835 research outputs found

    ProbeMaker: an extensible framework for design of sets of oligonucleotide probes

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    BACKGROUND: Procedures for genetic analyses based on oligonucleotide probes are powerful tools that can allow highly parallel investigations of genetic material. Such procedures require the design of large sets of probes using application-specific design constraints. RESULTS: ProbeMaker is a software framework for computer-assisted design and analysis of sets of oligonucleotide probe sequences. The tool assists in the design of probes for sets of target sequences, incorporating sequence motifs for purposes such as amplification, visualization, or identification. An extension system allows the framework to be equipped with application-specific components for evaluation of probe sequences, and provides the possibility to include support for importing sequence data from a variety of file formats. CONCLUSION: ProbeMaker is a suitable tool for many different oligonucleotide design and analysis tasks, including the design of probe sets for various types of parallel genetic analyses, experimental validation of design parameters, and in silico testing of probe sequence evaluation algorithms

    Flera om samma brott – en kritisk analys av medgĂ€rningsmannaskap

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    I svensk rÀtt kan kretsen för vem som kan dömas som gÀrningsman utvidgas genom att döma flera personer i medgÀrningsmannaskap. NÀr flera personer tillsammans uppfyller brottsrekvisiten i en straffbelagd gÀrning, kan domstolen döma flera gÀrningsmÀn. Hur begreppet har tillÀmpats i praktiken av bÄde Äklagare och domare, har fÄtt stor kritik. Praxis pÄ omrÄdet spretar Ät olika hÄll, vilket ger knapphÀndig vÀgledning för hur begreppet ska tolkas och tillÀmpas. Syftet med uppsatsens Àr att problematisera och belysa diskussionen kring begreppet medgÀrningsmannaskap ur ett kritiskt perspektiv. Om domstolarna har en benÀgenget att döma flera personer kollektivt, och om detta Àr förenligt med rÀttssÀkerheten Àr frÄgestÀllningar som uppsatsen Àmnar att besvara. Hur begreppet ska tillÀmpas kom att förÀndras efter Lindomefallet, dÀr tvÄ personer frikÀndes pÄ grund av att det inte gick att faststÀlla vem som hade utfört vilken gÀrning. Domen upprörde allmÀnheten och krav stÀlldes pÄ lagstiftarna. Fallet fick effekter för efterkommande fall, dÀribland Pinnstolsfallet, dÀr omstÀndigheterna liknade dem i Lindomefallet men utgÄngen var den motsatta. Efter diskoteksbranden i Göteborg dömdes fyra individer i medgÀrningsmannaskap med otydlig motivering, vilket visade pÄ utvecklingen av det utvidgade medgÀrningsmannaskapet. I uppsatsen behandlas vidare mordet pÄ Björn Söderberg, morden pÄ Sturecompagniet och Pirate Bay-mÄlet. I analysen argumenterar jag för att det gÄr att se tendenser pÄ att domarna dömer hela kollektivet hellre Àn att göra individuella prövningar. Vidare diskuteras den moralfilosofiska frÄgestÀllningen om rÀttssÀkerhet, dÀr vikten att kunna sÀkerstÀlla rÀttssÀkerheten för bÄde gÀrningsman och offer understryks. Uppsatsen avslutas med att fastslÄ att mer forskning behövs för att rÀttvist kunna tillÀmpa begreppet medgÀrningsmannaskap

    PieceMaker: selection of DNA fragments for selector-guided multiplex amplification

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    We describe PieceMaker, a software tool for the design of applications of selector probes–oligonucleotide probes that direct circularization of target nucleic acid molecules. Such probes can be combined in parallel to circularize a selection of fragments from restriction digested total genomic DNA. These fragments can then be amplified in a single PCR using a common primer pair, yielding substrates for subsequent analyses, such as parallel genotyping or sequencing. However, designing multiplex selector assays is a laborious task. The PieceMaker program alleviates this problem by selecting restriction enzymes to generate suitable fragments for selection, and generating the output data required to design the selector probes

    TullÄtgÀrder vid privatinförsel av kopierade och förfalskade varor - en analys av förordning (EU) nr 608/2013

