137 research outputs found

    Relationship between measurement uncertainty and verifiability of geometric specifications: the case study of drilled hole orthogonality

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    In mechanical design, geometrical specifications and dimensional tolerances are commonly used to avoid final product malfunction and to allow for assembly integration. Geometric specification usage, in particular, has many manufacturing and durability implications, the feasibility of their measurement and verification, however, is often neglected and the influence of measurement uncertainty in their evaluation underestimated. Often geometrical specifications are defined without considering measurement uncertainties, or measurability at all: it is not uncommon to find approved specifications prescribing unverifiable geometry, or dimension tolerances that exceed state-of-art measurements. This article explores the case study of orthogonality between a circular hole and the plane on which it is drilled, evaluated using a Coordinate Measuring Machine. Such specification is defined, according to ISO 14253, as the angle between the plane normal and cylinder axis. Uncertainty of points coordinates obtained can, however small, play a key role in the final evaluation of orthogonality: if the specified tolerance is thigh enough it is also possible to have misalignment uncertainty higher than the tolerance itself. The authors propose the results of a mathematical and numerical model, meant to help the designer to define specification to assess the relationship between cylinder-plane misalignment measurability, CMM uncertainty and features dimensions

    Body odors (even when masked) make you more emotional: behavioral and neural insights

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    Morality evolved within specific social contexts that are argued to shape moral choices. In turn, moral choices are hypothesized to be affected by body odors as they powerfully convey socially-relevant information. We thus investigated the neural underpinnings of the possible body odors effect on the participants\u2019 decisions. In an fMRI study we presented to healthy individuals 64 moral dilemmas divided in incongruent (real) and congruent (fake) moral dilemmas, using different types of harm (intentional: instrumental dilemmas, or inadvertent: accidental dilemmas). Participants were required to choose deontological or utilitarian actions under the exposure to a neutral fragrance (masker) or body odors concealed by the same masker (masked body odor). Smelling the masked body odor while processing incongruent (not congruent) dilemmas activates the supramarginal gyrus, consistent with an increase in prosocial attitude. When processing accidental (not instrumental) dilemmas, smelling the masked body odor activates the angular gyrus, an area associated with the processing of people\u2019s presence, supporting the hypothesis that body odors enhance the saliency of the social context in moral scenarios. These results suggest that masked body odors can influence moral choices by increasing the emotional experience during the decision process, and further explain how sensory unconscious biases affect human behavior

    Symmetrical anatomical variant of the anterior belly of the digastric muscle: clinical implicat

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    The digastric muscle is an important surgical landmark. Several anatomical variants of the digastric muscle are reported in literature and, in particular, the presence of accessory anterior bellies of the muscle is not uncommon. Here, an unreported symmetrical variant of the digastric muscle was found during a dissection of the suprahyoid region. The dissection showed digastric muscles with an accessory anterior belly, which originated from the anterior belly of muscles in proximity and anteriorly to the intermediate tendon. The accessory bellies were fused together on the midline and were attached with a unique tendon to the inner surface of the mental symphysis. These muscles completely filled the submental triangle. This unreported anatomical variant could be considered an additional contribution to description of the anatomical variants of the digastric muscle, with several implications in head and neck pathology, diagnosis and surgery.

    Free Flaps for Advanced Oral Cancer in the Older Old and Oldest Old : A Retrospective Multi-Institutional Study

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    Introduction: Surgery followed by adjuvant therapy represents the most adequate treatment for advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Free flaps are considered the best reconstructive option after major oral surgery. In the last decades, OSCC has increased in the elderly due to an augmented life span. The aim of this work is to evaluate the feasibility of microvascular surgery in patients older than 75 years, focusing on clinical and surgical prognosticators. Methods: "Older old" (aged >= 75) and "oldest old" (>85) patients who underwent microvascular reconstruction for OSCC from 2002 to 2018 were retrospectively evaluated in three referral Head and Neck Departments. Demographic, clinical, and surgical data were collected and analyzed. Pre-operative assessment was performed by ASA and ACE-27 scores. Complications were grouped as medical or surgical, an d major or minor according to the Clavien-Dindo scale. Results: Eighty-four patients (72 "older old" and 12 "oldest old") were treated with a free flap success rate of 94.1%. Thirty-seven (44.7%) and nine (10.7%) patients had minor and major medical complications, respectively; 18 (21.4%) and 17 (20.2%) had minor and major surgical complications, respectively. Twenty-one (25%) patients had both medical and surgical complications (with a statistically significant association, p = 0.018). Overall, 52 (61.9%) patients had at least one complication: ASA score, diabetes mellitus, and duration of general anesthesia (DGA) significantly impacted the complication rate at multivariate analysis. Conclusion: Our data confirm the feasibility of free flaps for OSCC reconstruction in appropriately selected elderly patients. Pre-operative assessment and aggressive management of glycemia in patients with diabetes is mandatory. DGA should be reduced as much as possible to prevent post-surgical complications. Comprehensive geriatric assessment is of paramount importance in this subset of patients

