318 research outputs found

    Selfish Network Creation with Non-Uniform Edge Cost

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    Network creation games investigate complex networks from a game-theoretic point of view. Based on the original model by Fabrikant et al. [PODC'03] many variants have been introduced. However, almost all versions have the drawback that edges are treated uniformly, i.e. every edge has the same cost and that this common parameter heavily influences the outcomes and the analysis of these games. We propose and analyze simple and natural parameter-free network creation games with non-uniform edge cost. Our models are inspired by social networks where the cost of forming a link is proportional to the popularity of the targeted node. Besides results on the complexity of computing a best response and on various properties of the sequential versions, we show that the most general version of our model has constant Price of Anarchy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first proof of a constant Price of Anarchy for any network creation game.Comment: To appear at SAGT'1

    Identifying new potential biomarkers in adrenocortical tumors based on mrna expression data using machine learning

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    Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare disease, associated with poor survival. Several “multiple-omics” studies characterizing ACC on a molecular level identified two different clusters correlating with patient survival (C1A and C1B). We here used the publicly available transcriptome data from the TCGA-ACC dataset (n = 79), applying machine learning (ML) methods to classify the ACC based on expression pattern in an unbiased manner. UMAP (uniform manifold approximation and projection)-based clustering resulted in two distinct groups, ACC-UMAP1 and ACC-UMAP2, that largely overlap with clusters C1B and C1A, respectively. However, subsequent use of random-forest-based learning revealed a set of new possible marker genes showing significant differential expression in the described clusters (e.g., SOAT1, EIF2A1). For validation purposes, we used a secondary dataset based on a previous study from our group, consisting of 4 normal adrenal glands and 52 benign and 7 malignant tumor samples. The results largely confirmed those obtained for the TCGA-ACC cohort. In addition, the ENSAT dataset showed a correlation between benign adrenocortical tumors and the good prognosis ACC cluster ACC-UMAP1/C1B. In conclusion, the use of ML approaches re-identified and redefined known prognostic ACC subgroups. On the other hand, the subsequent use of random-forest-based learning identified new possible prognostic marker genes for ACC

    Five-year outcome in 18 010 patients from the German Aortic Valve Registry

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    OBJECTIVES: To determine the 5-year outcome in patients treated by isolated transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) or surgical aortic valve replacement (sAVR)—a prospective observational cohort study. METHODS: A total of 18 010 patients were included (n = 8942 TAVI and n = 9068 sAVR) in the German Aortic Valve Registry (GARY) who were treated in 2011 and 2012 at 92 sites in central Germany. Eligible patients with TAVI and sAVR were matched using propensity scores in a nearest-neighbour approach. Patients with repeat procedures or unequivocal indication for one treatment option (e.g. frailty) were excluded (n = 4785 for TAVI and n = 2 for sAVR). This led to 13 223 patients (4157 TAVI and 9066 sAVR) as an unmatched subcohort. The main outcome measure was the 5-year all-cause mortality. RESULTS: TAVI patients were significantly older (80.9 ± 6.1 vs 68.5 ± 11.1 years, P < 0.001), had a higher Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) score (6.3 ± 4.9 vs 2.6 ± 3.0, P < 0.001) and a higher 5-year all-cause mortality (49.8% vs 16.5%, P < 0.0001). There was no major difference in in-hospital stroke, in-hospital myocardial infarction, or temporary and chronic dialysis. In the propensity score-matched group (n = 3640), there were 763 deaths (41.9%) among 1820 TAVI patients compared with 552 (30.3%) among 1820 treated with sAVR during the 5-year follow-up (hazard ratio 1.51, 95% confidence interval 1.35–1.68; P < 0.0001). New pacemaker implantation was performed in 448 patients (24.6%) after TAVI and in 201 (11.0%) after sAVR (P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The 5-year follow-up data show that TAVI patients were significantly older and had a higher STS score than sAVR patients. After propensity score matching, TAVI with early-generation prosthesis was associated with significantly higher 5-year all-cause mortality than sAVR

    The relationship between ocean surface turbulence and air-sea gas transfer velocity: An in-situ evaluation

