4 research outputs found

    Неинвазивные методы изучения коллекторских свойств ископаемых углей

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    Розглянуті фізичні неінвазивні методи дослідження, які дозволяють отримати уявлення про такі властивості вугільної речовини як повна пористість, питома поверхня, розподіл пір по розмірах та ін., що дають уявлення про колекторні властивості вугільних пластів. Отримані характеристики структури порового простору, що визначають транспортні властивості флюїдів.Physical noninvasion methods of studies are considered, which allow characterizing such properties of coal as total porosity, specific surface, size distribution of pores and etc., demonstrating the reservoir features of coal beds. The description of pore space structure, determining transport properties of fluids, is presented

    Reply to Miglietta et al.: Maximal transpiration controlled by plants

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    We thank Miglietta et al. for their interest in our study. Their first and main point arises from the idea that plant transpiration (T) is driven by atmospheric demand, giving plants limited control over the water they lose..

    Validation of climate model-inferred regional temperature change for late-glacial Europe

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    Comparisons of climate model hindcasts with independent proxy data are essential for assessing model performance in non-analogue situations. However, standardized palaeoclimate data sets for assessing the spatial pattern of past climatic change across continents are lacking for some of the most dynamic episodes of Earth’s recent past. Here we present a new chironomid-based palaeotemperature dataset designed to assess climate model hindcasts of regional summer temperature change in Europe during the late-glacial and early Holocene. Latitudinal and longitudinal patterns of inferred temperature change are in excellent agreement with simulations by the ECHAM-4 model, implying that atmospheric general circulation models like ECHAM-4 can successfully predict regionally diverging temperature trends in Europe, even when conditions differ significantly from present. However, ECHAM-4 infers larger amplitudes of change and higher temperatures during warm phases than our palaeotemperature estimates, suggesting that this and similar models may overestimate past and potentially also future summer temperature changes in Europe