1,514 research outputs found

    Payment Networks: A Review of Recent Research

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    In this article, the authors review work done at the Bank of Canada and at other central banks with the relatively new application of network analysis to the study of payments systems. This approach allows researchers to study these systems as a whole, rather than at the participant level. Recent work on Canada’s Large Value Transfer System has revealed two communities of participants within the system. This work provides system overseers and financial-stability policy-makers with a new means of evaluating the systemic importance of individual participants and the connections between them.

    Hyperaccumulators for potentially toxic elements: A scientometric analysis

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    Phytoremediation is an effective and low-cost method for the remediation of soil contaminated by potentially toxic elements (metals and metalloids) with hyperaccumulating plants. This study analyzed hyperaccumulator publications using data from the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC) (1992–2020). We explored the research status on this topic by creating a series of scientific maps using VOSviewer, HistCite Pro, and CiteSpace. The results showed that the total number of publications in this field shows an upward trend. Dr. Xiaoe Yang is the most productive researcher on hyperaccumulators and has the broadest international collaboration network. The Chinese Academy of Sciences (China), Zhejiang University (China), and the University of Florida (USA) are the top three most productive institutions in the field. China, the USA, and India are the top three most productive countries. The most widely used journals were the International Journal of Phytoremediation, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, and Chemosphere. Co-occurrence and citation analysis were used to identify the most influential publications in this field. In addition, possible knowledge gaps and perspectives for future studies are also presented

    Investigating near-surface hydrologic connectivity in a grass-covered inter-row area of a hillslope vineyard using field monitoring and numerical simulations

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    The interplay of surface and shallow subsurface fluxes plays a critical role in controlling water movement in hillslope agroecosystems and impacting soil and plant health during prolonged dry periods, demonstrating a need for in-field monitoring. This study was conducted for two years (2021–2022) by combining field monitoring of the grass-covered inter-row area (passive wick lysimeter, surface runoff, and meteorological data), laboratory determination of soil hydraulic properties (SHPs), and numerical modeling with the aim to explore near-surface fluxes at the SUPREHILL Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) located on a hillslope vineyard. Additionally, sensitivity analysis for basic root water uptake (RWU) parameters was conducted. The model was evaluated (R2, RMSE, and NSE) with lysimeter (hillslope) and runoff (footslope) data, producing good agreement, but only after the inverse optimization of laboratory estimated hydraulic conductivity was conducted, demonstrating that adequate parameterization is required to capture the hydropedological response of erosion-affected soil systems. Results exhibit the dependence of runoff generation on hydraulic conductivity, rainfall, and soil moisture conditions. The data suggest different soil-rewetting scenarios based on temporal rainfall variability. Sensitivity analysis demonstrated that Leaf Area Index (LAI) was the most responsive parameter determining the RWU. The study offers an approach for the investigation of fluxes in the topsoil for similar sites and/or crops (and covers), presenting the methodology of self-constructed soil–water collection instruments. © 2023 by the authors

    Oligomerization of Ethylene in a Slurry Reactor Using a Nickel/ Sulfated Alumina Catalyst

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    During the oligomerization of ethylene over heterogeneous catalysts, the production of α-olefins may be lowered because of an accompanying deactivation of catalyst resulting from strong adsorption of products, by isomerization or by a tendency to copolymerize into branched products. The oligomerization of ethylene was studied using Ni(II)/sulfated alumina catalysts prepared with a nonporous fumed alumina (ALON) support. The influences of methods of catalyst preparation and activation upon oligomerization activity were screened using a gas - solid microreactor. On the basis of the test results obtained in the microreactor, a modified form of the superior catalyst was prepared and its performance was examined in more detail using a well-agitated gas - liquid - solid slurry reactor. This catalyst exhibited very good oligomerization activity with no apparent deactivation in the slurry reactor at temperatures at or below 298 K and at near-atmospheric pressure. Complete conversion of the ethylene with the production of mainly two oligomers, 1-butene and 1-hexene, was attained. After 34 h in the slurry, formation of a significant amount of two branched C6 isomers was observed

    Salinity effects on guard cell proteome in chenopodium quinoa

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    Epidermal fragments enriched in guard cells (GCs) were isolated from the halophyte quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Wild.) species, and the response at the proteome level was studied after salinity treatment of 300 mM NaCl for 3 weeks. In total, 2147 proteins were identified, of which 36% were differentially expressed in response to salinity stress in GCs. Up and downregulated proteins included signaling molecules, enzyme modulators, transcription factors and oxidoreductases. The most abundant proteins induced by salt treatment were desiccation-responsive protein 29B (50-fold), osmotin-like protein OSML13 (13-fold), polycystin-1, lipoxygenase, alpha-toxin, and triacylglycerol lipase (PLAT) domain-containing protein 3-like (eight-fold), and dehydrin early responsive to de-hydration (ERD14) (eight-fold). Ten proteins related to the gene ontology term “response to ABA” were upregulated in quinoa GC; this included aspartic protease, phospholipase D and plastid-lipid-associated protein. Additionally, seven proteins in the sucrose–starch pathway were upregulated in the GC in response to salinity stress, and accumulation of tryptophan synthase and L-methionine synthase (enzymes involved in the amino acid biosynthesis) was observed. Exogenous application of sucrose and tryptophan, L-methionine resulted in reduction in stomatal aperture and conductance, which could be advantageous for plants under salt stress. Eight aspartic proteinase proteins were highly upregulated in GCs of quinoa, and exogenous application of pepstatin A (an inhibitor of aspartic proteinase) was accompanied by higher oxidative stress and extremely low stomatal aperture and conductance, suggesting a possible role of aspartic proteinase in mitigating oxidative stress induced by saline conditions

    A Systematic Literature Review on Performance Evaluation of Power System From the Perspective of Sustainability

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    Sustainability is a comprehensive concept that integrates at least three dimensions of environment, economy and society. The power system is the primary source of greenhouse gas emissions, adversely impacting environmental sustainability. It also generates necessary energy supplies, which promote economic and social sustainable development. Based on the sustainability nature of power system, this study puts forward an improved methodology, namely “Planning-Searching-Screening-Reporting-Reflecting” (PSSRR Cycle) to review the literature systematically on power system performance evaluation from a sustainability perspective over the past 20 years, with the aim of describing the current state of the whole performance evaluation system including the evaluation framework, evaluation indicators and evaluation methods, and providing research suggestions for future research. This study finds in the current literature that the Triple Bottom Line theory is the most commonly used theoretical evaluation framework; environmental and economic sustainability indicators are more emphasized; the DEA and MCDM methods are the more common evaluation methods. This study presents some future research notes, including improving the Sustainable Balanced Scorecard as a sustainable performance evaluation framework, emphasizing more social sustainability indicators, and using a combination of existing evaluation methods to make performance evaluation more efficient and accurate