33,781 research outputs found

    Interstellar helium in interplanetary space

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    The velocity distribution function of He(+) in the solar wind at 1 AU is calculated with the assumption that the source is photoionization of a cold (T = 100 K), neutral interstellar wind. If the spiral magnetic field is noise free, the velocity distribution is diffuse and would not produce a peak at 4(E over Q) sub H in an E over Q particle spectrum. If the velocity of the interstellar wind with respect to the sun lies in the ecliptic, a large variation of the He(+) number density with respect to ecliptic longitude is expected

    A low noise, high thermal stability, 0.1 K test facility for the Planck HFI bolometers

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    We are developing a facility which will be used to characterize the bolometric detectors for Planck, an ESA mission to investigate the Cosmic Microwave Background. The bolometers operate at 0.1 K, employing neutron-transmutation doped (NTD) Ge thermistors with resistances of several megohms to achieve NEPs~1×10^(–17) W Hz^(–1/2). Characterization of the intrinsic noise of the bolometers at frequencies as low as 0.010 Hz dictates a test apparatus thermal stability of 40 nK Hz^(–1/2) to that frequency. This temperature stability is achieved via a multi-stage isolation and control geometry with high resolution thermometry implemented with NTD Ge thermistors, JFET source followers, and dedicated lock-in amplifiers. The test facility accommodates 24 channels of differential signal readout, for measurement of bolometer V(I) characteristics and intrinsic noise. The test facility also provides for modulated radiation in the submillimeter band incident on the bolometers, for measurement of the optical speed-of-response; this illumination can be reduced below detectable limits without interrupting cryogenic operation. A commercial Oxford Instruments dilution refrigerator provides the cryogenic environment for the test facility

    The swiss army knife of job submission tools: grid-control

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    Grid-control is a lightweight and highly portable open source submission tool that supports virtually all workflows in high energy physics (HEP). Since 2007 it has been used by a sizeable number of HEP analyses to process tasks that sometimes consist of up 100k jobs. grid-control is built around a powerful plugin and configuration system, that allows users to easily specify all aspects of the desired workflow. Job submission to a wide range of local or remote batch systems or grid middleware is supported. Tasks can be conveniently specified through the parameter space that will be processed, which can consist of any number of variables and data sources with complex dependencies on each other. Dataset information is processed through a configurable pipeline of dataset filters, partition plugins and partition filters. The partition plugins can take the number of files, size of the work units, metadata or combinations thereof into account. All changes to the input datasets or variables are propagated through the processing pipeline and can transparently trigger adjustments to the parameter space and the job submission. While the core functionality is completely experiment independent, integration with the CMS computing environment is provided by a small set of plugins.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, Proceedings for the 22nd International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physic

    0.75 atoms improve the clock signal of 10,000 atoms

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    Since the pioneering work of Ramsey, atom interferometers are employed for precision metrology, in particular to measure time and to realize the second. In a classical interferometer, an ensemble of atoms is prepared in one of the two input states, whereas the second one is left empty. In this case, the vacuum noise restricts the precision of the interferometer to the standard quantum limit (SQL). Here, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a novel clock configuration that surpasses the SQL by squeezing the vacuum in the empty input state. We create a squeezed vacuum state containing an average of 0.75 atoms to improve the clock sensitivity of 10,000 atoms by 2.05 dB. The SQL poses a significant limitation for today's microwave fountain clocks, which serve as the main time reference. We evaluate the major technical limitations and challenges for devising a next generation of fountain clocks based on atomic squeezed vacuum.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Collaborating with Academic Affairs to Cultivate Environments that Support Student Integrity

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    Integrity development has been recognized as a common outcome at many colleges and universities (Association of American Colleges & Universities, 2012; Chickering & Reisser, 1993; Dugan & Komives, 2007; Higher Education Research Institute, 1996). Thus, it is important to create academic and student affairs collaborations that promote the development of students’ integrity and values clarification. In this article, we briefly discuss existing and new integrity research that informs how practitioners and administrators can structure environments supportive of students’ value clarification and congruence with their actions on campus. We use student Honor Codes/Codes of Conduct as an example source of collaboration on campus

