47 research outputs found

    PadrÔes de respostas defensivas de congelamento associados a diferentes transtornos de ansiedade

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    Bien que les troubles anxieux soient propres aux humains, il est possible d'Ă©tablir un parallĂšle entre ces troubles et les rĂ©ponses dĂ©fensives que les animaux prĂ©sentent lorsqu'ils sont confrontĂ©s Ă  des situations dangereuses. Dans cet article, une sĂ©rie d'arguments est prĂ©sentĂ©e indiquant que diffĂ©rents patterns d'immobilisation dĂ©fensive sont associĂ©s avec des troubles anxieux spĂ©cifiques. En particulier, il y a un excellent isomorphisme entre la rĂ©ponse d'immobilisation aux stimuli contextuels aversives et le trouble d'anxiĂ©tĂ© gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e. De plus, le comportement d'immobilisation dĂ©clenchĂ© directement par la stimulation de la substance grise pĂ©riaqueducale dorsale (dPAG) est un excellent modĂšle animal d'attaque de panique. D'autre part, la rĂ©ponse d'immobilisation observĂ©e aprĂšs interruption de la stimulation Ă©lectrique du dPAG semble associĂ©e avec le trouble panique. Finalement, l'hypothĂšse est proposĂ©e que l'immobilisation dĂ©clenchĂ©e par les stimuli contextuels prĂ©cĂ©demment associĂ©s avec la stimulation Ă©lectrique du dPAG pourrait ĂȘtre mise en parallĂšle avec le trouble panique avec agoraphobie.Although anxiety disorders are exclusive to humans, it is possible to find correlation between these disorders and defensive responses that animals present when facing dangerous situations. The present article presents a series of evidence that indicate that different freezing defensive patterns might be associated with specific anxiety disorders. Particularly, there is an excellent isomorphism between freeing response to contextual stimuli associated with electrical shocks and generalized anxiety disorder. Much evidence also shows that freezing response triggered directly through the electrical stimulation of the dorsal periaqueductal gray matter (dPAG) is an excellent animal model of panic attack. Moreover, freezing response observed after the interruption of the electrical stimulation of the dPAG which triggers an escape response seems to be associated with panic disorder. Finally, it is hypothesized that freezing to contextual stimuli previously associated with intense electrical stimulation of the dPAG might be related to panic disorder with agoraphobia.Embora os transtornos de ansiedade sejam tipicamente humanos, eles apresentam correlaçÔes com determinadas reaçÔes de defesa de animais em situaçÔes de perigo. Este trabalho apresenta algumas relaçÔes entre determinados padrĂ”es da resposta defensiva de congelamento e diferentes formas de transtornos de ansiedade. Em particular, destaca-se o isomorfismo entre a resposta de congelamento a estĂ­mulos contextuais associados a um estĂ­mulo aversivo e o transtorno de ansiedade generalizado. EvidĂȘncias indicam tambĂ©m que a resposta de congelamento induzida pela estimulação elĂ©trica da matĂ©ria cinzenta periaqueductal dorsal (MCPD) constitui um excelente modelo animal de ataque de pĂąnico. A resposta de congelamento que surge imediatamente apĂłs estimulação da MCPD, capaz de produzir uma resposta de fuga, parece estar associada ao transtorno de pĂąnico. Finalmente, Ă© possĂ­vel que a resposta de congelamento a estĂ­mulos previamente associados Ă  estimulação elĂ©trica da MCPD seja um modelo animal para o transtorno de pĂąnico com agorafobia


