34 research outputs found

    Genmodifizierte Varicella-Zoster-Virus spezifische T-Zellen als Effektorzellen tumorspezifischer ImmunitÀt

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    Eine Möglichkeit der zellulĂ€ren Immuntherapie bei Tumorerkrankungen ist die Gabe von T-Zellen, die in der Lage sind, Tumorzellen zu erkennen. Die T-Zellen werden durch genetische Modifikation mit sogenannten chimĂ€ren Rezeptoren dazu befĂ€higt, Tumorantigen spezifisch zu erkennen. Virus-spezifische T-Zellen sind ebenfalls in der Lage, nach genetischer Modifikation Tumorzellen zu erkennen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte untersucht werden, ob sich diese Zellen auch gezielt reaktivieren lassen. Daher wurden Varicella-Zoster-Virus (VZV) -spezifische T-Zellen expandiert und mit chimĂ€ren Rezeptoren gegen verschiedene Tumorantigene transduziert. Sie zeigten eine spezifische lytische AktivitĂ€t gegen antigen-positive Tumorzelllinien, die durch Granulysin vermittelt wurde. Die Reaktivierung der Zellen ĂŒber ihren virus-spezifischen Rezeptor zeigte, dass VZV-spezifische T-Zellen, die tumorantigen-gerichtete chimĂ€re Rezeptoren exprimieren, ein geeignetes Modell fĂŒr eine Immuntherapie darstellen

    Microbiological testing of adults hospitalised with community-acquired pneumonia: An international study

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    This study aimed to describe real-life microbiological testing of adults hospitalised with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and to assess concordance with the 2007 Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)/American Thoracic Society (ATS) and 2011 European Respiratory Society (ERS) CAP guidelines. This was a cohort study based on the Global Initiative for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Pneumonia (GLIMP) database, which contains point-prevalence data on adults hospitalised with CAP across 54 countries during 2015. In total, 3702 patients were included. Testing was performed in 3217 patients, and included blood culture (71.1%), sputum culture (61.8%), Legionella urinary antigen test (30.1%), pneumococcal urinary antigen test (30.0%), viral testing (14.9%), acute-phase serology (8.8%), bronchoalveolar lavage culture (8.4%) and pleural fluid culture (3.2%). A pathogen was detected in 1173 (36.5%) patients. Testing attitudes varied significantly according to geography and disease severity. Testing was concordant with IDSA/ATS and ERS guidelines in 16.7% and 23.9% of patients, respectively. IDSA/ATS concordance was higher in Europe than in North America (21.5% versus 9.8%; p<0.01), while ERS concordance was higher in North America than in Europe (33.5% versus 19.5%; p<0.01). Testing practices of adults hospitalised with CAP varied significantly by geography and disease severity. There was a wide discordance between real-life testing practices and IDSA/ATS/ERS guideline recommendations

    Prevalence and etiology of community-acquired pneumonia in immunocompromised patients

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    Background. The correct management of immunocompromised patients with pneumonia is debated. We evaluated the prevalence, risk factors, and characteristics of immunocompromised patients coming from the community with pneumonia. Methods. We conducted a secondary analysis of an international, multicenter study enrolling adult patients coming from the community with pneumonia and hospitalized in 222 hospitals in 54 countries worldwide. Risk factors for immunocompromise included AIDS, aplastic anemia, asplenia, hematological cancer, chemotherapy, neutropenia, biological drug use, lung transplantation, chronic steroid use, and solid tumor. Results. At least 1 risk factor for immunocompromise was recorded in 18% of the 3702 patients enrolled. The prevalences of risk factors significantly differed across continents and countries, with chronic steroid use (45%), hematological cancer (25%), and chemotherapy (22%) the most common. Among immunocompromised patients, community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) pathogens were the most frequently identified, and prevalences did not differ from those in immunocompetent patients. Risk factors for immunocompromise were independently associated with neither Pseudomonas aeruginosa nor non\u2013community-acquired bacteria. Specific risk factors were independently associated with fungal infections (odds ratio for AIDS and hematological cancer, 15.10 and 4.65, respectively; both P = .001), mycobacterial infections (AIDS; P = .006), and viral infections other than influenza (hematological cancer, 5.49; P < .001). Conclusions. Our findings could be considered by clinicians in prescribing empiric antibiotic therapy for CAP in immunocompromised patients. Patients with AIDS and hematological cancer admitted with CAP may have higher prevalences of fungi, mycobacteria, and noninfluenza viruses

