3,178 research outputs found

    Bandwidth efficient CCSDS coding standard proposals

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    The basic concatenated coding system for the space telemetry channel consists of a Reed-Solomon (RS) outer code, a symbol interleaver/deinterleaver, and a bandwidth efficient trellis inner code. A block diagram of this configuration is shown. The system may operate with or without the outer code and interleaver. In this recommendation, the outer code remains the (255,223) RS code over GF(2 exp 8) with an error correcting capability of t = 16 eight bit symbols. This code's excellent performance and the existence of fast, cost effective, decoders justify its continued use. The purpose of the interleaver/deinterleaver is to distribute burst errors out of the inner decoder over multiple codewords of the outer code. This utilizes the error correcting capability of the outer code more efficiently and reduces the probability of an RS decoder failure. Since the space telemetry channel is not considered bursty, the required interleaving depth is primarily a function of the inner decoding method. A diagram of an interleaver with depth 4 that is compatible with the (255,223) RS code is shown. Specific interleaver requirements are discussed after the inner code recommendations

    The Role of RFamide-Related Peptide-3 in Age-Related Reproductive Decline in Female Rats.

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    Reproductive senescence, the point in time when females cease to show estrous cyclicity, is associated with endocrine changes in the hypothalamus, pituitary, and gonads. However, the mechanisms triggering this transition are not well understood. To gain a better understanding of the top-down control of the transition from reproductive competence to a state of reproductive senescence, we investigated middle-aged female rats exhibiting varying degrees of reproductive decline, including individuals with normal cycles, irregular cycles, and complete cessation of cycles. We identified hormonal changes in the brain that manifest before ovarian cycles exhibit any deterioration. We found that females exhibit an increase in RFamide-related peptide-3 (RFRP3) mRNA expression in the hypothalamus in middle age prior to changes in estrous cycle length. This increase is transient and followed by subsequent decreases in kisspeptin (KiSS1) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) mRNA expression. Expression of RFRP3 and its receptor also increased locally in the ovaries with advancing age. While it is well known that aging is associated with decreased GnRH release and downstream disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, herein, we provide evidence that reproductive senescence is likely triggered by alterations in a network of regulatory neuropeptides upstream of the GnRH system

    The Two-loop Anomalous Dimension Matrix for Soft Gluon Exchange

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    The resummation of soft gluon exchange for QCD hard scattering requires a matrix of anomalous dimensions. We compute this matrix directly for arbitrary 2 to n massless processes for the first time at two loops. Using color generator notation, we show that it is proportional to the one-loop matrix. This result reproduces all pole terms in dimensional regularization of the explicit calculations of massless 2 to 2 amplitudes in the literature, and it predicts all poles at next-to-next-to-leading order in any 2 to n process that has been computed at next-to-leading order. The proportionality of the one- and two-loop matrices makes possible the resummation in closed form of the next-to-next-to-leading logarithms and poles in dimensional regularization for the 2 to n processes.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, revte

    Western corn rootworm pyrethroid resistance confirmed by aerial application simulations of commercial insecticides

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    The western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) (WCR) is a major insect pest of corn (Zea mays L.) in the United States (US) and is highly adaptable to multiple management tactics. A low level of WCR field-evolved resistance to pyrethroid insecticides has been confirmed in the US western Corn Belt by laboratory dose-response bioassays. Further investigation has identified detoxification enzymes as a potential part of the WCR resistance mechanism, which could affect the performance of insecticides that are structurally related to pyrethroids, such as organophosphates. Thus, the responses of pyrethroid-resistant and -susceptible WCR populations to the commonly used pyrethroid bifenthrin and organophosphate dimethoate were compared in active ingredient bioassays. Results revealed a relatively low level of WCR resistance to both active ingredients. Therefore, a simulated aerial application bioassay technique was developed to evaluate how the estimated resistance levels would affect performance of registered rates of formulated products. The simulated aerial application technique confirmed pyrethroid resistance to formulated rates of bifenthrin whereas formulated dimethoate provided optimal control. Results suggest that the relationship between levels of resistance observed in dose-response bioassays and actual efficacy of formulated product needs to be further explored to understand the practical implications of resistance

    Artifact Rejection Methodology Enables Continuous, Noninvasive Measurement of Gastric Myoelectric Activity in Ambulatory Subjects.

