7 research outputs found

    The Pathway Coexpression Network: Revealing pathway relationships.

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    A goal of genomics is to understand the relationships between biological processes. Pathways contribute to functional interplay within biological processes through complex but poorly understood interactions. However, limited functional references for global pathway relationships exist. Pathways from databases such as KEGG and Reactome provide discrete annotations of biological processes. Their relationships are currently either inferred from gene set enrichment within specific experiments, or by simple overlap, linking pathway annotations that have genes in common. Here, we provide a unifying interpretation of functional interaction between pathways by systematically quantifying coexpression between 1,330 canonical pathways from the Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB) to establish the Pathway Coexpression Network (PCxN). We estimated the correlation between canonical pathways valid in a broad context using a curated collection of 3,207 microarrays from 72 normal human tissues. PCxN accounts for shared genes between annotations to estimate significant correlations between pathways with related functions rather than with similar annotations. We demonstrate that PCxN provides novel insight into mechanisms of complex diseases using an Alzheimer's Disease (AD) case study. PCxN retrieved pathways significantly correlated with an expert curated AD gene list. These pathways have known associations with AD and were significantly enriched for genes independently associated with AD. As a further step, we show how PCxN complements the results of gene set enrichment methods by revealing relationships between enriched pathways, and by identifying additional highly correlated pathways. PCxN revealed that correlated pathways from an AD expression profiling study include functional clusters involved in cell adhesion and oxidative stress. PCxN provides expanded connections to pathways from the extracellular matrix. PCxN provides a powerful new framework for interrogation of global pathway relationships. Comprehensive exploration of PCxN can be performed at http://pcxn.org/

    Comparison of Functional Reach in Fallers and Nonfallers in an Independent Retirement Community

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    The older population in America is steadily increasing. Additionally, falls increase dramatically with age. Balance disorders and postural control changes have been found to contribute to falls sustained by the elderly. Functional Reach (FR) has been proposed as a simple balance assessment tool which is valid, reliable, and sensitive to changes in balance. The aim of this study was to compare the FR of fallers and nonfallers living independently in a retirement community. Fifty-two subjects were divided into three age groups and categorized by fall status. The first three correctly performed FR trials were measured and recorded. After the age of 84 years, FR significantly decreases. There were no significant differences in the FR between fallers and nonfallers among community dwelling seniors. A simple standardized balance assessment tool needs to be developed to identify those older people at risk for falling. Functional Reach has the potential to be such a tool. However, FR needs to be standardized according to the age and activity level of the population being tested

    The P522R protective variant of PLCG2 promotes the expression of antigen presentation genes by human microglia in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model

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    The P522R variant of PLCG2, expressed by microglia, is associated with reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Yet, the impact of this protective mutation on microglial responses to AD pathology remains unknown. Chimeric AD and wild-type mice were generated by transplanting PLCG2-P522R or isogenic wild-type human induced pluripotent stem cell microglia. At 7 months of age, single-cell and bulk RNA sequencing, and histological analyses were performed. The PLCG2-P522R variant induced a significant increase in microglial human leukocyte antigen (HLA) expression and the induction of antigen presentation, chemokine signaling, and T cell proliferation pathways. Examination of immune-intact AD mice further demonstrated that the PLCG2-P522R variant promotes the recruitment of CD8+ T cells to the brain. These data provide the first evidence that the PLCG2-P522R variant increases the capacity of microglia to recruit T cells and present antigens, promoting a microglial transcriptional state that has recently been shown to be reduced in AD patient brains