341 research outputs found

    User's manual for the coupled mode version of the normal modes rotor aeroelastic analysis computer program

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    This User's Manual was prepared to provide the engineer with the information required to run the coupled mode version of the Normal Modes Rotor Aeroelastic Analysis Computer Program. The manual provides a full set of instructions for running the program, including calculation of blade modes, calculations of variable induced velocity distribution and the calculation of the time history of the response for either a single blade or a complete rotor with an airframe (the latter with constant inflow)

    The link between great earthquakes and the subduction of oceanic fracture zones

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    Giant subduction earthquakes are known to occur in areas not previously identified as prone to high seismic risk. This highlights the need to better identify subduction zone segments potentially dominated by relatively long (up to 1000 yr and more) recurrence times of giant earthquakes. We construct a model for the geometry of subduction coupling zones and combine it with global geophysical data sets to demonstrate that the occurrence of great (magnitude ≥ 8) subduction earthquakes is strongly biased towards regions associated with intersections of oceanic fracture zones and subduction zones. We use a computational recommendation technology, a type of information filtering system technique widely used in searching, sorting, classifying, and filtering very large, statistically skewed data sets on the Internet, to demonstrate a robust association and rule out a random effect. Fracture zone–subduction zone intersection regions, representing only 25% of the global subduction coupling zone, are linked with 13 of the 15 largest (magnitude <i>M</i><sub>w</sub> ≥ 8.6) and half of the 50 largest (magnitude <i>M</i><sub>w</sub> ≥ 8.4) earthquakes. In contrast, subducting volcanic ridges and chains are only biased towards smaller earthquakes (magnitude < 8). The associations captured by our statistical analysis can be conceptually related to physical differences between subducting fracture zones and volcanic chains/ridges. Fracture zones are characterised by laterally continuous, uplifted ridges that represent normal ocean crust with a high degree of structural integrity, causing strong, persistent coupling in the subduction interface. Smaller volcanic ridges and chains have a relatively fragile heterogeneous internal structure and are separated from the underlying ocean crust by a detachment interface, resulting in weak coupling and relatively small earthquakes, providing a conceptual basis for the observed dichotomy

    Two Dimensional Signal Representation Using Prolate Spheroidal Functions

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    The most widely used methods of signal representation are the time function and the frequency function or spectrum representations. This work is concerned with the development of a representation which is a combination of these two. Two previous attempts at defining this type of signal representation, which is referred to as two dimensional representation, have been made and a summary and evaluation of these attempts is presented. The primary objective of the work reported here was to develop a practical two dimensional representation which has the desired two dimensional conceptual properties as well as mathematical convenience. The representations defined are based on the angular prolate spheroidal functions. These functions have a number of desirable properties among which are the followings they are orthogonal over both a finite and the infinite interval, they are bandlimited, and they have certain properties concerning their maximal proximity to being timelimited. The procedure used in defining the first two dimensional representation is to make an orthogonal expansion, using the prolate spheroidal functions, of each timelimited portion of each bandlimited portion of the signal to be represented. The second two dimensional representation is defined from an orthogonal expansion of each bandlimited portion of each timelimited portion of the signal to be represented. For both of these, the summation over all time intervals and all frequency intervals results in the complete representation of the signal. It is seen from this that since it is not possible to timelimit and bandlimit simultaneously, these limiting processes have been carried out serially. Due to the peculiar properties of the prolate spheroidal functions, as the number of orthogonal function terms is increased, the representation of a timelimited function converges first in a certain bandwidth, and the representation of a band- limited function converges first in a certain time interval. It is demonstrated that both series representations will converge to either a timelimited, or a bandlimited portion of the represented signal upon inclusion of the proper terms. Following this, several applications of the representations are presented. First, it is shown that the result of the convolution of 2 two dimensionally represented functions may be determined at discrete values of time from the expansion coefficients alone. The spectrum of the product of two functions may be determined in a similar manner at discrete values of frequency. As a result, it is possible to determine the contribution made to the output of a linear system at any time due to the portion of the input in any time and frequency interval. A technique is also developed for the solution of this same problem for the more general time variable linear system with the output being determined in continuous form rather than only at discrete values. It is somewhat more difficult to calculate the coefficients in this case, however. Another application demonstrated is a method by which the value of Woodward\u27s ambiguity function may be calculated for discrete values of the time and frequency variables. The two dimensional nature of the representation is demonstrated by two numerical examples using very elementary time functions. A further numerical example is provided for the case of the determination of the output of a linear system at discrete values of time. This work is concluded by a brief listing of further problems which seem amenable to solution as a result of this type of analysis. This list includes such problems as biological system signal analysis, signal design, and random process representation

    Agricultural scene understanding

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The LACIE field measurement data were radiometrically calibrated. Calibration enabled valid comparisons of measurements from different dates, sensors, and/or locations. Thermal band canopy results included: (1) Wind velocity had a significant influence on the overhead radiance temperature and the effect was quantized. Biomass and soil temperatures, temperature gradient, and canopy geometry were altered. (2) Temperature gradient was a function of wind velocity. (3) Temperature gradient of the wheat canopy was relatively constant during the day. (4) The laser technique provided good quality geometric characterization

    The relationship of sensor parameters to applications data analysis

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    A stochastic model for the data acquisition system in a multispectral scanner system, like the one utilized by the LANDSAT satellites, is presented. A list of noise sources which are known or presumed to have a significant effect in the information extraction process was constructed. Since the shot noise introduced by the photodetectors in the sensor system is signal level dependent, an atmospheric model was adopted which could adequately describe the amount of radiation that gets into the sensors based on the atmospheric transmittance. An analysis was carried out to find the output spectral statistics in terms of the input signal statistics and the system parameters. This was integrated into a set of FORTRAN programs that when supplied with, the class statistics, the noise levels introduced by the sensor system, the atmospheric transmittance, and the atmospheric path radiance, can be used to estimate the classification performance. In order to show the beneficts of this model a series of runs were performed in which the Thematic Mapper multispectral scanner was the system under consideration

    Requirements of a global information system for corn production and distribution

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    Processing techniques development

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    Agricultural scene understanding and supporting field research, volume 1

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    An interdisciplinary analysis of ERTS data for Colorado mountain environments using ADP techniques. An early analysis of ERTS-1 data

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report. The principal problem encountered has been the lack of good quality, small scale baseline photography for the test areas. Analysis of the ERTS-1 data for the San Juan Site will emphasize development of a preliminary spectral classification defining grass cover categories, and then selection of subframes for intensive investigation of the forestry, geologic, and hydrologic properties of the area. Primary work has been devoted to the selection and digitization of areas for topographic modeling, and compilation of ground based data maps necessary for computer analysis. Study effort has emphasized: geomorphic features; macro-vegetation; micro-vegetation; snow-hydrology; insect/disease damage; and blow-down. Analysis of a frame of the Lake Texoma area indicates a great deal of potential in the analysis and interpretation of ERTS imagery. Preliminary results of investigations of geologic, forest, range, cropland, and water resources of the area are summarized

    Agricultural scene understanding, volume 1

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