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    Handeln med piratkopierade och varumĂ€rkesförfalskade varor, det vill sĂ€ga varor som gör intrĂ„ng i immateriella rĂ€ttigheter, har ökat kraftigt. Utvecklingen har gĂ„tt frĂ„n smĂ„skalig verksamhet till en global industri. De intrĂ„ngsgörande varorna orsakar omfattande skador för rĂ€ttighetshavare, bland annat genom förlorade intĂ€kter och dĂ„ligt rykte. Vidare kan varorna medföra risker för konsumenternas sĂ€kerhet och hĂ€lsa. Handeln med intrĂ„ngsgörande varor resulterar Ă€ven i fĂ€rre arbetstillfĂ€llen, minskad drivkraft för forskning och innovation och en ny bransch för den organiserade brottsligheten. I syfte att hĂ„lla sĂ„dana varor borta frĂ„n unionsmarknaden pĂ„börjades under 1980-talet arbetet med ett gemensamt system för tullkontroll av misstĂ€nkta intrĂ„ngsgörande produkter, vilket ledde till att den första tullförordningen trĂ€dde i kraft Ă„r 1986. Förordningen har dĂ€refter varit föremĂ„l för granskning och revidering ett flertal gĂ„nger. Den 1 januari 2014 trĂ€dde förordning (EU) nr 608/2013 i kraft och ersatte tidigare bestĂ€mmelser. Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att analysera den nya tullförordningens utökade tillĂ€mpningsomrĂ„de med sĂ€rskilt avseende pĂ„ den enskilde konsumentens införsel av varor som misstĂ€nks göra intrĂ„ng i immateriella rĂ€ttigheter till EU. NĂ€r tullĂ„tgĂ€rder kan vidtas mot konsumenter och om tullförordningen Ă€r rĂ€ttssĂ€ker för konsumenten Ă€r frĂ„gestĂ€llningar som uppsatsen Ă€mnar att besvara. I analysen konstateras att tullförordningens utökade tillĂ€mpningsomrĂ„de tangerar skyddet i de immaterialrĂ€ttsliga reglerna, vilket ger rĂ€ttighetshavaren ett effektivt verktyg för att skydda sina rĂ€ttigheter. Vidare diskuteras de huvudsakliga förĂ€ndringarna i den nya tullförordningen. DĂ€refter diskuteras den moralfilosofiska frĂ„gestĂ€llningen om rĂ€ttssĂ€kerhet, dĂ€r vikten av enhetlig lagstiftning, likartad tillĂ€mpning och klargörande praxis understryks. Uppsatsen avslutas med att fastslĂ„ att sĂ€kerstĂ€llandet av skyddet för immateriella rĂ€ttigheter Ă€r ett stĂ€ndigt aktuellt Ă€mne. EU strĂ€var idag efter ett fördjupat samarbete mellan tullmyndigheter i EU och tredjelĂ€nder, och vill med gemensamma insatser bekĂ€mpa intrĂ„ng i immateriella rĂ€ttigheter vid EU:s yttre grĂ€nser. BestĂ€mmelser gĂ€llande privatimport förefaller inte fĂ„ fĂ€ste i det nya varumĂ€rkespaketet, varför EU-domstolen Ă€n en gĂ„ng mĂ„ste klargöra förhĂ„llandet mellan tullförordningen och konsumenters införsel av intrĂ„ngsgörande varor.Trade with pirated and counterfeited goods has increased considerably. The development has transited from small scale production towards becoming a global industry. Infringed goods cause large damage for right holders, not only do they lose revenue, but also the companies’ image and market value is under fire. Furthermore, infringing goods cause damage not only to right holders, but also affect consumer health and security. Additionally the trade also affects the market for labour, a loss in incitement for research and development, and constitutes a new market for organized criminality. In order to keep such items away from the European Union’s market, collaboration began in the 1980s, in which a joint system for custom controls of suspected infringed goods were made. This led to the first Regulation (1986). The Regulation has since been reviewed and revised several times. On 1 January 2014, the Regulation (EU) No 608/2013 was taken into force and replaced the previous. This thesis analyses the expanded scope of the new Customs Regulations. Particular focus is given regarded the individual, and how he or she might import goods to the European Union which infringe intellectual property rights. Further, this thesis analyses when customs actions can be taken against consumers and how these affect the Rule of Law. It is concluded that the Customs Regulation’s expanded scope follows the laws of intellectual property rights, which provides the right holders with a proper and effective tool in protecting their rights. Further, the main changes in the Regulation are also discussed, as well as a section of moral philosophical thoughts regarding the importance of a joint legislation, a uniform application, and the possible effects on the Rule of Law. The thesis concludes that the enforcement of intellectual property rights is a recurring and ever present topic, and that the European Union strives after a unified collaboration in-between custom authorizations and third part countries, regarding the pursuit of infringement. Conditions regarding private import do not appear to firmly adhere in the new Regulation. Hence, the European Union court once again may need to clarify the relationship between the Custom Regulation and consumers’ importation of counterfeited goods

    Selectivity in the Reinnervation of the Lateral Gastrocnemius Muscle after Nerve Repair with Ethyl Cyanoacrylate in the Rat

