705 research outputs found

    Book review: a persistent revolution: history, nationalism and politics in Mexico since 1968 by Randal Sheppard

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    In A Persistent Revolution: History, Nationalism and Politics in Mexico since 1968, Randal Sheppard explores the major political transformations in Mexico since 1968 through the prism of Mexican revolutionary nationalism to show how nationalist mythology surrounding the revolutionary state has been used to bolster both the elite and growing opposition movements. Sheppard astutely demonstrates the complexities of the post-1968 Mexican context, offering an excellent snapshot of a ‘persistent revolution’, writes Myriam Lamrani

    Optimisation of the parameters of an extended defect model applied to non-amorphizing implants

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    In this paper, we present the optimisation of the parameters of a physical model of the kinetics of extended defects and applied the model with the optimised parameters to non-amorphizing implants. The model describes the small clusters, the {113} defects and the dislocation loops. In the first part, we determine the formation energies of the small clusters, the fault energy of the {113} defects, their Burgers vector and the self-diffusivity of silicon using TEM measurements and extractions of the supersaturation from the spreading of boron marker layers in low-dose implanted silicon. The improvements of the simulations are presented for the fitted experiments and for other wafers annealed at intermediate temperatures. In the second part, we increase the dose and energy of the non-amorphizing implant, leading to the transformation of {113} defects into dislocation loops. The predictions obtained with the optimised model are shown to be in agreement with the measurements. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The threat to the U.S. 7th Fleet by the Chinese

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    This research identifies key sciences and technologies that are possessed or sought after by the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). An overview of Chinese naval history is presented to better understand the possible reasons for China’s expansion to the South China Sea. By looking at Chinese official news reports as well as statements by Chinese military and other high ranking officials, a Chinese perspective is developed. Types of defense purchases, spending, and military espionage are evaluated to reflect the new-found capabilities and current technologies of interest for the Chinese Armed Forces. The threat to the US 7th fleet is increasing due to the PLAN’s asymmetric use of modern military technologies. The political atmosphere remains tense and many territorial disputes between China and other nations remain. Meanwhile, a regional arms race is ongoing, and with it instability and conflict between countries in the West Pacific

    Revolutionary circles: A morphology of radical politics

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    Drawing on the contributions of this theme section, t his introduction stakes out an agenda for the anthropological study of revolutionary circles. Un-derstood as a powerful model of and for political action, the revolutionary circle renders the desire for radical political change as a function of the circular configu-ration of the group of people who pursue it. This correlation of political ends with social means puts questions of “political morphology”—actors’ concern with the shape of their relationships—at the center of revolutionary action. As the articles of the theme section illustrate, such a concern with social shapes plays itself out not only in questions of political organization, but also those of personal relationships and ethical comportment, practices of secrecy and dissemination, shared activities and values, and their different potentials for transformation over time

    La stabilité du marché financier face au blanchiment de capitaux

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    Depuis les années quatre-vingt-dix, les administrations de lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux avaient comme mission de repérer les criminels et confisquer les produits provenant des opérations de crimes. Mais avec le développement de nouveaux moyens de payement et notamment la monnaie numérique virtuelle, ces organismes se sont trouvés dans l’obligation de déclarer toutes sortes de transactions imprévues ou soupçonnées, et aider les autorités dans les enquêtes. Le contenu de cet article prend en considération l’instabilité du marché de change et traite les possibilités pouvant aider les sociétés de change à minimiser les risques de blanchiment de capitaux à travers la synthétisation de quelques situations et exemples réels, à travers les recommandations dictées par les autorités concernées et finalement les textes législatifs et réglementaires mise en vigueur.  Notre recherche se veut exploratoire et compréhensive dont l’objectif est de proposer un guide de lecture sur la stabilité du marché financier face au blanchiment de capitaux. En plus de fournir des solutions capables de réduire les risques d’instabilité basées sur des indicateurs de blanchiment de capitaux. &nbsp

    Managing Operational Risk Related to Microfinance Lending Process using Fuzzy Inference System based on the FMEA Method: Moroccan Case Study