    Eber und Börge im Vergleich – Auswirkungen der Kastration auf agonistisches und sexuell motiviertes Verhalten unter ökologischen Haltungsbedingungen

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    Nach dem Verbot der betĂ€ubungslosen Ferkelkastration nach VO (EG) 889 (2008) zum 01.01.2012 stellt die Ebermast eine mögliche Alternative fĂŒr die ökologische Schweinefleischerzeugung dar. Im Rahmen des Projektes „Ebermast im Verbund: Entwicklung eines Konzepts fĂŒr die Produktion, Schlachtung, Verarbeitung und Vermarktung ökologisch erzeugter Eber entlang der Wertschöpfungskette“ ist es ein Ziel, das Ausmaß möglichen unerwĂŒnschten Verhaltens, wie agonistische Interaktionen und Aufreitverhalten der Eber, mit dem von Börgen unter praxisĂŒblichen ökologischen Haltungsbedingungen zu vergleichen und wichtige Einflussfaktoren hierauf zu identifizieren. Auch mögliche Verletzungsfolgen sollen einbezogen werden. Aus einer Zwischenauswertung werden hier erste Ergebnisse zum Ausmaß des genannten Verhaltens und der Verletzungsfolgen vorgestellt. 9 Gruppen Eber und 7 Gruppen Börge wurden mit einem Lebendgewicht von etwa 80 kg auf vier ökologischen Praxisbetrieben beobachtet. Agonistische Interaktionen (Kopfschlagen, Beißen, Kampf und Besteigen ohne sexuelle Motivation) und Besteigen mit sexueller Motivation wurden mittels kontinuierlicher VerhaltenszĂ€hlung (continuous behaviour sampling) jeweils ĂŒber die ersten 15 Minuten einer jeden Lichtstunde von zusammenhĂ€ngenden 48h-Aufnahmen ausgewertet. Zum selben Zeitpunkt wurden zusĂ€tzlich die Verletzungen bei den 109 Ebern und 91 Börgen gezĂ€hlt. Eber zeigten bezĂŒglich aller erhobener Verhaltensparameter gegenĂŒber den Börgen signifikant höhere HĂ€ufigkeiten bzw. Dauern. Dagegen konnten hinsichtlich der Verletzungsscores zwischen Ebern und Börgen keine signifikanten Unterschiede festgestellt werden. Die Untersuchung wird fortgesetzt

    Initial test results on bolometers for the Planck high frequency instrument

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    We summarize the fabrication, flight qualification, and dark performance of bolometers completed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for the High Frequency Instrument (HFI) of the joint ESA/NASA Herschel/Planck mission to be launched in 2009. The HFI is a multicolor focal plane which consists of 52 bolometers operated at 100 mK. Each bolometer is mounted to a feedhorn-filter assembly which defines one of six frequency bands centered between 100-857 GHz. Four detectors in each of five bands from 143-857 GHz are coupled to both linear polarizations and thus measure the total intensity. In addition, eight detectors in each of four bands (100, 143, 217, and 353 GHz) couple only to a single linear polarization and thus provide measurements of the Stokes parameters, Q and U, as well as the total intensity. The measured noise equivalent power (NEP) of all detectors is at or below the background limit for the telescope and time constants are a few ms, short enough to resolve point sources as the 5 to 9 arc min beams move across the sky at 1 rpm

    Zero kinetic energy-pulsed field ionization and resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization photoelectron spectroscopy: Ionization dynamics of Rydberg states in HBr

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    The results of rotationally resolved resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization photoelectron spectroscopy and zero kinetic energy‐pulsed field ionization studies on HBr via various rotational levels of the F^ 1Δ_2 and f^ 3Δ_2 Rydberg states are reported. These studies lead to an accurate determination of the lowest ionization threshold as 94 098.9±1 cm^(−1). Observed rotational and spin–orbit branching ratios are compared to the results of ab initio calculations. The differences between theory and experiment highlight the dominant role of rotational and spin–orbit interactions for the dynamic properties of the high‐n Rydberg states involved in the pulsed field ionization process
