534 research outputs found

    Young people's views on accelerometer use in physical activity research : findings from a user involvement investigation

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    The use of accelerometers to objectively measure physical activity is important in understanding young people's behaviours, as physical activity plays a key part in obesity prevention and treatment. A user-involvement qualitative study with young people aged 7–18years (n = 35) was carried out to investigate views on accelerometer use to inform an obesity treatment research study. First impressions were often negative, with issues related to size and comfort reported. Unwanted attention from wearing an accelerometer and bullying risk were also noted. Other disadvantages included feeling embarrassed and not being able to wear the device for certain activities. Positive aspects included feeling "special" and having increased attention from friends. Views on the best time to wear accelerometers were mixed. Advice was offered on how to make accelerometers more appealing, including presenting them in a positive way, using a clip rather than elastic belt to attach, personalising the device, and having feedback on activity levels. Judgements over the way in which accelerometers are used should be made at the study development stage and based on the individual population. In particular, introducing accelerometers in a clear and positive way is important. Including a trial wearing period, considering practical issues, and providing incentives may help increase compliance

    Sévérité des étiages et indigence des précipitations : une relation évidente mais rarement simple - Exemple en régime pluvial océanique

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    Les Ă©tiages sont des phĂ©nomĂšnes hydrologiques fortement liĂ©s aux apports pluviomĂ©triques. Cependant, le lien Ă©vident entre sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© des Ă©tiages et indigence des prĂ©cipitations est rarement simple, car d’autres facteurs conditionnent les dĂ©bits d’étiage, en particulier les apports souterrains et donc la gĂ©ologie des bassins versants. De plus, si les Ă©tiages apparaissent gĂ©nĂ©ralement en pĂ©riode estivale, voire automnale, les processus inhĂ©rents Ă  leur genĂšse peuvent s’étaler sur plusieurs mois. Cette longue genĂšse permet une Ă©valuation assez  prĂ©coce de la situation, par l’analyse des prĂ©cipitations enregistrĂ©es durant les pĂ©riodes favorables Ă  la recharge des rĂ©servoirs souterrains, Ă  condition d’observer un bassin versant Ă  forte inertie et au rĂ©gime d’étiage conditionnĂ© par les nappes. Cet article tente de mettre en Ă©vidence le rĂŽle des prĂ©cipitations et de la gĂ©ologie comme facteurs de la sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© et de la variabilitĂ© spatiale des dĂ©bits d’étiage.Low flows depend primarily on rainfall. However, the relationship between very low discharges and low precipitations may be complex because low flows are influenced by a combination of factors. Indeed low flow generating mechanisms are strongly related to antecedent rainfall condition and on storage properties within the catchments. This paper intends to present how these factors affect the spatial and temporal distribution of low flows. This paper focuses further on precipitations observed during the groundwater recharge period. These observations allow long-term forecasting for basins fed by large groundwater resources

    HydrosystĂšmes et enjeux de gestion

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    La Revue GĂ©ographique de l’Est publie un numĂ©ro consacrĂ© aux hydrosystĂšmes et aux enjeux liĂ©s Ă  leur gestion. Le terme d’« hydrosystĂšme », utilisĂ© Ă  l’origine par les gĂ©omorphologues, garde encore une connotation de dynamique fluviale, mais renvoie aujourd’hui Ă  un concept plus vaste et trĂšs employĂ© par les gĂ©ographes. Cette notion a en effet connu une Ă©volution thĂ©matique depuis son apparition dans les annĂ©es 60, puisqu’elle englobe dĂ©sormais de nombreuses approches et ouvre le champ de la p..

    HydrosystĂšmes et enjeux de gestion

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    La Revue GĂ©ographique de l’Est publie un numĂ©ro consacrĂ© aux hydrosystĂšmes et aux enjeux liĂ©s Ă  leur gestion. Le terme d’« hydrosystĂšme », utilisĂ© Ă  l’origine par les gĂ©omorphologues, garde encore une connotation de dynamique fluviale, mais renvoie aujourd’hui Ă  un concept plus vaste et trĂšs employĂ© par les gĂ©ographes. Cette notion a en effet connu une Ă©volution thĂ©matique depuis son apparition dans les annĂ©es 60, puisqu’elle englobe dĂ©sormais de nombreuses approches et ouvre le champ de la p..

    Une mĂ©thode d’analyse du tarissement des cours d’eau pour la prĂ©vision des dĂ©bits d’étiage

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    Cette recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un contrat financĂ© par l’Agence de l’Eau Rhin-Meuse, dont l’objectif est la mise en place d’outils de prĂ©vision des dĂ©bits d’étiage pour une soixantaine de stations du bassin Rhin-Meuse. Ce travail se fonde essentiellement sur l’analyse du tarissement, car durant la pĂ©riode d’étiage le dĂ©bit des cours d’eau provient essentiellement des nappes. Nous prĂ©sentons les difficultĂ©s liĂ©es au choix des phases de tarissement ainsi que les critĂšres de sĂ©lection retenus. Les coefficients de tarissement sont utilisĂ©s pour rĂ©aliser des prĂ©visions journaliĂšres par extrapolation de la courbe de tarissement, mais leur forte variabilitĂ© nĂ©cessite la mise en Ɠuvre de mĂ©thodes qui synthĂ©tisent l’information: construction d’une courbe moyenne de tarissement et analyse statistique.This research-work comes within the scope of a contract which was paid for by the Rhine-Meuse Water Agency. The main objective is to develop tools to forecast low flows affecting (about) sixty locations of the Rhine-Meuse basin. This work is primarily based on the analysis of recession periods, because during drought periods river discharge derives essentially from groundwater flow. We discuss how difficult it is to select the recession phases and the criteria we used to sort them out. The recession coefficients are used to carry out day forecasts by extrapolation of the groundwater depletion curve. However their important variability requires methods which synthesize information: construction of the master recession curve and statistical analyses

