516 research outputs found

    Fractional chemotaxis diffusion equations

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    We introduce mesoscopic and macroscopic model equations of chemotaxis with anomalous subdiffusion for modeling chemically directed transport of biological organisms in changing chemical environments with diffusion hindered by traps or macromolecular crowding. The mesoscopic models are formulated using continuous time random walk equations and the macroscopic models are formulated with fractional order differential equations. Different models are proposed depending on the timing of the chemotactic forcing. Generalizations of the models to include linear reaction dynamics are also derived. Finally a Monte Carlo method for simulating anomalous subdiffusion with chemotaxis is introduced and simulation results are compared with numerical solutions of the model equations. The model equations developed here could be used to replace Keller-Segel type equations in biological systems with transport hindered by traps, macromolecular crowding or other obstacles

    On elliptic factors in real endoscopic transfer I

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    This paper is concerned with the structure of packets of representations and some refinements that are helpful in endoscopic transfer for real groups. It includes results on the structure and transfer of packets of limits of discrete series representations. It also reinterprets the Adams-Johnson transfer of certain nontempered representations via spectral analogues of the Langlands-Shelstad factors, thereby providing structure and transfer compatible with the associated transfer of orbital integrals. The results come from two simple tools introduced here. The first concerns a family of splittings of the algebraic group G under consideration; such a splitting is based on a fundamental maximal torus of G rather than a maximally split maximal torus. The second concerns a family of Levi groups attached to the dual data of a Langlands or an Arthur parameter for the group G. The introduced splittings provide explicit realizations of these Levi groups. The tools also apply to maps on stable conjugacy classes associated with the transfer of orbital integrals. In particular, they allow for a simpler version of the definitions of Kottwitz-Shelstad for twisted endoscopic transfer in certain critical cases. The paper prepares for spectral factors in twisted endoscopic transfer that are compatible in a certain sense with the standard factors discussed here. This compatibility is needed for Arthur's global theory. The twisted factors themselves will be defined in a separate paper.Comment: 48 pages, to appear in Progress in Mathematics, Volume 312, Birkha\"user. Also renumbering to match that of submitted versio

    Fractional Chemotaxis Diffusion Equations

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    We introduce mesoscopic and macroscopic model equations of chemotaxis with anomalous subdiffusion for modelling chemically directed transport of biological organisms in changing chemical environments with diffusion hindered by traps or macro-molecular crowding. The mesoscopic models are formulated using Continuous Time Random Walk master equations and the macroscopic models are formulated with fractional order differential equations. Different models are proposed depending on the timing of the chemotactic forcing. Generalizations of the models to include linear reaction dynamics are also derived. Finally a Monte Carlo method for simulating anomalous subdiffusion with chemotaxis is introduced and simulation results are compared with numerical solutions of the model equations. The model equations developed here could be used to replace Keller-Segel type equations in biological systems with transport hindered by traps, macro-molecular crowding or other obstacles.Comment: 25page

    Unitary Dual of GL_n at archimedean places and global Jacquet-Langlands correspondence

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    In [7], results about the global Jacquet-Langlands correspondence, (weak and strong) multiplicity-one theorems and the classification of automorphic representations for inner forms of the general linear group over a number field are established, under the condition that the local inner forms are split at archimedean places. In this paper, we extend the main local results of [7] to archimedean places so that this assumption can be removed. Along the way, we collect several results about the unitary dual of general linear groups over \bbR, \bbC or \bbH of independent interest

    Automorphic properties of low energy string amplitudes in various dimensions

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    This paper explores the moduli-dependent coefficients of higher derivative interactions that appear in the low-energy expansion of the four-graviton amplitude of maximally supersymmetric string theory compactified on a d-torus. These automorphic functions are determined for terms up to order D^6R^4 and various values of d by imposing a variety of consistency conditions. They satisfy Laplace eigenvalue equations with or without source terms, whose solutions are given in terms of Eisenstein series, or more general automorphic functions, for certain parabolic subgroups of the relevant U-duality groups. The ultraviolet divergences of the corresponding supergravity field theory limits are encoded in various logarithms, although the string theory expressions are finite. This analysis includes intriguing representations of SL(d) and SO(d,d) Eisenstein series in terms of toroidally compactified one and two-loop string and supergravity amplitudes.Comment: 80 pages. 1 figure. v2:Typos corrected, footnotes amended and small clarifications. v3: minor corrections. Version to appear in Phys Rev

