9 research outputs found

    Naturally Acquired Bovine Besnoitiosis

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    The pathogenesis of bovine besnoitiosis, a disease of increasing concern within Europe, is still incompletely understood. In this study, disease progression after natural infection with the causative apicomplexan Besnoitia besnoiti was monitored in histological skin sections of 5 individual female cattle over time. High-frequency skin sampling of 2 cattle with mild and 2 with severe acute, subacute, and chronic besnoitiosis, as well as from 1 animal during subclinical disease, enabled documentation from the beginning of the disease. Skin sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Giemsa, periodic acid–Schiff reaction, and anti-Besnoitia immunohistochemistry. In all 4 clinically affected animals, tachyzoite-like endozoites could be detected for the first time by immunohistochemistry, and tissue cyst evolution was monitored. Besnoitiosis-associated lesions were not detected in the animal showing the subclinical course. Because of the inconsistency of the nomenclature of Besnoitia tissue cyst layers in the literature, a new nomenclature for B. besnoiti cyst wall layers is proposed: tissue cysts consist of a hypertrophied host cell with enlarged nuclei, an intracytoplasmic parasitophorous vacuole with bradyzoites, a sometimes vacuolated inner cyst wall, and an outer cyst wall in more developed cysts. Inner and outer cyst walls can be readily distinguished by using special stains. In 1 animal, extracystic B. besnoiti zoites were immunohistochemically detected during the chronic stage. At necropsy, the 2 severely affected cows displayed large numbers of B. besnoiti cysts in a variety of tissues, including the corium of the claws, contributing mainly to the development of chronic laminitis in these 2 cases

    Natural Besnoitia besnoiti infections in cattle: chronology of disease progression

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    BACKGROUND: Bovine besnoitiosis is an emerging protozoan disease in cattle. Neither vaccines nor chemotherapeutic drugs are currently available for prevention and treatment of Besnoitia besnoiti infections. Therefore the implementation of appropriate disease management strategies is of utmost importance. The aim of this longitudinal study was to complement current knowledge on the chronology of disease progression. This was realized by correlating clinical findings in early stages of naturally acquired bovine besnoitiosis with results of real-time PCR of skin biopsies and of two western immunoblots and an immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Animals for this study were obtained by i) closely monitoring a cow-calf operation with a high prevalence of bovine besnoitiosis for cases of acute disease, and by ii) conducting a 12-week cohabitation experiment on pasture with five healthy heifers, a healthy bull and five B. besnoiti infected cows. A control group of six healthy heifers was kept at a minimal distance of 20 m. Further, the spectrum of potential insect vectors was determined. RESULTS: Infected cattle were followed up to a maximum of 221 days after first detection of B. besnoiti antibodies. Two severely affected cows developed visible and palpable alterations of skin, a decrease in body condition despite good feed intake, and chronic bovine besnoitiosis-associated laminitis leading to non-healing sole ulcers. The cows also had high reciprocal IFAT titers and high loads of parasite DNA in skin samples. Two heifers developed a mild clinical course characterized by few parasitic cysts visible in the scleral conjunctivae and vestibula vaginae. Both heifers became infected during the time of high insect activity of the species Musca domestica, Musca autumnalis, Haematobia irritans, and Stomoxys calcitrans. When a third heifer became subclinically infected, low insect activity was recorded. None of the six control heifers contracted a B. besnoiti infection. CONCLUSIONS: In chronic besnoitiosis, the severe clinical course apparently corresponded with high reciprocal IFAT titers and high loads of parasite DNA in skin, whereas mild and subclinical cases displayed lower values. Bovine besnoitiosis-associated laminitis represents an important complication in severe chronic disease which severely impairs animal welfar

    Natural Besnoitia besnoiti infections in cattle: hematological alterations and changes in serum chemistry and enzyme activities