    Une mĂ©thode d’analyse du tarissement des cours d’eau pour la prĂ©vision des dĂ©bits d’étiage

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    Cette recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un contrat financĂ© par l’Agence de l’Eau Rhin-Meuse, dont l’objectif est la mise en place d’outils de prĂ©vision des dĂ©bits d’étiage pour une soixantaine de stations du bassin Rhin-Meuse. Ce travail se fonde essentiellement sur l’analyse du tarissement, car durant la pĂ©riode d’étiage le dĂ©bit des cours d’eau provient essentiellement des nappes. Nous prĂ©sentons les difficultĂ©s liĂ©es au choix des phases de tarissement ainsi que les critĂšres de sĂ©lection retenus. Les coefficients de tarissement sont utilisĂ©s pour rĂ©aliser des prĂ©visions journaliĂšres par extrapolation de la courbe de tarissement, mais leur forte variabilitĂ© nĂ©cessite la mise en Ɠuvre de mĂ©thodes qui synthĂ©tisent l’information: construction d’une courbe moyenne de tarissement et analyse statistique.This research-work comes within the scope of a contract which was paid for by the Rhine-Meuse Water Agency. The main objective is to develop tools to forecast low flows affecting (about) sixty locations of the Rhine-Meuse basin. This work is primarily based on the analysis of recession periods, because during drought periods river discharge derives essentially from groundwater flow. We discuss how difficult it is to select the recession phases and the criteria we used to sort them out. The recession coefficients are used to carry out day forecasts by extrapolation of the groundwater depletion curve. However their important variability requires methods which synthesize information: construction of the master recession curve and statistical analyses

    Interspecific analysis of diurnal gene regulation in panicoid grasses identifies known and novel regulatory motifs

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    Background: The circadian clock drives endogenous 24-h rhythms that allow organisms to adapt and prepare for predictable and repeated changes in their environment throughout the day-night (diurnal) cycle. Many components of the circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana have been functionally characterized, but comparatively little is known about circadian clocks in grass species including major crops like maize and sorghum. Results: Comparative research based on protein homology and diurnal gene expression patterns suggests the function of some predicted clock components in grasses is conserved with their Arabidopsis counterparts, while others have diverged in function. Our analysis of diurnal gene expression in three panicoid grasses sorghum, maize, and foxtail millet revealed conserved and divergent evolution of expression for core circadian clock genes and for the overall transcriptome. We find that several classes of core circadian clock genes in these grasses differ in copy number compared to Arabidopsis, but mostly exhibit conservation of both protein sequence and diurnal expression pattern with the notable exception of maize paralogous genes. We predict conserved cis-regulatory motifs shared between maize, sorghum, and foxtail millet through identification of diurnal co-expression clusters for a subset of 27,196 orthologous syntenic genes. In this analysis, a Cochran– Mantel–Haenszel based method to control for background variation identified significant enrichment for both expected and novel 6–8 nucleotide motifs in the promoter regions of genes with shared diurnal regulation predicted to function in common physiological activities. Conclusions: This study illustrates the divergence and conservation of circadian clocks and diurnal regulatory networks across syntenic orthologous genes in panacoid grass species. Further, conserved local regulatory sequences contribute to the architecture of these diurnal regulatory networks that produce conserved patterns of diurnal gene expression

    Researching Zika in pregnancy:lessons for global preparedness

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    Our understanding of congenital infections is based on prospective studies of women infected during pregnancy. The EU has funded three consortia to study Zika virus, each including a prospective study of pregnant women. Another multi-centre study has been funded by the US National Institutes of Health. This Personal View describes the study designs required to research Zika virus, and questions whether funding academics in the EU and USA to work with collaborators in outbreak areas is an effective strategy. 3 years after the 2015\u201316 Zika virus outbreaks, these collaborations have taught us little about vertical transmission of the virus. In the time taken to approve funding, agree contracts, secure ethics approval, and equip laboratories, Zika virus had largely disappeared. By contrast, prospective studies based on local surveillance and standard-of-care protocols have already provided valuable data. Threats to fetal and child health pose new challenges for global preparedness requiring support for the design and implementation of locally appropriate protocols. These protocols can answer the key questions earlier than externally designed studies and at lower cost. Local protocols can also provide a framework for recruitment of unexposed controls that are required to study less specific outcomes. Other priorities include accelerated development of non-invasive tests, and longer-term storage of neonatal and antenatal samples to facilitate retrospective reconstruction of cohort studies

    The PDF4LHC report on PDFs and LHC data: Results from Run I and preparation for Run II

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    The accurate determination of the Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) of the proton is an essential ingredient of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) program. PDF uncertainties impact a wide range of processes, from Higgs boson characterisation and precision Standard Model measurements to New Physics searches. A major recent development in modern PDF analyses has been to exploit the wealth of new information contained in precision measurements from the LHC Run I, as well as progress in tools and methods to include these data in PDF fits. In this report we summarise the information that PDF-sensitive measurements at the LHC have provided so far, and review the prospects for further constraining PDFs with data from the recently started Run II. This document aims to provide useful input to the LHC collaborations to prioritise their PDF-sensitive measurements at Run II, as well as a comprehensive reference for the PDF-fitting collaborations.Comment: 55 pages, 13 figure