    Fractional Fokker-Planck Equations for Subdiffusion with Space-and-Time-Dependent Forces

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    We have derived a fractional Fokker-Planck equation for subdiffusion in a general space-and- time-dependent force field from power law waiting time continuous time random walks biased by Boltzmann weights. The governing equation is derived from a generalized master equation and is shown to be equivalent to a subordinated stochastic Langevin equation.Comment: 5 page

    Deformed strings in the Heisenberg model

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    We investigate solutions to the Bethe equations for the isotropic S = 1/2 Heisenberg chain involving complex, string-like rapidity configurations of arbitrary length. Going beyond the traditional string hypothesis of undeformed strings, we describe a general procedure to construct eigenstates including strings with generic deformations, discuss general features of these solutions, and provide a number of explicit examples including complete solutions for all wavefunctions of short chains. We finally investigate some singular cases and show from simple symmetry arguments that their contribution to zero-temperature correlation functions vanishes.Comment: 34 pages, 13 figure

    Stowford: an early medieval hundred meeting place

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    In the summer of 2015 archaeological excavation sought to examine the location of an early medieval hundred meeting place (‘moot’) in southern Wiltshire. The investigation was planned in the context of recent work to characterise hundred meeting places and to explore the survival of local Roman roads into the medieval period (Baker and Brookes 2015; Langlands forthcoming a; Brookes et al. forthcoming). Stowford provided an opportunity to bring these different concerns together. The site lies 2km west of Broad Chalke and 200m southwest of the hamlet of Fifield Bavant in the extreme east of Ebbesbourne Wake parish. Excavations centred on NGR SU 016 248 in fields immediately south of the River Ebble which flows west to east from Ebbesbourne Wake to Broad Chalke before joining the River Avon at Bodenham. The valley floor is generally flat at around 92m above Ordnance Datum but rises sharply to the south and to the north of the Ebble. The underlying solid geology is Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation overlain by Alluvium and Head Deposits (Geology Digimap, accessed Feb 2017). Funding for the fieldwork was generously provided by the Leverhulme Trust as part of the UCL project ‘Travel and Communication in Anglo-Saxon England’, and was carried out by a team from UCL, Swansea University and the University of Nottingham

    The Tails of the Crossing Probability

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    The scaling of the tails of the probability of a system to percolate only in the horizontal direction πhs\pi_{hs} was investigated numerically for correlated site-bond percolation model for q=1,2,3,4q=1,2,3,4.We have to demonstrate that the tails of the crossing probability far from the critical point have shape πhs(p)Dexp(cL[ppc]ν)\pi_{hs}(p) \simeq D \exp(c L[p-p_{c}]^{\nu}) where ν\nu is the correlation length index, p=1exp(β)p=1-\exp(-\beta) is the probability of a bond to be closed. At criticality we observe crossover to another scaling πhs(p)Aexp(bL[ppc]νz)\pi_{hs}(p) \simeq A \exp (-b {L [p-p_{c}]^{\nu}}^{z}). Here zz is a scaling index describing the central part of the crossing probability.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, v3:one fitting procedure is changed, grammatical change

    Parameters for Twisted Representations

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    The study of Hermitian forms on a real reductive group GG gives rise, in the unequal rank case, to a new class of Kazhdan-Lusztig-Vogan polynomials. These are associated with an outer automorphism δ\delta of GG, and are related to representations of the extended group . These polynomials were defined geometrically by Lusztig and Vogan in "Quasisplit Hecke Algebras and Symmetric Spaces", Duke Math. J. 163 (2014), 983--1034. In order to use their results to compute the polynomials, one needs to describe explicitly the extension of representations to the extended group. This paper analyzes these extensions, and thereby gives a complete algorithm for computing the polynomials. This algorithm is being implemented in the Atlas of Lie Groups and Representations software