15 research outputs found

    COUPE-CIRCUIT. Une alternative Ă  la psychiatrie

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    Coupe-Circuit est une clinique communautaire qui offre de l’aide psychologique aux résidants des secteurs ouvriers de la ville de Québec qui ont des problèmes de santé mentale. Sa philosophie, ses objectifs, ses méthodes et approches cliniques défient radicalement la psychiatrie actuelle. Essentiellement, son but est de soutenir le réseau d’aide naturelle.Coupe-Circuit is a community clinic which offers the psychological help to the residents of the working class districts of Quebec City who have mental health problems. Its philosophy, objectives, methods and clinical approach radically challenge present-day psychiatry. Essentially, it aims to support the natural help network

    Biological activities of phthalocyanines-X. Syntheses and analyses of sulfonated phthalocyanines

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    Synthetic methods to obtain selectively sulfonated metallo phthalocyanines are compared. Both condensation and direct sulfonation procedures lead to mixtures of mono- to tetrasulfonated products which are resolved by reverse phase liquid chromatography in buffered aqueous-methanol. The proportion of sulfonated derivatives is examined as a function of the starting reagents in the case of the condensation method. and as a function of the temperature and reaction time in the case of the direct sulfonation procedure. The number of sulfonate groups per phthalocyanine molecule is determined by oxidative degradation of the phthalocyanine ring followed by quantitative chromatographic analysis of the sulfophthalamide and phthalamide fragments

    Stéroïdes mineurs, hydroperoxydes lipidiques et prostaglandines dans l'intima humaine normale et athérosclérotique

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    Les lipides totaux, le cholestérol libre ainsi que les hydroperoxydes lipidiques, ont été mesurés au niveau de l'intima humaine, en relation avec les différents stades de l'athérosclérose (sévérité de la maladie). Il est démontré que ces 3 critères étudiés augmentent avec la sévérité de la maladie et que cette augmentation est plus prononcée entre les stades I et II. Des données chromatographiques montrent que la majeure partie des hydroperoxydes lipidiques sont dans la fraction des esters du cholestérol plutôt que dans celle du cholestérol libre. Dans la fraction des stérols dihydroxy, l'hydroxy-26 cholestérol, déjà identifié par d'autres auteurs, a été isolé et sa concentration déterminée pour les différents stades de l'athérosclérose. Il a été confirmé que sa concentration augmente avec la sévérité de la maladie. Dans la même fraction, l’hydroxy-20a cholestérol a été isolé et identifié dans un cas. Un autre stérol mineur, dont le poids moléculaire serait de 446, a été isolé de l'intima humaine. Sa structure moléculaire possible est discutée se basant sur des données chromatographiques et son spectre de masse. La présence de prostaglandines a été détectée dans l'intima humaine. Des données chromatographiques et des essais biologiques permettent de supposer que ces prostaglandines sont du groupe PGFa. Leur rôle possible dans l'étiologie de l'athérosclérose est discuté

    Biological activities of phthalocyanines-XI. Phototoxicity of sulfonated aluminum naphthalocyanines towards V-79 chinese hamster cells

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    The phototoxicity of sulfonated aluminum naphthalocyanines towards V-79 Chinese hamster cells is investigated. The disulfonated naphthalocyanine exhibits similar photostability, but better cell penetrating properties than the tetrasulfonated dyes. The capacity of the naphthalocyanines to generate singlet oxygen is comparable to that of the corresponding phthalocyanines. However, in contrast to the phthalocyanine dyes, the sulfonated aluminum naphthalocyanines show very little phototoxicity towards the V-79 cells, suggesting close association with non-vital cell constituents or extensive formation of photoinactive adducts and aggregates

    Biological activities of phthalocyanines-VIII. Cellular distribution in V-79 Chinese hamster cells and phototoxicity of selectively sulfonated aluminum phthalocyanines

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    Water soluble chloro aluminum phthalocyanines sulfonated to different degrees are studied for phototoxicity and cellular distribution in V-79 Chinese hamster cells. The more hydrophobic disulfonated dyes, with sulfonate substituents on adjacent benzyl groups of the phthalocyanine ring structure, exhibited the best cell penetrating properties and the highest phototoxicity. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that the dye was uniformly distributed in the cytoplasm but absent in the nucleus. The greater cell membrane penetrating properties of the lower as compared to the higher sulfonated dyes are attributed to the amphiphilic nature of the former

    Biological activities of phthalocyanines-VIII. Cellular distribution in V-79 Chinese hamster cells and phototoxicity of selectively sulfonated aluminum phthalocyanines

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    Water soluble chloro aluminum phthalocyanines sulfonated to different degrees are studied for phototoxicity and cellular distribution in V-79 Chinese hamster cells. The more hydrophobic disulfonated dyes, with sulfonate substituents on adjacent benzyl groups of the phthalocyanine ring structure, exhibited the best cell penetrating properties and the highest phototoxicity. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that the dye was uniformly distributed in the cytoplasm but absent in the nucleus. The greater cell membrane penetrating properties of the lower as compared to the higher sulfonated dyes are attributed to the amphiphilic nature of the former

    Biological activities of phthalocyanines-XI. Phototoxicity of sulfonated aluminum naphthalocyanines towards V-79 chinese hamster cells

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    The phototoxicity of sulfonated aluminum naphthalocyanines towards V-79 Chinese hamster cells is investigated. The disulfonated naphthalocyanine exhibits similar photostability, but better cell penetrating properties than the tetrasulfonated dyes. The capacity of the naphthalocyanines to generate singlet oxygen is comparable to that of the corresponding phthalocyanines. However, in contrast to the phthalocyanine dyes, the sulfonated aluminum naphthalocyanines show very little phototoxicity towards the V-79 cells, suggesting close association with non-vital cell constituents or extensive formation of photoinactive adducts and aggregates