812 research outputs found

    Energy efficiency improvement in coal fired power plant through operational optimisation

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    Energy consumption is a significant cost to all business with the countries large industrial plants consuming 75 % of all energy produced in Australia. This cost is not only a financial burden but it has an environmental cost. The energy consumption within coal-fired power stations that is directly associated with generation is called auxiliary power. Approximately 10 % of all power produced is used to drive power stations internal auxiliary power needs. It is the auxiliary power consumption at Tarong Power Station that is the focus of this dissertation. This dissertation first seeks to understand the stations energy consumption through a comprehensive review of auxiliary power issues worldwide and the creation of control system tracking logic. The next stage of the dissertation then models that consumption in MATLAB and finally proposes ways in which to reduce that consumption without capital investment. The auxiliary power consumption within Tarong Power Station is recorded by two energy meters per unit on the main high voltage unit transformer feeds. The energy consumed is then reported each week as a percentage of unit generation. It is at this high level that the consumption is currently understood. This project has created energy tracking logic in the unit control system, a Siemens T3000 installation, to provide additional usage knowledge. A number of MATLAB models have been produced. The first of these reproduces the energy usage map of a running unit. The final Simulink model allows modification of the major component loading to trial energy reduction options. Using this model a reduction of 10 % at low loads has been achieved. The accuracy of the energy tracking logic and models created is proven to be within 2 % of the field energy metering. This dissertation has concluded that meaningful energy efficiency improvement can be obtained through operational improvement at Tarong Power Station

    Agile in Teaching and Learning: Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda

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    Agile software development methods are widespread in industry, and there is a wealth of academic research and practitioner publications currently available from this perspective. With the rise of Agile within companies worldwide, it is increasingly important for information systems education to keep up with this trend to ensure curriculum and courses are up-to-date. Students in the computing disciplines must be prepared to enter a job market where Agile is commonplace. As such, the topic of Agile in teaching and learning is critically important. The current special issue includes a rich collection of articles providing information systems educators with research-based, practical approaches for both teaching Agile (“the what”) and using Agile as a pedagogical approach (“the how”). In an effort to assist information systems educators categorize the growing amount of literature related to Agile in teaching and learning, a conceptual framework is provided which places the literature along the two axes of pedagogy (“the how”) and the content (“the what”) ranging from other, non-Agile to Agile. Finally, the authors present a call for future research integrating Agile on a meta-level in the course development process. We hope that this special issue inspires educators and researchers to consider integrating Agile into their teaching and learning

    Rigid Origami Vertices: Conditions and Forcing Sets

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    We develop an intrinsic necessary and sufficient condition for single-vertex origami crease patterns to be able to fold rigidly. We classify such patterns in the case where the creases are pre-assigned to be mountains and valleys as well as in the unassigned case. We also illustrate the utility of this result by applying it to the new concept of minimal forcing sets for rigid origami models, which are the smallest collection of creases that, when folded, will force all the other creases to fold in a prescribed way

    Agile Teaching and Learning in Information Systems Education: An Analysis and Categorization of Literature

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    In this paper, we analyze and categorize research related to Agile teaching and learning in Information Systems education using an existing conceptual framework. To this end, a systematic literature review beginning with 642 papers led to the identification of 30 relevant papers written in English and published through 2018 in academic IS outlets. Our analysis reveals three ways in which Information Systems educators incorporate Agile into their courses: 1) using Agile as a pedagogical approach to teach non-Agile content, 2) using Agile as a pedagogical approach to teach Agile content, and 3) using non-Agile pedagogical approaches to teach Agile content. The majority of relevant papers were published between 2016 and 2018. We present an analysis of the three instructional approaches to serve as a resource for interested individuals and recommend directions for future studies related to Agile teaching and learning in IS education

    A Professional Development Program for Science Adjunct Faculty: The Mentoring-Learning Community (MLC)

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    Institutions of higher education have become increasingly dependent on adjunct faculty. These faculty members are often unfamiliar with current teaching strategies emphasizing an active learning approach. To support science adjunct faculty in learning about active learning, a professional development program was designed and implemented by the authors of this study, the Mentoring-Learning Community. The Mentoring-Learning Community program design was informed by literature regarding the use of professional development programs that focused on adjunct faculty. To determine the impact of this program, participants in the Mentoring-Learning Community were observed and interviewed over one semester. Mentoring-Learning Community participants transformed through all three Transformative Learning Theory dimensions, felt more empowered to utilize active learning approaches in their classrooms, and modified some aspects of their instruction


