256 research outputs found

    Quality of life of visually impaired working age adults

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    Er bestaan verschillende vormen van revalidatie voor mensen met een visuele beperking. De meest intensieve vorm vindt plaats in het nationale revalidatiecentrum Visio Het Loo Erf te Apeldoorn. Deze vorm van revalidatie is bedoeld voor mensen met complexe problematiek en / of complexe hulpvragen. Onderdelen van het programma zijn onder andere het computertraining, acceptatie van visuele beperking en leren jezelf te redden in het dagelijks leven. Onderzoek naar het effect van revalidatie bij mensen met een visuele beperking is schaars, zeker in de leeftijdscategorie van 18 tot 65 jaar. De belangrijkste doelstelling van dit onderzoek was: inzicht verkrijgen in de prognostische factoren van kwaliteit van leven van volwassenen tussen 18 en 65 jaar met een visuele beperking die een intensief revalidatieprogramma volgen. Er werden op drie tijdstippen vragenlijsten afgenomen: voordat de revalidatie begon, 3 maanden en 1 jaar na afloop van het revalidatieprogramma. Uit de resultaten blijkt dat er een verschil in kwaliteit van leven is tussen de eerste meting (vóór de revalidatie) en de tweede en derde meting. Het volgen van een revalidatieprogramma resulteerde in een betere kwaliteit van leven. Bovendien kwam naar voren dat met name leeftijd, gezichtsscherpte en gezichtsveld een belangrijke rol spelen bij een verandering in kwaliteit van leven na revalidatie. Op dit moment wordt uitvoerig met de medewerkers van Visio Het Loo Erf overlegd hoe de zorg aan de hand van de resultaten mogelijk verbeterd kan worden. Overige doelstellingen waren tijdens dit onderzoek waren: - Overzicht geven van eerdere studies naar kwaliteit van leven bij volwassenen met een visuele beperking - valideren van de Functional Field Score (een maat om de totale visuele beperking te bepalen) zoals gepubliceerd in de “Guides to the evaluation of permanent impairment” van de American Medical Association. - Het vergelijken van de kwaliteit van leven van mensen met een visuele beperking met de kwaliteit van leven van mensen met andere chronische aandoeningen en gezonde mensen. - Valideren van een van de internationaal meest gebruikte vragenlijsten voor het meten van visus-gerelateerde kwaliteit van leven, de Visual Functioning Questionnaire. - Richtlijn maken voor de verwijzing van mensen met een visuele beperking naar diverse vormen van revalidatie in Nederland.Rens, G.H.M.B. van [Promotor]Ringens, P.J. [Promotor]Boer, M.R. de [Copromotor]Moll, A.C. [Copromotor

    Обернені сингулярно збурені задачі типу «конвекція-дифузія» для двозв’язних областей

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    Побудовано асимптотичне розвинення розв’язків сингулярно збурених крайових задач типу «конвекція-дифузія» з невідомим коефіцієнтом дифузії, який залежить від координат двозв’язної області. При побудові алгоритму використано перехід від вихідної постановки конвективно-дифузійної задачі у криволінійній двозв’язній області до періодичної задачі стосовно відповідної області комплексного потенціалу. Наведено результати числових розрахунків.The asymptotic expansion is constructed for solving singular disturbed boundary-value «convection-diffusion» problems with the unknown coefficient of diffusion which depends on physical coordinates of a double-connected area. Transition from the initial formulation of «convectional-diffusion» problems in curvilinear double-connected area to periodic task at the corresponding area complex potential is used to algorithm construction. The results of numerical calculations are given.Построено асимптотическое развитие решений сингулярно возмущенных краевых задач типа «конвекция-диффузия» с неизвестным коэффициентом диффузии, зависящем от координат двухсвязной области. При построении алгоритма использовано переход от исходной постановки конвективно-диффузионной задачи в криволинейной двусвязной области к периодической задаче относительно соответствующей области комплексного потенциала. Приведены результаты численных расчетов

    An unexpected twist: Sperm cells coil to the right in land snails and to the left in song birds

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    In animals, cell polarity may initiate symmetry breaking very early in development, ultimately leading to whole-body asymmetry. Helical sperm cells, which occur in a variety of animal clades, are one class of cells that show clearly visible bilateral asymmetry. We used scanning-electron microscopy to study coiling direction in helical sperm cells in two groups of animals that have figured prominently in the sperm morphology literature, namely land snails, Stylommatophora (514 spermatozoa, from 27 individuals, belonging to 8 species and 4 families) and songbirds, Passeriformes (486 spermatozoa, from 26 individuals, belonging to 18 species and 8 families). We found that the snail sperm cells were consistently dextral (clockwise), whereas the bird sperm cells were consistently sinistral (counterclockwise). We discuss reasons why this apparent evolutionary conservatism of sperm cell chirality may or may not be related to whole-body asymmetry