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    There is a need for complementary surgical techniques that enable rapid and reliable primary repair of transected nerves. Previous studies after peripheral nerve transection and repair with synthetic adhesives have demonstrated regeneration to an extent comparable to that of conventional techniques. The aim of this study was to compare two different repair techniques on the selectivity of muscle reinnervation after repair and completed regeneration. We used the cholera toxin B technique of retrograde axonal tracing to evaluate the morphology, the number, and the three-dimensional location of α-motoneurons innervating the lateral gastrocnemius muscle and compared the results after repair with either ethyl cyanoacrylate (ECA) or epineural sutures of the transected parent sciatic nerve. In addition, we recorded the wet weight of the muscle. Six months after transection and repair of the sciatic nerve, the redistribution of the motoneuron pool was markedly disorganized, the motoneurons had apparently increased in number, and they were scattered throughout a larger volume of the spinal cord gray matter with a decrease in the synaptic coverage compared to controls. A reduction in muscle weight was observed as well. No difference in morphometric variables or muscle weight between the two repair methods could be detected. We conclude that the selectivity of motor reinnervation following sciatic nerve transection and subsequent repair with ECA is comparable to that following conventional micro suturing

    Diagnostic application of padlock probes—multiplex detection of plant pathogens using universal microarrays

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    Padlock probes (PLPs) are long oligonucleotides, whose ends are complementary to adjacent target sequences. Upon hybridization to the target, the two ends are brought into contact, allowing PLP circularization by ligation. PLPs provide extremely specific target recognition, which is followed by universal amplification and microarray detection. Since target recognition is separated from downstream processing, PLPs enable the development of flexible and extendable diagnostic systems, targeting diverse organisms. To adapt padlock technology for diagnostic purposes, we optimized PLP design to ensure high specificity and eliminating ligation on non-target sequences under real-world assay conditions. We designed and tested 11 PLPs to target various plant pathogens at the genus, species and subspecies levels, and developed a prototype PLP-based plant health chip. Excellent specificity was demonstrated toward the target organisms. Assay background was determined for each hybridization using a no-target reference sample, which provided reliable and sensitive identification of positive samples. A sensitivity of 5 pg genomic DNA and a dynamic range of detection of 100 were observed. The developed multiplex diagnostic system was validated using genomic DNAs of characterized isolates and artificial mixtures thereof. The demonstrated system is adaptable to a wide variety of applications ranging from pest management to environmental microbiology

    Automated DNA diagnostics using an ELISA-based oligonucleotide ligation assay.

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    High-throughput genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms with rolling circle amplification

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    BACKGROUND: Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the foundation of powerful complex trait and pharmacogenomic analyses. The availability of large SNP databases, however, has emphasized a need for inexpensive SNP genotyping methods of commensurate simplicity, robustness, and scalability. We describe a solution-based, microtiter plate method for SNP genotyping of human genomic DNA. The method is based upon allele discrimination by ligation of open circle probes followed by rolling circle amplification of the signal using fluorescent primers. Only the probe with a 3' base complementary to the SNP is circularized by ligation. RESULTS: SNP scoring by ligation was optimized to a 100,000 fold discrimination against probe mismatched to the SNP. The assay was used to genotype 10 SNPs from a set of 192 genomic DNA samples in a high-throughput format. Assay directly from genomic DNA eliminates the need to preamplify the target as done for many other genotyping methods. The sensitivity of the assay was demonstrated by genotyping from 1 ng of genomic DNA. We demonstrate that the assay can detect a single molecule of the circularized probe. CONCLUSIONS: Compatibility with homogeneous formats and the ability to assay small amounts of genomic DNA meets the exacting requirements of automated, high-throughput SNP scoring

    CK1Ύ restrains lipin-1 induction, lipid droplet formation and cell proliferation under hypoxia by reducing HIF-1α/ARNT complex formation.

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    Proliferation of cells under hypoxia is facilitated by metabolic adaptation, mediated by the transcriptional activator Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1 (HIF-1). HIF-1α, the inducible subunit of HIF-1 is regulated by oxygen as well as by oxygen-independent mechanisms involving phosphorylation. We have previously shown that CK1ÎŽ phosphorylates HIF-1α in its N-terminus and reduces its affinity for its heterodimerization partner ARNT. To investigate the importance of this mechanism for cell proliferation under hypoxia, we visually monitored HIF-1α interactions within the cell nucleus using the in situ proximity ligation assay (PLA) and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). Both methods show that CK1ÎŽ-dependent modification of HIF-1α impairs the formation of a chromatin binding HIF-1 complex. This is confirmed by analyzing expression of lipin-1, a direct target of HIF-1 that mediates hypoxic neutral lipid accumulation. Inhibition of CK1ÎŽ increases lipid droplet formation and proliferation of both cancer and normal cells specifically under hypoxia and in an HIF-1α- and lipin-1-dependent manner. These data reveal a novel role for CK1ÎŽ in regulating lipid metabolism and, through it, cell adaptation to low oxygen conditions.This work was supported by the “ARISTEIA ΙΙ” Action of the “OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME EDUCATION AND LIFELONG LEARNING” and was co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and National Resources. Partial support was provided by the Proof of Concept Studies for the ESFRI project Euro-BioImaging (Greek BioImaging Facility, PCS facility Nr. 9, Unit 2). N.-N.G., M.A.R. and Z.L. were supported by a grant from the European Research Council and S.S. was supported by a Medical Research Council Senior Fellowship (grant number G0701446).This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0898656815000637