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    Background: Two developmental screening instruments for infants and young children, the Ages & Stages Questionnaires-Third Edition (ASQ-3) and the Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional (ASQ:SE), are widely used in the US and internationally. Both tools are sometimes used concurrently but the relation between children’s scores on the two tools is seldom investigated. Methods: The Brazilian versions of ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE, known as the ASQ-BR and ASQ:SE-BR, were used for assessing 13,470 children ages one to four in public child daycare centres in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Four groups were defined according to children’s ages as one, two, three, and four year-olds. Correlation and multiple regression were employed to explore the relation between children’s scores on the ASQ-BR and the ASQ:SE-BR. Results: Results indicated that the domain scores of ASQ-BR, including communication (r = -0.38 to -0.44), gross motor (r = -0.19 to -0.32), fine motor (r = -0.33 to -0.45), problem solving (r = -0.36 to -0.42), and personal-social (r = -0.38 to -0.51) were significantly correlated with ASQ:SE-BR scores. Regression analyses suggested that the communication and personal-social domains were significant predictors of social-emotional scores in most of the age groups. Conclusion: General developmental assessment is suggested to be conducted with social-emotional screening. If the workload is heavy for administers to use both screeners concurrently, social-emotional screening is recommended for children who fail communication or personal-social domains on developmental screening tests

    Episodic memory training in elderly: A systematic review

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    Introduction:Episodic memory is a cognitive process that allows the recall of experiences, learning, and the pursuit of future goals. During the aging process, episodic memory declines negatively, impacting social and psychological aspects in the elderly. Such intervention strategies as cognitive training are non-pharmacological ways of reducing these losses.ObjectiveWe systematically reviewed studies of the cognitive training of episodic memory in healthy elderly individuals and elderly individuals with clinical conditions.MethodWe systematically searched the PubMed, PsycNET, Web of Science, and SciELO databases using the descriptors “Episodic Memory” AND “Training” AND “Elderly” OR “Aging” OR “Dementia” in English and translated into Portuguese.ResultsOf the 572 articles that were identified by the search, 23 were included in the final analysis. The main variables that comprised the intervention protocols (i.e., characteristics of the sample, type of control group, mode of episodic memory training, and duration of training) were investigated, as well as the outcome variables, efficacy, and risk of bias. The main results indicated effectiveness with regard to different forms of the cognitive training of episodic memory.ConclusionEpisodic memory training among the elderly can mitigate the negative effects of cognitive decline in dementia and healthy subjects promoting impacts at social, psychological, and economic levels. Although it is a widely studied topic, further empirical studies on the utility of episodic memory training in healthy elderly individuals and elderly individuals with clinical conditions are still needed

    ConcentraçÔes plasmåticas de corticosterone em ratos Carioca Alto- e Carioca Bajo-Congelamento condicionado após uma tarefa de medo condicionado

