662 research outputs found

    Protective Effects of Milk Phospholipids against UV-induced DNA Damage in Human Skin Cells

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    Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the US. The American Academy of Dermatology estimated that more than 3.5 million new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in the US each year and 1 in 5 Americans will likely to develop skin cancer in their life time. Most cases of skin cancer are caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. Some of the most common sunscreen ingredients are unstable and can form harmful radicals upon exposure to UV radiation. There is a strong clinical need for a more stable and effective sunscreen ingredient such as bovine milk phospholipids (MP). Phospholipids were shown to have beneficial health effects such as regulation of the inflammatory reactions, protective effects against colon cancer, and reducing cardiovascular risk factors. Previous histology and MTT tissue viability research studies suggested that MP act upon skin cells in a protective manner against UV radiation. This thesis aims to further investigate the protective effects of bovine milk phospholipids by evaluating the expression of a UV-induced DNA damage marker, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, p21WAF1/CIP1. Western blots were used to quantify p21 expression in human keratinocytes in four categories of samples: No-UV, UV, UV+MP, MP and in HeLa (p21 positive control). In the No-UV samples, cells were not irradiated by UV light. However, in the UV samples, keratinocytes were exposed to a UV dosage of 10 mJ/cm2. In the UV+MP samples, keratinocytes were first treated with 1% MP solution (w/v) in their culture media for 24 hours then exposed to a UV dosage of 10 mJ/cm2. In MP, keratinocytes were treated with 1% MP solution in their culture media for 24 hours. Total cell proteins were extracted 24 hours post-UV irradiation. The same amount of protein from each sample (determined by BCA assay) was loaded into a 4-12% Bis-Tris SDS-PAGE gel, run under denaturing, non-reducing conditions then blotted and treated with antibodies for the quantitative detection of p21 proteins. Finally, intensities of p21 protein bands were analyzed by using ImageJ software. Under non-reducing conditions, three p21 proteins covalently bonded with each other showed up as 63 KDa molecules on the PVDF membrane. The UV, and HeLa samples showed a 2.28 fold, and 1.23 fold increase in p21 expression, respectively, compared with the No-UV samples control. The MP samples showed a 0.948 fold decrease in p21 compared with the No-UV samples, and the UV+MP samples showed only a 1.13 fold increase in p21. When comparing with the UV sample, the UV+MP sample has 50.4% less p21 expression. Less p21 expression in the UV+MP sample compare with the UV sample suggested that less DNA damage occurred in the sample that was treated with milk phospholipids. This result strongly suggests that 1% bovine milk phospholipids can protect skin cells from UV induced DNA damage

    継続的なピア・フィードバック活動が学習者に与える影響 -ベトナムにおける「即興スピーチ」指導を事例として-

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    日本言語文化研究プログラム / Graduate Program in Japanese Language and Culture政策研究大学院大学 / National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies論文審査委員: 宇佐美 洋(国立国語研究所)(主査), 木谷 直之(国際交流基金日本語国際センター), 久保田 美子(国際交流基金日本語国際センター), 岩田 夏穂, 大山 達雄, 近藤 彩(麗澤大学


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    Fatty acid in green tea leaves is important flavour precursor which has a negative effect onaroma quality of black teas. In this study, fatty acid composition of three cultivars includingShan Chat Tien, Trung Du and PH11 plucked at different time was analyzed by GC-MS/MS.The results showed that C16:0, C18:2, C18:1, C18:0 and C18:3 were the most abundant fattyacids indentified in tea leaves. In particular, total saturated fatty acid in the tea leaves plucked inJune and September was higher than total unsaturated fatty acid and vice versa for sampleplucked in March. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that fatty acid compositions insamples plucked in June of three cultivars were similar to each other and they were characterizedby C18:0, C22:0 and C20:0. The sample plucked in March and in September were characterizedby C18:1, C18:2 and C18:3, andC18:1, C16:1, C18:0, C14:1 and C14:0; respectively. Thesample plucked in March had the highest total fat content followed by sample plucked inSeptember and June. The results showed that plucking time and cultivars significantlyinfluenced the fatty acid composition of tea leaves


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    Thai Nguyen University in Vietnam identifies improving the quality of the foreign language teaching staff as one of the priority tasks in the development strategy, training advanced and modern human resources to serve the economic, political, cultural, and social development needs of the midland and northern mountainous regions. Despite certain achievements, due to its unique characteristics, Thai Nguyen University is facing numerous challenges, especially in terms of the foreign language faculty, which is deficient and weak compared to the requirements. To meet the needs of training and cultivating foreign language teachers in the future, it is necessary to conduct research to accurately assess the current situation and propose solutions to improve the quality of the foreign language teaching staff.  Article visualizations

    Második generációs vietnámi tanulók akkulturációja és iskolai szocializációja Magyarországon = Acculturation and school socialization of second-generation Vietnamese pupils in Hungary

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    A vietnámi fiatalok akkulturációja vegyes mintázatú. Birman akkulturációs modellje (nyelv, identitás, viselkedés) alapján egyedül az identitás terén látható a származási csoport dominanciája. Nyelvismeret és nyelvhasználat tekintetében kétnyelvűség tapasztalható. Téma- és partner függően váltanak a magyar és a vietnámi nyelv között a családon belül. Viselkedés vetületében kifejezetten integratív a mintázat: mind magyar, mind vietnámi barátaik vannak és mindkétféle viselkedéses elemeket tesznek magukévá . A saját etnikai identitás iránti érdeklődés, exploráció, valamint az etnikai nyelvhasználat gyakorisága pozitívan, míg a vietnámi viselkedéses elemek inkább negatívan korrelálnak az iskolai teljesítménnyel. Egységesen fontos szerepet tulajdonítanak a tanulásnak mind a szülők, mind a fiatalok. Az iskolai teljesítmény attribúciójában rendkívül nagy az erőfeszítésnek, sőt a „tanulás iránti szenvedély”-nek tulajdonított szerep (Li, 2002). Abban van inkább nagyobb tanulási nehézségük, amit otthonról, az iskolán kívülről kell hozni. Ez szókincsben, nyelvi kifejezésekben, háttértudásokban mutatkozik meg. Közösség-alapú akkulturáció mentén vizsgálódva azonosítottuk a vietnámi nyelvtanfolyamok mögött húzódó motivációkat, valamint egy vietnámi kulturális nap kapcsán rámutattunk arra, hogy a sikeresebb iskolai és társadalmi integráció érdekében a migránsok egyik legfontosabb nyilvános szférájában, az iskolában fontos lenne láthatóvá és legitimmé tenni a kisebbségi identitást. | Acculturation of the Vietnamese young follows a mixed pattern. Among the three elements of the LIB (language, identity, behavior) model of Birman, only identity shows the dominance of the group of origin. Bilingualism is to be found in language knowledge and language use. Within family, language-switching between Hungarian and Vietnamese depends on conversation partner and topic. Behaviors are strongly integrated: respondents have friends and adopt elements from both cultures. Exploration of ethnic identity as well as frequency of ethnic language positively, while Vietnamese behavioral elements negatively correlate with school achievement. Both parents and children show a high consensus concerning the importance of schooling and learning. Effort and „passion toward learning” (Li, 2002) is given an extremely significant role in attribution of school achievement. Due to different language and cultural background, difficulties can be found however in vocabulary and background knowledge. This is what students bring with themselves from outside school, from home. In line with community-based acculturation approach, motivations underlying Vietnamese language schools were identified. Concerning a Vietnamese Culture Day in a school, it is pointed out that making minority identity legitimate and visible in school, one of the most important public spheres of migrant groups can help to foster their more successful integration in school and in host society in general