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    Managing operational risk efficiently is a critical factor of microfinance institutions (MFIs) to get a financial and social return. The purpose of this paper is to identify, assess and prioritize the root causes of failure within the microfinance lending process (MLP) especially in Moroccan microfinance institutions. Considering the limitation of traditional failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) method in assessing and classifying risks, the methodology adopted in this study focuses on developing a fuzzy logic inference system (FLIS) based on (FMEA). This approach can take into account the subjectivity of risk indicators and the insufficiency of statistical data. The results show that the Moroccan MFIs need to focus more on customer relationship management and give more importance to their staff training, to clients screening as well as to their business analysis.JEL Codes - G21; G32; C0

    Construction territoriale et dynamique locale : Cas de de la vallee la soummam en Algerie

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    L’objet de l’article consiste à analyser la dynamique territoriale qui caractérise la Vallée de la Soummam en Algérie et d’en identifier ses principaux déterminants et cela en privilégiant l’approche en termes de Système Economique Territorial (SET). L’étude qui rappelle le processus historique de construction territoriale de cette région, est fondée sur une enquête de terrain menée auprès d'un échantillon de 47 entreprises agroalimentaires localisées dans la Vallée de la Soummam. L’analyse des données de l’enquête fait ressortir quatre types de facteurs à l’origine du dynamisme et du devenir du SET agroalimentaire de la Vallée de la Soummam, à savoir, la proximité géographique, le lien familial et le sentiment d’appartenance territoriale, le système de régulation locale et enfin l’ouverture internationale. L’étude s’interroge, enfin, sur l’avenir de ce territoire en évolution, dans la mesure où il est confronté à des défis majeurs menaçant son développement.Mots-Clés: Bejaia, Dynamique territoriale, Industrie agroalimentaire, Système Economique Territorial, Territoire

    La reforma del modelo económico cubano: una exposición

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    In light of the current world financial crisis, Cuba is compelled to make socioeconomic changes in order to preserve its social model. The serious difficulties facing the Island stem as much from external factors – mainly the sanctions imposed by the United States, the world systemic crisis and natural disasters – as from internal factors, namely bureaucracy, corruption, low productivity, a hypertrophic public sector and little or no culture of debate, among others. Before its adoption by the Cuban Parliament in August 2011, the project to reform the economic model presented to the VII Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba was the object of profound changes resulting from a widespread popular discussion.Frente a la crisis financiera global, Cuba se encuentra en la obligación de reformar su sistema socioeconómico con el fin de preservar su modelo de sociedad. Las graves dificultades a las cuales está confrontada la isla se explican a la vez por factores externos – principalmente las sanciones que imponen los Estados Unidos, la crisis sistémica mundial y las catástrofes naturales – y factores internos – la burocracia, la corrupción, la productividad baja, la hipertrofia del sector público y la falta de una cultura del debate, entre otros. El proyecto de reforma del modelo económico presentado durante la reunión del VII Congreso del Partido Comunista Cubano fue adoptado por el Parlamento Cubano en agosto de 2011, después de profundas modificaciones derivadas del amplio debate popular al cual fue sometido

    An Algerian paradox? The emulation of colonial visions through self-Orientalism in postcolonial literature

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    This thesis analyses self-Orientalist representations in the Algerian postcolonial novel produced in both Arabic and French, using postcolonial literary criticism, and the historical contextualisation of the novels to reveal how colonial tropes have survived in late colonial and post-independence Algerian literary productions. I argue in this thesis that the encounter between the Orientalist and the colonial legacies and the postcolonial literary thrust, together with the influence of the historical and the political interplay between Western-inspired value systems and indigenous contexts, triggered the re-creation of the clichéd representations that dominated the colonial and the Orientalist discourses about Algeria. As a result, self-depiction in Algerian postcolonial literature reveals regular occurrences that display the features of self-Orientalist perspectives. The internalisation of biased representations of Algeria in Algerian literary output is vividly illustrated in many themes which are covered in this thesis through three main parts: the representation of people and places, beliefs and customs, topics related to politics and linguistic identity. Through these three parts, this project establishes different nuances in the perpetuation of the stereotypical renderings of Algeria, varying from fully-fledged, through ambivalent and reluctant self-Orientalist stances, which are continuously influenced by the historical and political circumstances inherited from the colonial era, and subsequent events such as the Black Decade and the process of Arabisation, among others. The analysis of the self-Orientalist discourse in Algerian postcolonial literature showcases the everlasting influence of the colonial legacy on Algerian literary self-representations and highlights the importance of the Algerian case in the academic debate about Orientalism and self-Orientalism