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    BACKGROUND: The emerging disease bovine besnoitiosis is caused by the apicomplexan parasite Besnoitia besnoiti. Clinical signs of acute besnoitiosis are pyrexia, anorexia and subcutaneous edema. In subacute and chronic besnoitiosis parasitic cysts arise in a variety of tissues and affected cattle display skin lesions and weight loss. In all stages of bovine besnoitiosis, lesions can be found in many organ systems and therefore presumably alter a variety of laboratory parameters. In this study, the impact of naturally acquired acute, subacute and chronic bovine besnoitiosis on hematologic parameters, serum chemistry, and enzyme activities was investigated. Laboratory parameters of two Simmental heifers and two Limousin cows were monitored during acute, subacute and chronic besnoitiosis and in another Simmental heifer during subclinical besnoitiosis. To determine aberrations of laboratory parameters, values were compared with reference ranges obtained from B. besnoiti negative Simmentals (224 samples of nine animals) and Limousins (41 animals). Further, laboratory parameters of B. besnoiti seropositive Limousin cows (54 animals; 32 of these showing clinical signs) and healthy B. besnoiti seronegative Limousin cows (41 animals) were compared. RESULTS: During acute and subacute besnoitiosis, a reduction of leukocyte and erythrocyte concentrations, hematocrit, serum albumin, urea, magnesium, and calcium concentrations were observed. Serum total protein, globulin, total bilirubin and creatinine concentrations were increased and aspartate transaminase (AST) and creatine kinase (CK) activities were elevated. In chronic besnoitiosis, erythrocyte parameters were statistically significantly lower, and total protein and globulin concentrations were significantly higher in B. besnoiti seropositive compared with B. besnoiti seronegative Limousin cows. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, altered laboratory parameters during the course of naturally acquired acute, subacute and chronic bovine besnoitiosis are described for the first time. Only a few animals were examined in acute and subacute besnoitiosis, however the alterations of laboratory parameters during these stages reflected i) the acute inflammatory state (e.g. high levels of serum globulin fractions), ii) clinical findings such as disturbed condition (e.g. bilirubin concentrations), and iii) lesions such as muscle necroses described in the literature (e.g. AST or CK activities). Chronic besnoitiosis led to typical alterations of chronic inflammatory diseases like hyper-(gamma)-globulinemia or reduced erythrocyte concentrations

    A frameshift mutation in GON4L is associated with proportionate dwarfism in Fleckvieh cattle

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    Background: Low birth weight and postnatal growth restriction are the most evident symptoms of dwarfism. Accompanying skeletal aberrations may compromise the general condition and locomotion of affected individuals. Several paternal half-sibs with a low birth weight and a small size were born in 2013 in the Fleckvieh cattle population. Results: Affected calves were strikingly underweight at birth in spite of a normal gestation length and had craniofacial abnormalities such as elongated narrow heads and brachygnathia inferior. In spite of a normal general condition, their growth remained restricted during rearing. We genotyped 27 affected and 10,454 unaffected animals at 44,672 single nucleotide polymorphisms and performed association tests followed by homozygosity mapping, which allowed us to map the locus responsible for growth failure to a 1.85-Mb segment on bovine chromosome 3. Analysis of whole-genome re-sequencing data from one affected and 289 unaffected animals revealed a 1-bp deletion (g.15079217delC, rs723240647) in the coding region of the GON4L gene that segregated with the dwarfism-associated haplotype. We showed that the deletion induces intron retention and premature termination of translation, which can lead to a severely truncated protein that lacks domains that are likely essential to normal protein function. The widespread use of an undetected carrier bull for artificial insemination has resulted in a tenfold increase in the frequency of the deleterious allele in the female population. Conclusions: A frameshift mutation in GON4L is associated with autosomal recessive proportionate dwarfism in Fleckvieh cattle. The mutation has segregated in the population for more than 50 years without being recognized as a genetic disorder. However, the widespread use of an undetected carrier bull for artificial insemination caused a sudden accumulation of homozygous calves with dwarfism. Our findings provide the basis for genome-based mating strategies to avoid the inadvertent mating of carrier animals and thereby prevent the birth of homozygous calves with impaired growth

    Newly designed poxviral promoters to improve immunogenicity and efficacy of MVA-NP candidate vaccine against lethal influenza virus infection in mice

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    Influenza, a respiratory disease mainly caused by influenza A and B, viruses of the Orthomyxoviridae, is still a burden on our society's health and economic system. Influenza A viruses (IAV) circulate in mammalian and avian populations, causing seasonal outbreaks with high numbers of cases. Due to the high variability in seasonal IAV triggered by antigenic drift, annual vaccination is necessary, highlighting the need for a more broadly protective vaccine against IAV. The safety tested Modified Vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) is licensed as a third-generation vaccine against smallpox and serves as a potent vector system for the development of new candidate vaccines against different pathogens. Here, we generated and characterized recombinant MVA candidate vaccines that deliver the highly conserved internal nucleoprotein (NP) of IAV under the transcriptional control of five newly designed chimeric poxviral promoters to further increase the immunogenic properties of the recombinant viruses (MVA-NP). Infections of avian cell cultures with the recombinant MVA-NPs demonstrated efficient synthesis of the IAV-NP which was expressed under the control of the five new promoters. Prime-boost or single shot immunizations in C57BL/6 mice readily induced circulating serum antibodies' binding to recombinant IAV-NP and the robust activation of IAV-NP-specific CD8+ T cell responses. Moreover, the MVA-NP candidate vaccines protected C57BL/6 mice against lethal respiratory infection with mouse-adapted IAV (A/Puerto Rico/8/1934/H1N1). Thus, further studies are warranted to evaluate the immunogenicity and efficacy of these recombinant MVA-NP vaccines in other IAV challenge models in more detail

