26,227 research outputs found

    Deterministic cavity quantum electrodynamics with trapped ions

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    We have employed radio-frequency trapping to localize a single 40Ca+-ion in a high-finesse optical cavity. By means of laser Doppler cooling, the position spread of the ion's wavefunction along the cavity axis was reduced to 42 nm, a fraction of the resonance wavelength of ionized calcium (λ = 397 nm). By controlling the position of the ion in the optical field, continuous and completely deterministic coupling of ion and field was realized. The precise three-dimensional location of the ion in the cavity was measured by observing the fluorescent light emitted upon excitation in the cavity field. The single-ion system is ideally suited to implement cavity quantum electrodynamics under cw conditions. To this end we operate the cavity on the D3/2–P1/2 transition of 40Ca+ (λ = 866 nm). Applications include the controlled generation of single-photon pulses with high efficiency and two-ion quantum gates

    Measuring Planck beams with planets

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    Aims. Accurate measurement of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy requires precise knowledge of the instrument beam. We explore how well the Planck beams will be determined from observations of planets, developing techniques that are also appropriate for other experiments. Methods. We simulate planet observations with a Planck-like scanning strategy, telescope beams, noise, and detector properties. Then we employ both parametric and non-parametric techniques, reconstructing beams directly from the time-ordered data. With a faithful parameterization of the beam shape, we can constrain certain detector properties, such as the time constants of the detectors, to high precision. Alternatively, we decompose the beam using an orthogonal basis. For both techniques, we characterize the errors in the beam reconstruction with Monte Carlo realizations. For a simplified scanning strategy, we study the impact on estimation of the CMB power spectrum. Finally, we explore the consequences for measuring cosmological parameters, focusing on the spectral index of primordial scalar perturbations, n_s. Results. The quality of the power spectrum measurement will be significantly influenced by the optical modeling of the telescope. In our most conservative case, using no information about the optics except the measurement of planets, we find that a single transit of Jupiter across the focal plane will measure the beam window functions to better than 0.3% for the channels at 100–217 GHz that are the most sensitive to the CMB. Constraining the beam with optical modeling can lead to much higher quality reconstruction. Conclusions. Depending on the optical modeling, the beam errors may be a significant contribution to the measurement systematics for n_s

    The competitive NMDA antagonist CPP protects substantia nigra neurons from MPTP-induced degeneration in primates

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    Degeneration of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons is the primary histopathological feature of Parkinson's disease. The neurotoxin MPTP (1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine) induces a neurological syndrome in man and non-human primates very similar to idiopathic Parkinson's disease by selectively destroying dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurons. This gives rise to the hypothesis that Parkinson's disease may be caused by endogenous or environmental toxins. Endogenous excitatory amino acids (EAAs) such as L-glutamate could be involved in neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson's disease. We report in this study that the competitive NMDA antagonist CPP (3-((+/-)-2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl)-propyl-1-phosphonic acid) protects nigral tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) positive neurons from degeneration induced by systemic treatment with MPTP in common marmosets. This indicates that EAAs are involved in the pathophysiological cascade of MPTP-induced neuronal cell death and that EAA antagonists may offer a neuroprotective therapy for Parkinson's disease

    Modelconcepten voor de interactie tussen verzadigd grondwater en oppervlaktewater

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    Uitgaande van de 3 kernbegrippen drainageflux, lekflux en voedingsflux is getracht een koppeling te vinden tussen het topsysteem en het diepe grondwater. Op weg naar deze koppeling zijn een aantal aannames gedaa

    Unification and Logarithmic Space

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    We present an algebraic characterization of the complexity classes Logspace and NLogspace, using an algebra with a composition law based on unification. This new bridge between unification and complexity classes is inspired from proof theory and more specifically linear logic and Geometry of Interaction. We show how unification can be used to build a model of computation by means of specific subalgebras associated to finite permutations groups. We then prove that whether an observation (the algebraic counterpart of a program) accepts a word can be decided within logarithmic space. We also show that the construction can naturally represent pointer machines, an intuitive way of understanding logarithmic space computing

    Digital Availability of Product Information for Collaborative Engineering of Spacecraft

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    In this paper, we introduce a system to collect product information from manufacturers and make it available in tools that are used for concurrent design of spacecraft. The planning of a spacecraft needs experts from different disciplines, like propulsion, power, and thermal. Since these different disciplines rely on each other there is a high need for communication between them, which is often realized by a Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) process and corresponding tools. We show by comparison that the product information provided by manufacturers often does not match the information needed by MBSE tools on a syntactic or semantic level. The information from manufacturers is also currently not available in machine-readable formats. Afterwards, we present a prototype of a system that makes product information from manufacturers directly available in MBSE tools, in a machine-readable way.Comment: accepted at CDVE201