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    We monitored adult and juvenile breeding-season movements and habitat use of radio-tagged Wood Thrushes (Hylocichla mustelina) at the Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge, central Georgia, USA. We investigated the effects that management for Red-cockaded Woodpeckers (Picoides borealis), thinning and burning \u3e30 year old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) habitat, had on Wood Thrushes, a ground-foraging and midstory-nesting species. Adult Wood Thrush pairs regularly moved long distances between nesting attempts (range 1 to 17,388 m). The only experimental effect we found on adult movements was a decrease in weekly emigration rates (AP) from thinned and burned compartments after silvicultural management. Adult males preferred riparian hardwoods with sparse to moderate cover and those preferences increased following management. Juveniles remained near their nest site (x = 177 m, SE = 113) for an average 24 days (SE = 6.3), and then dispersed a mean 2,189 m (SE = 342). Before dispersal, juveniles preferred upland hardwood-pine mixed habitat (P \u3c 0.05) with moderate overstory cover (P \u3c 0.05). We found no management effects on dispersal distances or predispersal habitat use. However, juveniles from thinned and burned compartments dispersed to hardwood habitats with dense cover, whereas birds from control compartments dispersed to pine-dominated habitats with sparse cover. All juveniles dispersed to areas with habitat similar to what they used before dispersal. Small-scale thinning and burning for Red-cockaded Woodpeckers may have had little effect on Wood Thrush habitat use and movements because typical movements were often larger than the scale (stand or compartment) targeted for management. Monitoreamos con radio-telemetria los movimientos y el uso de habitat durante la 6poca reproductiva de adultos y juveniles de Hylocichla mustelina en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Piedmont, en Georgia central, EEUU. Investigamos los efectos que tiene el manejo del bosque (entresaca y quema de hibitat de Pinus taeda con mas de 30 anios de edad) orientado a la conservaci6n de Picoides borealis sobre H. mustelina, una especie que se alimenta en el suelo y que nidifica a media altura del bosque. Las parejas adultas de H. mustelina por lo general se movieron largas distancias entre los intentos de nidificaci6n (rango 1 a 17,388 m). El uanico efecto experimental que encontramos en los movimientos de adultos fue una disminuci6n en las tasas semanales de emigraci6n (T) desde los sectores entresacados y quemados luego del manejo silvicultural. Los machos adultos prefirieron los bosques riberefios con poca a moderada cobertura, y estas preferencias incrementaron luego del manejo. Los juveniles permanecieron cercanos al sitio de nidificaci6n (x = 177 m, ES = 113) por un promedio de 24 dias (ES = 6.3) y luego se dispersaron una media de 2,189 m (ES = 342). Antes de la dispersi6n los juveniles prefirieron habitat no-ribereiio mixto de bosque y pino (P \u3c 0.05) con moderada cobertura del dosel (P \u3c 0.05). No encontramo