    Atypical pathogens in hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia: A worldwide perspective

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    Background: Empirical antibiotic coverage for atypical pathogens in community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) has long been debated, mainly because of a lack of epidemiological data. We aimed to assess both testing for atypical pathogens and their prevalence in hospitalized patients with CAP worldwide, especially in relation with disease severity. Methods: A secondary analysis of the GLIMP database, an international, multicentre, point-prevalence study of adult patients admitted for CAP in 222 hospitals across 6 continents in 2015, was performed. The study evaluated frequency of testing for atypical pathogens, including L. pneumophila, M. pneumoniae, C. pneumoniae, and their prevalence. Risk factors for testing and prevalence for atypical pathogens were assessed through univariate analysis. Results: Among 3702 CAP patients 1250 (33.8%) underwent at least one test for atypical pathogens. Testing varies greatly among countries and its frequency was higher in Europe than elsewhere (46.0% vs. 12.7%, respectively, p &lt; 0.0001). Detection of L. pneumophila urinary antigen was the most common test performed worldwide (32.0%). Patients with severe CAP were less likely to be tested for both atypical pathogens considered together (30.5% vs. 35.0%, p = 0.009) and specifically for legionellosis (28.3% vs. 33.5%, p = 0.003) than the rest of the population. Similarly, L. pneumophila testing was lower in ICU patients. At least one atypical pathogen was isolated in 62 patients (4.7%), including M. pneumoniae (26/251 patients, 10.3%), L. pneumophila (30/1186 patients, 2.5%), and C. pneumoniae (8/228 patients, 3.5%). Patients with CAP due to atypical pathogens were significantly younger, showed less cardiovascular, renal, and metabolic comorbidities in comparison to adult patients hospitalized due to non-atypical pathogen CAP. Conclusions: Testing for atypical pathogens in patients admitted for CAP in poorly standardized in real life and does not mirror atypical prevalence in different settings. Further evidence on the impact of atypical pathogens, expecially in the low-income countries, is needed to guidelines implementation

    Burden and risk factors for Pseudomonas aeruginosa community-acquired pneumonia:a Multinational Point Prevalence Study of Hospitalised Patients

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    Pseudornonas aeruginosa is a challenging bacterium to treat due to its intrinsic resistance to the antibiotics used most frequently in patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). Data about the global burden and risk factors associated with P. aeruginosa-CAP are limited. We assessed the multinational burden and specific risk factors associated with P. aeruginosa-CAP. We enrolled 3193 patients in 54 countries with confirmed diagnosis of CAP who underwent microbiological testing at admission. Prevalence was calculated according to the identification of P. aeruginosa. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify risk factors for antibiotic-susceptible and antibiotic-resistant P. aeruginosa-CAP. The prevalence of P. aeruginosa and antibiotic-resistant P. aeruginosa-CAP was 4.2% and 2.0%, respectively. The rate of P. aeruginosa CAP in patients with prior infection/colonisation due to P. aeruginosa and at least one of the three independently associated chronic lung diseases (i.e. tracheostomy, bronchiectasis and/or very severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) was 67%. In contrast, the rate of P. aeruginosa-CAP was 2% in patients without prior P. aeruginosa infection/colonisation and none of the selected chronic lung diseases. The multinational prevalence of P. aeruginosa-CAP is low. The risk factors identified in this study may guide healthcare professionals in deciding empirical antibiotic coverage for CAP patients

    Activated human &gamma;&delta; T cells as stimulators of specific CD8âș T-cell responses to subdominant Epstein Barr virus epitopes: Potential for immunotherapy of cancer.