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    Although the air-sea gas transfer velocity k is usually parameterized with wind speed, the so-called small-eddy model suggests a relationship between k and ocean surface dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy . Laboratory and field measurements of k and have shown that this model holds in various ecosystems. Here, field observations are presented supporting the theoretical model in the open ocean. These observations are based on measurements from the Air-Sea Interaction Profiler and eddy covariance CO2 and DMS air-sea flux data collected during the Knorr11 cruise. We show that the model results can be improved when applying a variable Schmidt number exponent compared to a commonly used constant value of 1/2. Scaling to the viscous sublayer allows us to investigate the model at different depths and to expand its applicability for more extensive data sets

    The band structure of BeTe - a combined experimental and theoretical study

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    Using angle-resolved synchrotron-radiation photoemission spectroscopy we have determined the dispersion of the valence bands of BeTe(100) along ΓX\Gamma X, i.e. the [100] direction. The measurements are analyzed with the aid of a first-principles calculation of the BeTe bulk band structure as well as of the photoemission peaks as given by the momentum conserving bulk transitions. Taking the calculated unoccupied bands as final states of the photoemission process, we obtain an excellent agreement between experimental and calculated spectra and a clear interpretation of almost all measured bands. In contrast, the free electron approximation for the final states fails to describe the BeTe bulk band structure along ΓX\Gamma X properly.Comment: 21 pages plus 4 figure

    Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Sea-Level History and Glacial Retreat Interpreted from Shell-Bearing Marine Deposits of Southeastern Alaska, USA

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    We leverage a data set of \u3e720 shell-bearing marine deposits throughout southeastern Alaska (USA) to develop updated relative sea-level curves that span the past ~14,000 yr. This data set includes site location, elevation, description when avail-able, and 436 14C ages, 45 of which are published here for the first time. Our sea-level curves suggest a peripheral forebulge developed west of the retreating Cordilleran Ice Sheet (CIS) margin between ca. 17,000 and 10,800 calibrated yr B.P. By 14,870 ± 630 to 12,820 ± 340 cal. yr B.P., CIS mar-gins had retreated from all of southeastern Alaska’s fjords, channels, and passages. At this time, isolated or stranded ice caps existed on the islands, with alpine or tidewater glaciers in many valleys. Paleoshorelines up to 25 m above sea level mark the maximum elevation of transgression in the southern portion of the study region, which was achieved by 11,000 ± 390 to 10,500 ± 420 cal. yr B.P. The presence of Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) and the abundance of charcoal in sediments that date between 11,000 ± 390 and 7630 ± 90 cal. yr B.P. suggest that both ocean and air temperatures in southeastern Alaska were relatively warm in the early Holocene. The sea-level and paleoenvironmental reconstruction presented here can inform future investigations into the glacial, volcanic, and archaeological history of southeastern Alaska

    Context-dependent effects on spatial variation in deer-vehicle collisions

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    Identifying factors that contribute to the risk of wildlife‐vehicle collisions (WVCs) has been a key focus of wildlife managers, transportation safety planners and road ecologists for over three decades. Despite these efforts, few generalities have emerged which can help predict the occurrence of WVCs, heightening the uncertainty under which conservation, wildlife and transportation management decisions are made. Undermining this general understanding is the use of study area boundaries that are incongruent with major biophysical gradients, inconsistent data collection protocols among study areas and species‐specific interactions with roads. We tested the extent to which factors predicting the occurrence of deer‐vehicle collisions (DVCs) were general among five study areas distributed over a 11,400‐km2 region in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. In spite of our system‐wide focus on the same genus (i.e., Odocoileus hemionus and O. virginianus), study area delineation along major biophysical gradients, and use of consistent data collection protocols, we found that large‐scale biophysical processes influence the effect of localized factors. At the local scale, factors predicting WVC occurrence varied greatly between individual study areas. Distance to water was an important predictor of WVCs in three of the five study areas, while other variables had modest importance in only two of the five study areas. Thus, lack of generality in factors predicting WVCs may have less to do with methodological or taxonomic differences among study areas than the large‐scale, biophysical context within which the data were collected. These results highlight the critical need to develop a conceptual framework in road ecology that can unify the disparate results emerging from field studies on WVC occurrence