925 research outputs found


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    This study examines the performance of dividend yield investment strategies in the Vietnam stock market over the period from 2003 to 2012. One of the most well-known strategies is commonly referred to as ‘Dogs of the Dow’ strategy (DoD), which involves investing equal amounts in the 10 highest-yielding stocks of a market index. In addition to the standard DoD-10, the performance of the DoD-5 version is also investigated. The performance of the strategies is analyzed on an absolute and risk adjusted bases. Beside Sharpe ratio and Treynor index, the market-adjusted model and ‘Modigliani-squared’-adjusted model are used to measure the abnormal return of the investment strategies. Furthermore, the transaction costs and taxes payment are taken into account to test the economic significance of the strategies. Finally, the size effect and book value effect are examined to find explanations for the DoD phenomenon. The empirical findings suggest that the all of the investigated DoD strategies strongly outperform the market index. In particular, the average annual abnormal return of the DoD-10 is 15.3%, whereas, the corresponding return of the DoD-5 strategy is 29.7%. Although the abnormal returns after taxes and transaction costs are positive, they are albeit statistically insignificant. These findings indicate that the DoD investment strategy may not be economically significant. Finally, this study provides evidence to support that the DoD phenomenon is not caused by the value effect. The finding seems to be consistent with many previous studies. Conversely, the DoD phenomenon can probably be explained with the size effect.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Developing a High-Quality, Modern Labor Market in Vietnam

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    The labor market in Vietnam has experienced significant changes due to global trends and the demand for competitiveness in the region. This study investigates the evolving Vietnamese labor market, considering the obstacles presented by the Covid-19 pandemic and the fourth industrial revolution. The paper underscores the significance of adhering to international labor laws and standards to effectively tackle these challenges. By examining the influence of these external factors and their repercussions on labor standards, this research offers valuable insights for policymakers, employers, and workers in Vietnam. The findings emphasize the need to align domestic labor policies with international standards in order to establish a just and sustainable labor market in Vietnam amidst the evolving global landscape


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    At first I would like to say my sincerest thank to my classmates, and teachers - professors of the University of Nottingham. Especially, I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to my Supervisor Dr. Richard Simper for his valuable guidance, enthusiastic supports, and dedicated supervision as well as the inspiration and motivation. Furthermore, I want to send my thankful gratitude to my sister, Lily Tran, my best friends Khanh Chi Nguyen, Aroosha and Adam Nguyen for staying next to me in difficulties. Finally, I would love to say a gratefully thank to my family, especially Mom and Dad who always behind me to motivate and support

    The impacts of market economy on social Relations: a perspective from household Pottery production in Lai Thieu, Binh Duong Province, South Vietnam

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    Produksi dan kerajinan keramik yang berkembang pesat di Lai Thieu, Vietnam, tidak terlepas dari kedatangan para imigran dari Cina pada abad ke- 1 9. Perusahaan keramik dapat dibedakan menjadi lima, yaitu perusahaan milik negara, patungan, swasta, perseroan terbatas, dan rumah tangga. Kebanyakan perusahaan keramik di Lai Thieu berkembang menjadi perusahaan modern karena perkembangan teknologi dan keharusan berkompetisi dengan produsen lain. Dart sisi manajemen, ada perubahan dari manajemen keluarga ke arah manajemen yang Iebih maju dan terbuka. Perkawinan antara etnis Cinadan wargaVietnam memungkinkan perusahaan keramik yang semula bersifat tertutup menjadi semakin terbuka dan kompetitif. Kata Kunci : keramik, imigran, manajemen, perkawinan campur, perkembangan kompetiti

    Health economics of screening for hypertension in Vietnam

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    Evaluating factors affecting attitudes of IT-intensive and non-IT-intensive students towards e-assessment

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    Despite the significant shift to distance computer-based test as an inevitable outcome of Industry 4.0 and the public lockdown of COVID-19, little effort has been made to research this new testing mode. To address this issue, this study targets two groups of information technology (IT)-intensive and non-IT-intensive students with an aim of investigating factors that effectively encourage each group to adopt online assessment and whether their majors cause any differences in the students’ attitudes. Based on the student perception of e-assessment questionnaire (SPEAQ) with some slight modifications, a final 28-item survey was formed and distributed to 400 students. Results have shown that the factors of security, and affective factors were the top factors to impact both groups of students, while the impact of validity and practicality varied among the two groups and reliability and teaching-learning were at the bottom. Besides, there were no noticeable differences in the attitudes of students coming from different majors