    A nonsense mutation in PLD4

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    Background: Bovine hereditary zinc deficiency (BHZD) is an autosomal recessive disorder of cattle, first described in Holstein-Friesian animals. Affected calves suffer from severe skin lesions and show a poor general health status. Recently, eight calves with the phenotypic appearance of BHZD have been reported in the Fleckvieh cattle population. Results: In spite of the similar disease phenotypes, SLC39A4, the gene responsible for BHZD in Holstein-Friesian was excluded as underlying gene for the disorder in the affected Fleckvieh calves. In order to identify the disease-associated region, genotypes of eight affected calves obtained with the Illumina BovineHD BeadChip comprising 777,962 SNPs were contrasted with the genotypes of 1,339 unaffected animals. A strong association signal was observed on chromosome 21 (P = 5.87 x 10(-89)). Autozygosity mapping in the eight affected animals revealed a common segment of extended homozygosity encompassing 1,023 kb (BTA 21: 70,550,045 - 71,573,501). This region contains 17 genes/transcripts, among them two genes encoding gastro-intestinal zinc transporters (CRIP1, CRIP2). However, no mutation that was compatible with recessive inheritance could be detected in these candidate genes. One of the affected calves was re-sequenced together with 42 unaffected Fleckvieh animals. Analysis of the sequencing data revealed a nonsense mutation (p.W215X) in a phospholipase encoding gene (PLD4) as candidate causal polymorphism. To confirm the causality, genotypes of the p.W215X-mutation were obtained from 3,650 animals representing three different breeds. None of the unaffected animals was homozygous for the defect allele, while all eight affected calves were homozygous. The deleterious effect of the mutation is manifested in a significantly lower survival rate of descendants from risk matings when compared with the survival rate of descendants from non-risk matings. The deleterious allele has an estimated frequency of 1.1\% in the Fleckvieh population. Conclusion: Our results provide strong evidence that a newly identified recessive disorder in the Fleckvieh population is caused by a nonsense mutation in PLD4, most likely resulting in an impaired function of the encoded protein. Although the phenotype of affected calves strongly resembles BHZD, a zinc deficiency resulting from malabsorption is unlikely to be responsible for the diseased Fleckvieh calves

    Ribonuclease (RNase) Prolongs Survival of Grafts in Experimental Heart Transplantation

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    Background-Cell damage, tissue and vascular injury are associated with the exposure and release of intracellular components such as RNA, which promote inflammatory reactions and thrombosis. Based on the counteracting anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective functions of ribonuclease A (RNase A) in this context, its role in an experimental model of heart transplantation in rats was studied. Methods and Results-Inbred BN/OrlRj rat cardiac allografts were heterotopically transplanted into inbred LEW/OrlRj rats. Recipients were intravenously treated every other day with saline or bovine pancreatic RNase A (50 mu g/kg). Toxic side effects were not found (macroscopically and histologically). Heart tissue flow cytometry and quantitative morphological analyses of explanted hearts at postoperative day 1 or postoperative day 4 showed reduced leukocyte infiltration, edema, and thrombus formation in RNase A-treated rats. In allogeneic mixed lymphocyte reactions, RNase A decreased the proliferation of effector T cells. RNase A treatment of rats resulted in prolonged median graft survival up to 10.5 days (interquartile range 1.8) compared to 6.5 days (interquartile range 1.0) in saline treatment (P=0.001). Treatment of rats with a new generated (recombinant) human pancreatic RNase 1 prolonged median graft survival similarly, unlike treatment with (recombinant) inactive human RNase 1 (each 50 mu g/kg IV every other day, 11.0 days, interquartile range 0.3, versus 8.0 days, interquartile range 0.5, P=0.007). Conclusions-Upon heart transplantation, RNase administration appears to present a promising and safe drug to counteract ischemia/reperfusion injury and graft rejection. Furthermore, RNase treatment may be considered in situations of critical reperfusion after percutaneous coronary interventions or in cardiac surgery using the heart-lung machine

    Piscine Orthoreovirus 3 Is Not the Causative Pathogen of Proliferative Darkening Syndrome (PDS) of Brown Trout (<i>Salmo trutta fario</i>)

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    The proliferative darkening syndrome (PDS) is a lethal disease of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) which occurs in several alpine Bavarian limestone rivers. Because mortality can reach 100%, PDS is a serious threat for affected fish populations. Recently, Kuehn and colleagues reported that a high throughput RNA sequencing approach identified a piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) as a causative agent of PDS. We investigated samples from PDS-affected fish obtained from two exposure experiments performed at the river Iller in 2008 and 2009. Using a RT-qPCR and a well-established next-generation RNA sequencing pipeline for pathogen detection, PRV-specific RNA was not detectable in PDS fish from 2009. In contrast, PRV RNA was readily detectable in several organs from diseased fish in 2008. However, similar virus loads were detectable in the control fish which were not exposed to Iller water and did not show any signs of the disease. Therefore, we conclude that PRV is not the causative agent of PDS of brown trout in the rhithral region of alpine Bavarian limestone rivers. The abovementioned study by Kuehn used only samples from the exposure experiment from 2008 and detected a subclinical PRV bystander infection. Work is ongoing to identify the causative agent of PDS