128 research outputs found

    Enantioselective Narasaka-Heck Cyclizations:Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted Nitrogen-Bearing Stereocenters

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    A SPINOL-derived P,N-ligand system enables Pd-catalyzed 5-exo cyclization of oxime esters with trisubstituted alkenes to generate dihydropyrroles in up to 86% yield and 95 : 5 e.r.</p

    Provfiske i gotländska sjöar 1999

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    Den här rapporten har upprättats på uppdrag av länsstyrelsen i Gotlands län. Denna rapport omfattaren sammanställning av provfisken i 27 gotländska sjöar. En bedömning av tillståndet i de olika sjöarna med avseende på ekosystemets kvalitet finns också med samt en bedömning av hur mycket de uppmätta värdena avviker från s.k. jämförvärden. Dessa värden representerar i de flesta fall en uppskattning av ett "naturligt" tillstånd. Behandling av data följer Naturvårdsverkets rekommendationer. Bedömningsgrunder för Miljökvalitet för Sjöar och vattendrag.. En bedömning har även gjorts för de data som finns tillgängliga från provfisket 1981. En jämförelse har också gjorts mellan de båda provfisketillfällena för att kunna upptäcka eventuella förändringar. Denna jämförelse blir mycket översiktlig och grov eftersom perioden mellan provfiskena är 18 år. Det är dock möjligt att se radikala förändringar som en följd av olika typer av miljöpåverkan eller exempelvis hårt fisketryck. Rent generellt är de flesta sjöar lågt klassade enligt Naturvårdsverkets Bedömningsgrunder för miljökvalitet, 1999, vilket innebär att de inte avviker eller uppvisar en mindre avvikelse. Sju sjöar eller 27 % uppvisar en tydlig avvikelse. I många fall kan avvikelsen härledas till lågt artantal, låg andelfiskätande fisk (piscivorer), jämförelsevis hög biomassa samt en hög andel av tåliga arter. De vanligast förekommande arterna i de gotländska sjöarna är abborre, mört och sarv.Regionala inventeringsrapporter import från MDP 2015-05</p

    Bubble Trouble - An inquiry into the theories of housing bubbles, modestly applied on Sweden

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    How do we spot a housing bubble? Swedish house prices and household debt have in recent decades risen faster than ever before. This thesis discusses different models for assessing housing bubbles, including neoclassical, econometric and behavioral models. The models are applied to Swedish data, finding no conclusive results but enough evidence to recommend that policy-makers proceed under the assumption that there is indeed a housing bubble

    Major elements and trace ferrides in deep sea cores obtained during the Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition in 1947-1948

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    Samples from sediment cores collected during the Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition 1947-1948 have been analyzed in the Geochemical laboratory of the Geological Survey of Sweden. Most samples were placed at our disposal by Professor Hans Pettersson, leader of the expedition mentioned. For complementary studies, samples from the Atlantic and Indian oceans were included in our investigation and the samples placed at our disposal by Professor B. Kullenberg, Göteborg. From the Tyrrhenian Sea we got samples from Professor E. Norin, Uppsala

    (Tables 41-42, page 88-89), Chemical composition of lake ores of Finland and North-Western Russia

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    This text deals with the geochemistry of iron ores. By means of spectrochemical analyses some significant minor constituents have been determined in samples mainly from the pre-Cambrian iron-ore regions of Sweden. For the sake of comparison some samples of iron ores of different age from non-Swedish regions have been analysed. On the basis of the analytical data available some significant statistical quantities have been computed in iron ores as well as in the main igneous rock series. Special regard has been paid to the relationship between the distribution principles governing some major constituents in the iron ores, on the one hand, and in the igneous rocks on the other. A method is proposed for geochemical investigations of igneous rocks by means of statistical data. With the aid of geochemical premises the endogene relationship between iron ores and their associated igneous rocks has been discussed. A theory on the principles governing the formation of iron ores has been advanced and employed with special regard to the origin of the pre-Cambrian iron ores of Sweden

    Caput Radii Fractures : - Epidemiology, Classification and Treatment

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    Introduction Caput radii fractures vary from non-dislocated to complex comminuted fractures and are oftenclassified by the Mason Classifications system from 1954. Most caput radii-fractures aresuccessfully treated non-surgical although some need surgery. Several surgical methods havebeen developed and surgical treatment is increasing. Aim Primary aim is to assess the Mason classification correlation to choice of treatment.Secondary aims are to describe the epidemiology, treatment frequency including surgical andnon-surgical as well as reoperation rate. Results Correlation between Mason classification and surgical/non-surgical treatment showed asignificant positive correlation (rs=0.403, p&lt;0.001). Of 315 patients 95.2% were treated nonsurgical,4,8% received acute surgery. The estimated incidence was 3.25 per 10 000 per year,for women 4.09 and men 2.41 per 10 000 per year. Median age was 49 years (IQR 33-60), 54for women and 36 years for men respectively. Of the patients with Mason I did 0.4% receiveacute surgery, Mason II 3.4%, Mason III 66.7% and Mason IV 36.4%. Multiple surgicalmethods were used, Open reduction and internal fixation with plate and screw was mostfrequent. Four patients in the surgical treatment-group (23.5%) were reoperated. Two patients(0.7%) had late surgery due to complications. Conclusions Surgical treatment was more often used in more advanced fractures according to the Masonclassification although the correlation was fair and there were patients in each class that weresurgery treated. Surgical methods varied and reoperation rate was high. Women had higherincidence and a higher median age then men at time of injury