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    Our group in the Psychology Department at PontifĂ­cia Universidade CatĂłlica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) developed a rat genetic model of extreme freezing in response to contextual cues in an experimental chamber previously associated with footshock. One of the lines, Carioca High Freezing (CHF), exhibits an enhanced conditioned freezing response, whereas the other line, Carioca Low Freezing (CLF), shows the opposite response. The present study investigated corticosterone concentration between these two lines of animals and a random (RND) line of rats both under basal conditions and test condition after an emotional challenge using a contextual fear conditioning protocol. Comparisons between basal and test plasma corticosterone concentrations suggested differential basal and fear-induced differences between the two lines. The differences between basal conditions is an important and relevant aspect to be considered in behavioral experiments using or assessing stress and could help to understand variability in naĂŻve populations.Casi toda la investigaciĂłn farmacolĂłgica en estrĂ©s y desĂłrdenes de ansiedad es realizada generalmente en poblaciones de animales que se supone son comparables. En el laboratorio de Neurociencia Comportamental de la Pontificia Universidad CatĂłlica de RĂ­o de Janeiro (Brasil), dos nuevas lĂ­neas de ratas Wistar fueron aisladas por la selecciĂłn fenotĂ­pica de la respuesta emocional en el protocolo de condicionamiento de la respuesta de miedo. Una de las lĂ­neas, denominada Carioca High Freezing (CHF) muestra una respuesta aumentada de congelamiento en el test, mientras que la otra –Carioca Low Freezing (CLF)– muestra la respuesta opuesta. AquĂ­ presentamos datos orientados a evaluar las condiciones basales y la vulnerabilidad al estrĂ©s entre las dos lĂ­neas. Los niveles de corticosterona fueron comparados entre las dos lĂ­neas tanto en condiciones basales como despuĂ©s de un desafĂ­o emocional utilizando el protocolo de miedo condicionado. La comparaciĂłn entre las concentraciones plasmĂĄticas de corticosterona basal y luego del retest sugiere diferencias basales y diferencias inducidas por el miedo entre las dos lĂ­neas. Las diferencias en las condiciones basales es un aspecto importante y relevante que debe ser considerado en experimentos comportamentales que usen o evalĂșen el estrĂ©s y podrĂ­a ayudar a comprender la variabilidad encontrada en las poblaciones.Nosso grupo no Departamento de Psicologia da Universidade CatĂłlica do Rio de Janeiro desenvolveu um modelo genĂ©tico com ratos que apresentam respostas extremas de congelamento a estĂ­mulos contextuais de uma caixa experimental previamente associados a choques elĂ©tricos. Uma das linhagens, Carioca High Freezing (CHF) apresenta uma resposta aumentada de congelamento condicionado. A outra linhagem, Carioca Low Freezing (CLF) apresenta a resposta de congelamento condicionada em direção oposta. O presente trabalho comparou os nĂ­veis de corticosterona entre as duas linhagens assim como uma terceira linhagem com cruzamento aleatĂłrio (RND) tanto em condiçÔes basais assim como em um teste onde os animais foram expostos ĂĄ situação de condicionamento contextual de medo. A comparação entre as concentraçÔes plasmĂĄticas de corticosterona basal e depois do teste sugere diferenças basais assim como diferenças induzidas pelo medo condicionado entre as duas linhagens. As diferenças nas condiçÔes basais Ă© um aspecto importante e relevante que deve ser levado em consideração em experimentos que avaliem o estresse e pode ajudar na compreensĂŁo da variabilidade nas populaçÔes

    Validation and reliability of the Brazilian version of Compulsive Buying Scale

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A Escala de Compras Compulsivas (CBS) Ă© um instrumento breve e de fĂĄcil aplicação, que visa avaliar as principais dimensĂ”es do transtorno das compras compulsivas, centrando-se no controle dos impulsos. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo tem como objetivo validar e aferir a fidedignidade da versĂŁo brasileira da Escala de Compras Compulsivas (CBS). MÉTODOS: Para validade de construto, foi realizada anĂĄlise fatorial com extração dos componentes principais e rotação Varimax. A correlação entre a escala CBS e as medidas de depressĂŁo e ansiedade, assim como do transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo, foi avaliada por meio do coeficiente de Pearson, para estudo da validade convergente e divergente. A consistĂȘncia interna foi aferida por meio do coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. RESULTADO: A CBS apresentou bons parĂąmetros psicomĂ©tricos, sendo considerada vĂĄlida e fidedigna em sua versĂŁo brasileira. No que concerne Ă s correlaçÔes, a CBS apresenta uma correlação inversamente proporcional com outras escalas diagnĂłsticas para o transtorno das compras compulsivas, indicando, portanto, ser um excelente instrumento de aferição dessa desordem. A CBS apresentou alto coeficiente alfa de Cronbach (0,86), demonstrando boa confiabilidade. CONCLUSÃO: Embora seja uma escala curta, com poucos itens, a versĂŁo brasileira da escala de compras compulsivas apresenta boas propriedades psicomĂ©tricas, apresentando-se como um importante instrumento para avaliação desse construto.BACKGROUND: The Compulsive Buying Scale is a short and easy-to-apply instrument, which comprises the main dimensions of the compulsive buying disorder, focusing on impulse control. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to validate and assess the reliability of the Brazilian version of the Compulsive Buying Scale. METHODS: To assess construct validity, a factor analysis with principal components extraction and Varimax rotation was conducted. The correlations between the CBS and measures for depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder were assessed with the Pearson coefficient, evaluating convergent and divergent validity. The internal consistency was measured using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. RESULT: The psychometric parameters of the Brazilian version of the CBS were satisfactory and the instrument was considered valid and reliable. The CBS showed an inversely correlation with other diagnostic scales for the compulsive buying disorder. Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.86) was high, demonstrating a satisfactory reliability of the Portuguese CBS. DISCUSSION: Although the Brazilian version of the Compulsive Buying Scale is a short version with just a few items, the scale has excellent psychometric properties, presenting itself as an important tool to detect and evaluate compulsive buying disorder