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    The efficacy of current cancer vaccines is limited by the functional heterogeneity and poor availability and expansion of professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Besides their potent innate effector properties, gamma delta T cells have been suggested to be involved in the initiation and maintenance of adaptive immune responses. Here, we investigated the capacity of human 76 T cells to induce expansion of virus-specific T cells to Epstein Barr vu-LIS (EBV) antigens. Aminobisphosphonate-stimulated human peripheral blood-derived gamma delta T cells (V gamma 2+V delta 2+) acquired a dual phenotype characteristic for both APCs and effector memory T cells. Coincubation of activated gamma delta T cells Pulsed with human leukocyte antigen-restricted epitopes of either the highly stimulatory EBV lytic cycle antigen Bam H1 Z fragment leftward open reading frame or the tumor-associated latent EBV antigen latent membrane protein 2a (LMP2a) with autologous peripheral blood lymphocytes induced selective expansion of peptide-specific. fully functional CD3(+) CD8(+) cytolytic effector memory T cells. Furthermore, gamma delta T APCs efficiently processed and presented endogenous antigen, as demonstrated by the capacity of LMP2a gene-transduced 16 T cells to induce expansion of T cells with broad specificity for various LMP2a peptides. The capacity of autologous gamma delta T cells to induce LMP2a-specific autologous cytotoxic T lymphocytes was confirmed in 2 patients with Hodgkin lymphoma. In summary, bisphosphonate-activated human gamma delta T Cells stimulate expansion of cytotoxic effector T cells specific for both subdominant and dominant viral epitopes and thus show promise as a novel source of efficient APCs for immunotherapy of viral and malignant disease

    Rhabdomyosarcoma lysis by T cells expressing a human autoantibody-based chimeric receptor targeting the fetal acetylcholine receptor.

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    Rhabdomyosarcomas are the most frequent malignant soft tissue tumors of childhood; however, because current multimodality treatments fail to improve the poor survival rate of children with metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma, new treatments are required. We previously identified the gamma-subunit of the fetal acetylcholine receptor (fAChR) as a specific cell surface target in rhabdomyosarcoma. Here, we engineered human T lymphocytes to express chimeric receptors composed of the antigen-binding domain of a human anti-fAChR antibody joined to the signaling domain of the human T-cell receptor zeta-chain. The interaction of fAChRzeta-transduced T cells with fAChR-positive rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines, but not with fAChR-negative control cells, induced T-cell activation characterized by strong secretion of IFN-gamma and delayed lysis of tumor cells. Importantly, we found that in six of six rhabdomyosarcoma patients, chemotherapy increased fAChR expression on residual tumor cells in vivo. Our observations suggest that these fully human chimeric fAChRzeta-transduced T cells, which should be well tolerated by the patient, have potential use in vivo both as a primary treatment for rhabdomyosarcoma and as a complementary approach to eradicate residual tumor cells after chemotherapy

    Rhabdomyosarcoma lysis by T cells expressing a human autoantibody-based chimeric receptor targeting the fetal acetylcholine receptor.

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    Rhabdomyosarcomas are the most frequent malignant soft tissue tumors of childhood; however, because current multimodality treatments fail to improve the poor survival rate of children with metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma, new treatments are required. We previously identified the gamma-subunit of the fetal acetylcholine receptor (fAChR) as a specific cell surface target in rhabdomyosarcoma. Here, we engineered human T lymphocytes to express chimeric receptors composed of the antigen-binding domain of a human anti-fAChR antibody joined to the signaling domain of the human T-cell receptor zeta-chain. The interaction of fAChRzeta-transduced T cells with fAChR-positive rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines, but not with fAChR-negative control cells, induced T-cell activation characterized by strong secretion of IFN-gamma and delayed lysis of tumor cells. Importantly, we found that in six of six rhabdomyosarcoma patients, chemotherapy increased fAChR expression on residual tumor cells in vivo. Our observations suggest that these fully human chimeric fAChRzeta-transduced T cells, which should be well tolerated by the patient, have potential use in vivo both as a primary treatment for rhabdomyosarcoma and as a complementary approach to eradicate residual tumor cells after chemotherapy