonance combines threshold-free sensitivity for weak stimuli with similar sensitivity for excitations and inhibitions based on single interspike intervals

    Dose recommendations for anticancer drugs in patients with renal or hepatic impairment

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    Renal or hepatic impairment is a common comorbidity for patients with cancer either because of the disease itself, toxicity of previous anticancer treatments, or because of other factors affecting organ function, such as increased age. Because renal and hepatic function are among the main determinants of drug exposure, the pharmacokinetic profile might be altered for patients with cancer who have renal or hepatic impairment, necessitating dose adjustments. Most anticancer drugs are dosed near their maximum tolerated dose and are characterised by a narrow therapeutic index. Consequently, selecting an adequate dose for patients who have either hepatic or renal impairment, or both, is challenging and definitive recommendations on dose adjustments are scarce. In this Review, we discuss the effect of renal and hepatic impairment on the pharmacokinetics of anticancer drugs. To guide clinicians in selecting appropriate dose adjustments, information from available drug labels and from the published literature were combined to provide a practical set of recommendations for dose adjustments of 160 anticancer drugs for patients with hepatic and renal impairment