    A new measure of socio-emotional skills: a pilot study with children, adolescents, and their families

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    Introduction: The teaching of socio-emotional skills has received greater attention, with ongoing theoretical discussions about these competences. Evaluating such characteristics and their development, however, is challenging because of a lack of consensus about theoretical and practical models, the difficulty in analyses that rely solely on self-reports, and the scarcity of robust Brazilian psychometric instruments. Objectives: Therefore, the present study sought to (1) verify the psychometric evidence of the instrument’s internal consistency in assessing socio-emotional skills, (2) identify differences in respondents’ answers, and (3) identify potential issues with questionnaire items via semi-structured interviews. Methods: This pilot study involved 32 responses from children and adolescents and 25 responses from their family members. The questionnaire assessed five socio-emotional skills: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationships, and responsible decision making. Descriptive analyses and Cronbach’s alpha calculations were applied to confirm internal consistency of the items in each subscale. Analyses of variance were also conducted to analyse responses from family members and children. Results: The results showed that self- awareness (α = 0.83, α = 0.76), self-management (α = 0.82, α = 0.79), and relationship skills (α = 0.71, α = 0.79) had adequate internal consistency in both children’s and family members’ versions. Significant differences were observed in scores between family members and children/adolescents in self-awareness (p = 0.0159), self-management (p = 0.0279). Conclusion: The present study underscores the importance and complexity of assessing responsible decision-making skills and suggests that the questionnaire can be useful for evaluating socio-emotional competencies

    Measuring social norms and attitudes about age-disparate transactional sex: Psychometric testing of the NAATSS

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    Background: Transactional sex between girls under 18 years-old and adult men at least ten years older, known as age-disparate transactional sex (ADTS), is an established risk factor for HIV, STI and early pregnancy among girls and women. Social norms or beliefs about what others expect from you and what others do can sustain behaviours such as ADTS even when individuals may be personally against them. In order to evaluate interventions to change social norms, validated instruments for measuring change in personal beliefs and social norms regarding ADTS are needed. Methods: Items for the Norms and Attitudes on Age-Disparate Transactional Sex Scale (NAATSS) were generated based on qualitative interviews and expert panel review. The reliability and validity of the NAATSS was tested in a representative sample (N = 431) from Brazilian favelas. Factor analysis assessed construct validity, Cronbach's alpha assessed reliability, and t-tests and analysis of variances tested hypothesized differences between gender, age, and previous experience with ADTS in both the social norms and personal beliefs domains. Findings: Factor analysis revealed three factors in each domain. The factors were labelled “Attributions to Girls’ Behaviour” which has 5 items, “Men's Motivations” with 5 items, and “Girls’ Readiness to have Sex” with 3 items. The subscales evidenced acceptable reliability with Cronbach's alphas ranging from 0.72 to 0.83 for the social norms subscales and 0.59 to 0.82 for the personal beliefs subscales. Interpretation: The items were developed based on qualitative research and expert rankings and the resulting Norms and Attitudes on ADTS Scale exhibits strong psychometric properties. Each of the three subscales within the two domains illustrate good factor structure, acceptable internal consistency reliability, and are supported by the significance of the hypothesized group differences. Funding: This work was supported by the OAK Foundation [grant number OCAY-16-188]