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    We monitored adult and juvenile breeding-season movements and habitat use of radio-tagged Wood Thrushes (Hylocichla mustelina) at the Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge, central Georgia, USA. We investigated the effects that management for Red-cockaded Woodpeckers (Picoides borealis), thinning and burning \u3e30 year old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) habitat, had on Wood Thrushes, a ground-foraging and midstory-nesting species. Adult Wood Thrush pairs regularly moved long distances between nesting attempts (range 1 to 17,388 m). The only experimental effect we found on adult movements was a decrease in weekly emigration rates (AP) from thinned and burned compartments after silvicultural management. Adult males preferred riparian hardwoods with sparse to moderate cover and those preferences increased following management. Juveniles remained near their nest site (x = 177 m, SE = 113) for an average 24 days (SE = 6.3), and then dispersed a mean 2,189 m (SE = 342). Before dispersal, juveniles preferred upland hardwood-pine mixed habitat (P \u3c 0.05) with moderate overstory cover (P \u3c 0.05). We found no management effects on dispersal distances or predispersal habitat use. However, juveniles from thinned and burned compartments dispersed to hardwood habitats with dense cover, whereas birds from control compartments dispersed to pine-dominated habitats with sparse cover. All juveniles dispersed to areas with habitat similar to what they used before dispersal. Small-scale thinning and burning for Red-cockaded Woodpeckers may have had little effect on Wood Thrush habitat use and movements because typical movements were often larger than the scale (stand or compartment) targeted for management. Monitoreamos con radio-telemetria los movimientos y el uso de habitat durante la 6poca reproductiva de adultos y juveniles de Hylocichla mustelina en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Piedmont, en Georgia central, EEUU. Investigamos los efectos que tiene el manejo del bosque (entresaca y quema de hibitat de Pinus taeda con mas de 30 anios de edad) orientado a la conservaci6n de Picoides borealis sobre H. mustelina, una especie que se alimenta en el suelo y que nidifica a media altura del bosque. Las parejas adultas de H. mustelina por lo general se movieron largas distancias entre los intentos de nidificaci6n (rango 1 a 17,388 m). El uanico efecto experimental que encontramos en los movimientos de adultos fue una disminuci6n en las tasas semanales de emigraci6n (T) desde los sectores entresacados y quemados luego del manejo silvicultural. Los machos adultos prefirieron los bosques riberefios con poca a moderada cobertura, y estas preferencias incrementaron luego del manejo. Los juveniles permanecieron cercanos al sitio de nidificaci6n (x = 177 m, ES = 113) por un promedio de 24 dias (ES = 6.3) y luego se dispersaron una media de 2,189 m (ES = 342). Antes de la dispersi6n los juveniles prefirieron habitat no-ribereiio mixto de bosque y pino (P \u3c 0.05) con moderada cobertura del dosel (P \u3c 0.05). No encontramo

    A Penalized Mixture Model Approach in Genotype/Phenotype Association Analysis for Quantitative Phenotypes

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    A mixture normal model has been developed to partition genotypes in predicting quantitative phenotypes. Its estimation and inference are performed through an EM algorithm. This approach can conduct simultaneous genotype clustering and hypothesis testing. It is a valuable method for predicting the distribution of quantitative phenotypes among multi-locus genotypes across genes or within a gene. This mixture model’s performance is evaluated in data analyses for two pharmacogenetics studies. In one example, thirty five CYP2D6 genotypes were partitioned into three groups to predict pharmacokinetics of a breast cancer drug, Tamoxifen, a CYP2D6 substrate (p-value = 0.04). In a second example, seventeen CYP2B6 genotypes were categorized into three clusters to predict CYP2B6 protein expression (p-value = 0.002). The biological validities of both partitions are examined using established function of CYP2D6 and CYP2B6 alleles. In both examples, we observed genotypes clustered in the same group to have high functional similarities. The power and recovery rate of the true partition for the mixture model approach are investigated in statistical simulation studies, where it outperforms another published method

    Survey on barriers to psychiatrists’ use of clozapine for young people in Scotland and suggestions for reducing these

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    Introduction The Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland published a report into the death of a young person, with recommendations for the Royal College of Psychiatry in Scotland Child and Adolescent Faculty; to explore if there were barriers to the use of Clozapine in young people in Scotland. Methods A mixed-methods study was performed using a cross-sectional survey of clinicians working in child and adolescent psychiatry across Scotland, to determine attitudes towards clozapine use and the perceived barriers and facilitators to clozapine treatment. Results Results suggest that there may be a lack of clearly defined pathways within and between services, as well as a lack of resources provided for the necessary monitoring of a young person started on clozapine. Multiple respondents felt unskilled in clozapine initiation and had not accessed formal training. The most frequently mentioned themes for improving facilitation of clozapine prescription were that of increased resources and training. Discussion National policymakers including the Mental Welfare Commission, NHS Education for Scotland, and NHS Scotland should consider these findings to address the potential underutilisation of clozapine for people aged under 18 in services across Scotland. A review of current service provision should take place, with consideration of whether the facilitators to clozapine prescription which our study has highlighted could be implemented more effectively. This may help reduce identified barriers and increase clozapine prescription to those who would benefit from it, potentially improving outcomes for young people with treatment-resistant psychosis
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