    Царський і республіканський Рим в антикознавчих дослідженнях М.П. Драгоманова

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    У статті розглянуто особливості вивчення та рецепції римської історії VIII–I ст. до н. е. в антикознавчих студіях М. Драгоманова. Зроблено висновок, що дослідження М. Драгоманова з історії Риму вплинули на формування наукових і суспільно-політичних поглядів вченого, а також Лесі Українки та І. Франка.In the article peculiarities of study and reception of Roman history VIII–I centuries B.C. in M. Drahomanov’s classical researches are highlighted. The author concludes that M. Drahomanov’s Roman classical studies influenced on formation of scientific and political views of M. Drahomanov, Lesya Ukrainka, I. Franko


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    Background: Delirium is a common condition in hospitalized patients, associated with adverse outcomes such as longer hospital stay, functional decline and higher mortality, as well as higher rates of nursing home placement. Nurses often fail to recognize delirium in hospitalized patients, which might be due to a lack of knowledge of delirium diagnosis and treatment. The objective of the study was to test the effectiveness of an e-learning course on nurses' delirium knowledge, describe nursing staff's baseline knowledge about delirium, and describe demographic factors associated with baseline delirium knowledge and the effectiveness of the e-learning course. Methods: A before-and-after study design, using an e-learning course on delirium. The course was introduced to all nursing staff of internal medicine and surgical wards of 17 Dutch hospitals. Results: 1,196 invitations for the e-learning course were sent to nursing staff, which included nurses, nursing students and healthcare assistants. Test scores on the final knowledge test (mean 87.4, 95% CI 86.7 to 88.2) were significantly higher than those on baseline (mean 79.3, 95% CI 78.5 to 80.1). At baseline, nursing staff had the most difficulty with questions related to the definition of delirium: what are its symptoms, course, consequences and which patients are at risk. The mean score for this category was 74.3 (95% CI 73.1 to 75.5). Conclusions: The e-learning course significantly improved nursing staff's knowledge of delirium in all subgroups of participants and for all question categories. Contrary to other studies, the baseline knowledge assessment showed that, overall, nursing staff was relatively knowledgeable regarding delirium. Trial registration: The Netherlands National Trial Register (NTR). Trial number: NTR 2885, 19 April 2011

    Referral for rehabilitation in case of permanent visual handicap:guideline of the Dutch Society of Ophthalmology

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    The Dutch Society of Ophthalmology (NOG) has developed an evidence-based guideline for the referral of visually impaired people for rehabilitation and support. Referral for rehabilitation and support must be preceded by diagnosis and treatment. Consultation of an ophthalmologist is essential. Information about the disease should be given to the patient orally as well as in writing. The ophthalmologist brings up the possibility of rehabilitation in the presence of a visual acuity &lt; 0.5 and/or visual field of &lt; 30 degrees in the better eye and a well-defined request for help. Visually impaired patients with a relatively simple request for help are referred to a specialised optometrist whenever possible. Visually impaired patients with more complex requests for help are referred to a multidisciplinary (regional or national) rehabilitation centre for people with a visual handicap. Visually impaired and blind patients are informed about the existence of patient organisations. Referral for rehabilitation is done by means of a structured letter with all relevant information. A copy of this letter should be sent to the family physician and all other attending physicians.</p

    Chances for biomass: integrated valorisation of biomass resources

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    This report is the final document of the project “Integrated Valorisation of Biomass Resources”. There are two major thresholds that need to be overcome to implement the necessary transition process to a more sustainable use of biomass resources: 1. A departmentalised approach to biomass application development blindfolds stakeholders for negative externalities; 2. Short term focus on quick wins and return on investments instigate a lack of sense of urgency, impeding the necessary actions that enable the long term transition process. The magnitude of the challenge could be paralysing, if it weren’t for the innovativeness of people and the ability to change. This project calls upon the examples of possible solution pathways that clearly show a road to a sustainable, biobased economy, that is an answer to these facing threats. Renewable resources are available in sufficient quantities to serve as sustainable input for Food, Feed, Functional materials and Fuels. The project wants to investigate the barriers and opportunities to overcome the mentioned thresholds and to inspire the stakeholders involved in further action