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    The increasing prevalence of functional and motility gastrointestinal (GI) disorders is at odds with bottlenecks in their diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. Lack of noninvasive approaches means that only specialized centers can perform objective assessment procedures. Abnormal GI muscular activity, which is coordinated by electrical slow-waves, may play a key role in symptoms. As such, the electrogastrogram (EGG), a noninvasive means to continuously monitor gastric electrical activity, can be used to inform diagnoses over broader populations. However, it is seldom used due to technical issues: inconsistent results from single-channel measurements and signal artifacts that make interpretation difficult and limit prolonged monitoring. Here, we overcome these limitations with a wearable multi-channel system and artifact removal signal processing methods. Our approach yields an increase of 0.56 in the mean correlation coefficient between EGG and the clinical "gold standard", gastric manometry, across 11 subjects (p < 0.001). We also demonstrate this system's usage for ambulatory monitoring, which reveals myoelectric dynamics in response to meals akin to gastric emptying patterns and circadian-related oscillations. Our approach is noninvasive, easy to administer, and has promise to widen the scope of populations with GI disorders for which clinicians can screen patients, diagnose disorders, and refine treatments objectively

    A simulation study of the performance of the NASA (2,1,6) convolutional code on RFI/burst channels

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    In an earlier report, the LINKABIT Corporation studied the performance of the (2,1,6) convolutional code on the radio frequency interference (RFI)/burst channel using analytical methods. Using an R(sub 0) analysis, the report concluded that channel interleaving was essential to achieving reliable performance. In this report, Monte Carlo simulation techniques are used to study the performance of the convolutional code on the RFI/burst channel in more depth. The basic system model under consideration is shown. The convolutional code is the NASA standard code with generators g(exp 1) = 1+D(exp 2)+D(exp 3)+D(exp 5)+D(exp 6) and g(exp 2) = 1+D+D(exp 2)+D(exp 3)+D(exp 6) and d(sub free) = 10. The channel interleaver is of the convolutional or periodic type. The binary output of the channel interleaver is transmitted across the channel using binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation. The transmitted symbols are corrupted by an RFI/burst channel consisting of a combination of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and RFI pulses. At the receiver, a soft-decision Viterbi decoder with no quantization and variable truncation length is used to decode the deinterleaved sequence

    On-Shell Unitarity Bootstrap for QCD Amplitudes

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    We describe the recently developed on-shell bootstrap for computing one-loop amplitudes in non-supersymmetric theories such as QCD. The method combines the unitarity method with loop-level on-shell recursion. The unitarity method is used to compute cut-containing parts of amplitudes, and on-shell recursion is used for the remaining rational terms.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, write-up of talks given by Z. Bern and D. A. Kosower at Loops & Legs 2006, Eisenach, Germany; v2: added referenc

    Search for optimal distance spectrum convolutional codes

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    In order to communicate reliably and to reduce the required transmitter power, NASA uses coded communication systems on most of their deep space satellites and probes (e.g. Pioneer, Voyager, Galileo, and the TDRSS network). These communication systems use binary convolutional codes. Better codes make the system more reliable and require less transmitter power. However, there are no good construction techniques for convolutional codes. Thus, to find good convolutional codes requires an exhaustive search over the ensemble of all possible codes. In this paper, an efficient convolutional code search algorithm was implemented on an IBM RS6000 Model 580. The combination of algorithm efficiency and computational power enabled us to find, for the first time, the optimal rate 1/2, memory 14, convolutional code

    Continuous Variable Quantum State Sharing via Quantum Disentanglement

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    Quantum state sharing is a protocol where perfect reconstruction of quantum states is achieved with incomplete or partial information in a multi-partite quantum networks. Quantum state sharing allows for secure communication in a quantum network where partial information is lost or acquired by malicious parties. This protocol utilizes entanglement for the secret state distribution, and a class of "quantum disentangling" protocols for the state reconstruction. We demonstrate a quantum state sharing protocol in which a tripartite entangled state is used to encode and distribute a secret state to three players. Any two of these players can collaborate to reconstruct the secret state, whilst individual players obtain no information. We investigate a number of quantum disentangling processes and experimentally demonstrate quantum state reconstruction using two of these protocols. We experimentally measure a fidelity, averaged over all reconstruction permutations, of F = 0.73. A result achievable only by using quantum resources.Comment: Published, Phys. Rev. A 71, 033814 (2005) (7 figures, 11 pages

    Mutual information--based approach to adaptive homodyne detection of quantum optical states

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    I propose an approach to adaptive homodyne detection of digitally modulated quantum optical pulses in which the phase of the local oscillator is chosen to maximize the average information gain, i.e., the mutual information, at each step of the measurement. I study the properties of this adaptive detection scheme by considering the problem of classical information content of ensembles of coherent states. Using simulations of quantum trajectories and visualizations of corresponding measurement operators, I show that the proposed measurement scheme adapts itself to the features of each ensemble. For all considered ensembles of coherent states, it consistently outperforms heterodyne detection and Wiseman's adaptive scheme for phase measurements [H.M. Wiseman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 4587 (1995)].Comment: Submutted to Phys. Rev.
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