    Unraveling North-African riverine and eolian contributions to central Mediterranean sediments during Holocene sapropel S1 formation

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    Hydroclimate variability has exerted a fundamental control on the alternating deposition of organic-lean marl and organic-rich sapropel sediments in the eastern Mediterranean Sea (EMS). However, the exact mechanisms regarding the freshwater sources and related changes are still debated. Here, Sr and Nd isotopes and high-resolution elemental data are used to constrain different riverine and eolian supplies to the central Mediterranean over the past 9.8 ka. The detrital sediments in core CP10BC, taken at the margin of the Libyan shelf in the southwestern Ionian Sea, can be described by a three-endmember mixing system based on Sr and Nd isotopic compositions. The same systematics can also be deduced from Ti and K compositional variability. The endmembers comprise: Saharan Dust, Aegean/Nile, and Libyan Soil, representing the eolian supply from North Africa, the riverine inputs from the Aegean/Nile areas, as well as the riverine and shelf-derived fluxes from the Libyan-Tunisian margin, respectively. For the sapropel S1 period in particular, we find important detrital supplies from fossil river/wadi systems along the Libyan-Tunisian margin, activated by intensified African monsoon precipitation. Combining the temporal profiles with the consistent variability observed in the 87Sr/86Sr–1000/Sr diagram, such Libyan contribution has been most prominent during the uppermost period of sapropel S1 in core CP10BC. This observation is in agreement with hydroclimate reconstructions of northwestern Libya. Comparison of the Sr-Nd isotope data between core CP10BC and four cores taken along a west–east transect throughout the EMS shows that this detrital supply originated mainly from western Libya/Tunisia, and was transported as far eastward as ∼25°E while being diluted by an increasing Nile contribution

    A calcium ion in a cavity as a controlled single-photon source

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    We present a single calcium ion, coupled to a high-finesse cavity, as an almost ideal system for the controlled generation of single photons. Photons from a pump beam are Raman-scattered by the ion into the cavity mode, which subsequently emits the photon into a well-defined output channel. In contrast with comparable atomic systems, the ion is localized at a fixed position in the cavity mode for indefinite times, enabling truly continuous operation of the device. We have performed numeric calculations to assess the performance of the system and present the first experimental indication of single-photon emission in our set-up

    Toward an Energy Efficient Language and Compiler for (Partially) Reversible Algorithms

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    We introduce a new programming language for expressing reversibility, Energy-Efficient Language (Eel), geared toward algorithm design and implementation. Eel is the first language to take advantage of a partially reversible computation model, where programs can be composed of both reversible and irreversible operations. In this model, irreversible operations cost energy for every bit of information created or destroyed. To handle programs of varying degrees of reversibility, Eel supports a log stack to automatically trade energy costs for space costs, and introduces many powerful control logic operators including protected conditional, general conditional, protected loops, and general loops. In this paper, we present the design and compiler for the three language levels of Eel along with an interpreter to simulate and annotate incurred energy costs of a program.Comment: 17 pages, 0 additional figures, pre-print to be published in The 8th Conference on Reversible Computing (RC2016

    The suppression of repetition enhancement: A review

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    Repetition suppression is generally accepted as the neural correlate of behavioural priming and is often used to selectively identify the neuronal representations associated with a stimulus. However, this does not explain the large number of repetition enhancement effects observed under very similar conditions. Based on a review of a large set of studies we propose several variables biasing repetition effects towards enhancement instead of suppression. On the one hand, there are stimulus variables which influence the direction of repetition effects: visibility, e. g. in the case of degraded stimuli perceptual learning occurs; novelty, e. g. in case of unfamiliar stimuli a novel network formation process occurs; and timing intervals, e. g. repetition effects are sensitive to stimulus onset asynchronies. On the other hand, repetition effects are not solely automatic processes, triggered by particular types or sequences of stimuli. The brain is continuously and actively filtering, attending to and interpreting the information provided by our senses. Consequently, internal state variables like attention, expectation and explicit memory modulate repetition effects towards enhancement versus suppression. Current models i.e. the accumulation, fatigue and sharpening models of repetition suppression have so far left out top-down factors and cannot or can only partially account for repetition enhancement effects. Instead we propose that models which incorporate both stimulus bottom-up and cognitive top-down factors are called for in order to better understand repetition effects. A good candidate is the predictive coding model in which sensory evidence is interpreted according to subjective biases and statistical accounts of past encounters
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