379 research outputs found

    Folding apparatus Patent

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    Characteristics of device for folding thin flexible sheets into compact configuratio

    Classical Helium Atom with Radiation Reaction

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    We study a classical model of Helium atom in which, in addition to the Coulomb forces, the radiation reaction forces are taken into account. This modification brings in the model a new qualitative feature of a global character. Indeed, as pointed out by Dirac, in any model of classical electrodynamics of point particles involving radiation reaction one has to eliminate, from the a priori conceivable solutions of the problem, those corresponding to the emission of an infinite amount of energy. We show that the Dirac prescription solves a problem of inconsistency plaguing all available models which neglect radiation reaction, namely, the fact that in all such models most initial data lead to a spontaneous breakdown of the atom. A further modification is that the system thus acquires a peculiar form of dissipation. In particular, this makes attractive an invariant manifold of special physical interest, the zero--dipole manifold, that corresponds to motions in which no energy is radiated away (in the dipole approximation). We finally study numerically the invariant measure naturally induced by the time--evolution on such a manifold, and this corresponds to studying the formation process of the atom. Indications are given that such a measure may be singular with respect to that of Lebesgue.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Characterizing mixing and measurement in quantum mechanics

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    What fundamental constraints characterize the relationship between a mixture ρ=ipiρi\rho = \sum_i p_i \rho_i of quantum states, the states ρi\rho_i being mixed, and the probabilities pip_i? What fundamental constraints characterize the relationship between prior and posterior states in a quantum measurement? In this paper we show that there are many surprisingly strong constraints on these mixing and measurement processes that can be expressed simply in terms of the eigenvalues of the quantum states involved. These constraints capture in a succinct fashion what it means to say that a quantum measurement acquires information about the system being measured, and considerably simplify the proofs of many results about entanglement transformation.Comment: 12 page

    Metastability and Nucleation for the Blume-Capel Model. Different mechanisms of transition

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    We study metastability and nucleation for the Blume-Capel model: a ferromagnetic nearest neighbour two-dimensional lattice system with spin variables taking values in -1,0,+1. We consider large but finite volume, small fixed magnetic field h and chemical potential "lambda" in the limit of zero temperature; we analyze the first excursion from the metastable -1 configuration to the stable +1 configuration. We compute the asymptotic behaviour of the transition time and describe the typical tube of trajectories during the transition. We show that, unexpectedly, the mechanism of transition changes abruptly when the line h=2*lambda is crossed.Comment: 96 pages, 44 tex-figures, 7 postscript figure

    Phase transitions and configuration space topology

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    Equilibrium phase transitions may be defined as nonanalytic points of thermodynamic functions, e.g., of the canonical free energy. Given a certain physical system, it is of interest to understand which properties of the system account for the presence of a phase transition, and an understanding of these properties may lead to a deeper understanding of the physical phenomenon. One possible approach of this issue, reviewed and discussed in the present paper, is the study of topology changes in configuration space which, remarkably, are found to be related to equilibrium phase transitions in classical statistical mechanical systems. For the study of configuration space topology, one considers the subsets M_v, consisting of all points from configuration space with a potential energy per particle equal to or less than a given v. For finite systems, topology changes of M_v are intimately related to nonanalytic points of the microcanonical entropy (which, as a surprise to many, do exist). In the thermodynamic limit, a more complex relation between nonanalytic points of thermodynamic functions (i.e., phase transitions) and topology changes is observed. For some class of short-range systems, a topology change of the M_v at v=v_t was proved to be necessary for a phase transition to take place at a potential energy v_t. In contrast, phase transitions in systems with long-range interactions or in systems with non-confining potentials need not be accompanied by such a topology change. Instead, for such systems the nonanalytic point in a thermodynamic function is found to have some maximization procedure at its origin. These results may foster insight into the mechanisms which lead to the occurrence of a phase transition, and thus may help to explore the origin of this physical phenomenon.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Probability distributions consistent with a mixed state

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    A density matrix ρ\rho may be represented in many different ways as a mixture of pure states, \rho = \sum_i p_i |\psi_i\ra \la \psi_i|. This paper characterizes the class of probability distributions (pi)(p_i) that may appear in such a decomposition, for a fixed density matrix ρ\rho. Several illustrative applications of this result to quantum mechanics and quantum information theory are given.Comment: 6 pages, submitted to Physical Review

    Remarks on Shannon's Statistical Inference and the Second Law in Quantum Statistical Mechanics

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    We comment on a formulation of quantum statistical mechanics, which incorporates the statistical inference of Shannon. Our basic idea is to distinguish the dynamical entropy of von Neumann, H=kTrρ^lnρ^H = -k Tr \hat{\rho}\ln\hat{\rho}, in terms of the density matrix ρ^(t)\hat{\rho}(t), and the statistical amount of uncertainty of Shannon, S=knpnlnpnS= -k \sum_{n}p_{n}\ln p_{n}, with pn=p_{n}= in the representation where the total energy and particle numbers are diagonal. These quantities satisfy the inequality SHS\geq H. We propose to interprete Shannon's statistical inference as specifying the {\em initial conditions} of the system in terms of pnp_{n}. A definition of macroscopic observables which are characterized by intrinsic time scales is given, and a quantum mechanical condition on the system, which ensures equilibrium, is discussed on the basis of time averaging. An interesting analogy of the change of entroy with the running coupling in renormalization group is noted. A salient feature of our approach is that the distinction between statistical aspects and dynamical aspects of quantum statistical mechanics is very transparent.Comment: 16 pages. Minor refinement in the statements in the previous version. This version has been published in Journal of Phys. Soc. Jpn. 71 (2002) 6

    Fluctuations in Stationary non Equilibrium States

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    In this paper we formulate a dynamical fluctuation theory for stationary non equilibrium states (SNS) which covers situations in a nonlinear hydrodynamic regime and is verified explicitly in stochastic models of interacting particles. In our theory a crucial role is played by the time reversed dynamics. Our results include the modification of the Onsager-Machlup theory in the SNS, a general Hamilton-Jacobi equation for the macroscopic entropy and a non equilibrium, non linear fluctuation dissipation relation valid for a wide class of systems

    Theory of Circle Maps and the Problem of One-Dimensional Optical Resonator with a Periodically Moving Wall

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    We consider the electromagnetic field in a cavity with a periodically oscillating perfectly reflecting boundary and show that the mathematical theory of circle maps leads to several physical predictions. Notably, well-known results in the theory of circle maps (which we review briefly) imply that there are intervals of parameters where the waves in the cavity get concentrated in wave packets whose energy grows exponentially. Even if these intervals are dense for typical motions of the reflecting boundary, in the complement there is a positive measure set of parameters where the energy remains bounded.Comment: 34 pages LaTeX (revtex) with eps figures, PACS: 02.30.Jr, 42.15.-i, 42.60.Da, 42.65.Y