    The myloglossus in a human cadaver study: common or uncommon anatomical structure?

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    Background: Additional extrinsic muscles of the tongue are reported in literature and one of them is the myloglossus muscle (MGM). Since MGM is nowadays considered as anatomical variant, the aim of this study is to clarify some open questions by evaluating and describing the myloglossal anatomy (including both MGM and its ligamentous counterpart) during human cadaver dissections. Materials and methods: Twenty-one regions (including masticator space, sublingual space and adjacent areas) were dissected and the presence and appearance of myloglossus were considered, together with its proximal and distal insertions, vascularisation and innervation. Results: The myloglossus was present in 61.9% of cases with muscular, ligamentous or mixed appearance and either bony or muscular insertion. Facial artery provided myloglossal vascularisation in the 84.62% and lingual artery in the 15.38%; innervation was granted by the trigeminal system (buccal nerve and mylohyoid nerve), sometimes (46.15%) with hypoglossal component. Conclusions: These data suggest us to not consider myloglossus as a rare anatomical variant.

    Emx2 is a dose-dependent negative regulator of Sox2 telencephalic enhancers.

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    The transcription factor Sox2 is essential for neural stem cells (NSC) maintenance in the hippocampus and in vitro. The transcription factor Emx2 is also critical for hippocampal development and NSC self-renewal. Searching for 'modifier' genes affecting the Sox2 deficiency phenotype in mouse, we observed that loss of one Emx2 allele substantially increased the telencephalic β-geo (LacZ) expression of a transgene driven by the 5' or 3' Sox2 enhancer. Reciprocally, Emx2 overexpression in NSC cultures inhibited the activity of the same transgene. In vivo, loss of one Emx2 allele increased Sox2 levels in the medial telencephalic wall, including the hippocampal primordium. In hypomorphic Sox2 mutants, retaining a single 'weak' Sox2 allele, Emx2 deficiency substantially rescued hippocampal radial glia stem cells and neurogenesis, indicating that Emx2 functionally interacts with Sox2 at the stem cell level. Electrophoresis mobility shift assays and transfection indicated that Emx2 represses the activities of both Sox2 enhancers. Emx2 bound to overlapping Emx2/POU-binding sites, preventing binding of the POU transcriptional activator Brn2. Additionally, Emx2 directly interacted with Brn2 without binding to DNA. These data imply that Emx2 may perform part of its functions by negatively modulating Sox2 in specific brain areas, thus controlling important aspects of NSC function in development

    USP15 deubiquitinase safeguards hematopoiesis and genome integrity in hematopoietic stem cells and leukemia cells

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    Altering ubiquitination by disruption of individual deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) has proven to affect hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) maintenance. However, comprehensive knowledge of DUB function during hematopoiesis in vivo is lacking. To accomplish this goal, we systematically inactivated DUBs in mouse hematopoietic progenitors using in vivo small hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) screens. We found that multiple DUBs may be individually required for hematopoiesis and that the ubiquitin-specific protease 15 (USP15) is particularly important for the maintenance of murine hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in vitro and in vivo. Consistently, Usp15 knockout mice exhibited a reduced HSC pool. The defect was intrinsic to HSCs, as demonstrated by competitive repopulation assays. Importantly, USP15 is highly expressed in normal human hematopoietic cells and leukemias, and USP15 depletion in murine early progenitors and myeloid leukemia cells impaired in vitro expansion and increased genotoxic stress. Our study underscores the importance of DUBs in preserving normal hematopoiesis and uncovers USP15 as a critical DUB in safeguarding genome integrity in HSC and in leukemia cells
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