15 research outputs found

    Проект установки получения синтез-газа

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    ВКР 91 страницу, 6 рисунков, 40 таблиц, 24 литературных источника. Ключевые слова: синтез-газ, конверсия, применение синтез-газа, сырье, природный газ, технологическая схема, производство, метан, метанол. Объект разработки: производство синтез-газа методом паровой каталитической конверсии природного газа. Цель работы: изучение всех физико - химических свойств процесса и их влияния на протекание реакции, а также конструирование основного аппарата установки получения синтез - газа. В результате исследования выполнен расчет материального и теплового балансов, также конструктивный и механический расчеты, на основании которых был выполнен чертеж основного аппарата. ВКР выполнена на кафедре ТОВПМ ст. группы 2Д2А Якимовой В.А., под руководством к.х.н. Мананковой А.А.The final qualifying work contains 91 page, 6 figures, 40 tables and 24 literature sources. Content words are conversion, synthesis gas. The object of the development is the production of synthesis gas by catalytic steam reforming of natural gas. The mission is the study of physical - chemical properties of the process and their influence on the reaction, as well as the construction of the main unit installation producing synthesis - gas. The study was carried out payment of material and heat balances, the constructive and mechanical calculations, drawing on the basis of which the main unit was made. The final qualifying work carried out at the Department of TOVPM student group 2D2A Vera Yakimova, under the leadership of Candidate of Chemical Sciences Ann Manankova

    Positive Effects of Surfing on Psychological Wellbeing for Children with Developmental Difficulties

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    Children with developmental disorders or disabilities often experience a wide range of difficulties and reduced quality of life. Surfing is gaining popularity as a sport that can promote psychological well-being, but research is still scarce. The current study aimed to investigate the effects of surfing on the quality of life of children with developmental difficulties. Participants were 84 children with Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Quality of life was measured by a parent-rated questionnaire (KIDSCREEN-27) before and after a series of three adapted surfing lessons. Additionally, responses on an evaluation questionnaire were qualitatively analysed to gain more insight into the experiences of children and parents. Results of the KIDSCREEN showed a significant increase in the children's quality of life after 3 surfing lessons for the Total score, as well as subscale scores for Psychological well-being, Social support & peers and School. A trend towards significance was found for the subscale Autonomy & parent relation. Qualitative analysis of evaluation data showed consistent positive experiences by children as well as parents. According to parents, surfing improved the child's mood, self-confidence, self-esteem and social-emotional functioning. They saw their child enjoy the lessons, conquering their fears, feeling safe and free. According to many parents, effects transferred into their child's daily life. Surfing in a safe, structured and positive environment holds promise to improve the quality of life for children with developmental difficulties. Findings provide valuable insights into the scope of these effects and possible working mechanisms underlying the effects

    Positive Effects of Surfing on Psychological Wellbeing for Children with Developmental Difficulties

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    Children with developmental disorders or disabilities often experience a wide range of difficulties and reduced quality of life. Surfing is gaining popularity as a sport that can promote psychological well-being, but research is still scarce. The current study aimed to investigate the effects of surfing on the quality of life of children with developmental difficulties. Participants were 84 children with Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Quality of life was measured by a parent-rated questionnaire (KIDSCREEN-27) before and after a series of three adapted surfing lessons. Additionally, responses on an evaluation questionnaire were qualitatively analysed to gain more insight into the experiences of children and parents. Results of the KIDSCREEN showed a significant increase in the children's quality of life after 3 surfing lessons for the Total score, as well as subscale scores for Psychological well-being, Social support & peers and School. A trend towards significance was found for the subscale Autonomy & parent relation. Qualitative analysis of evaluation data showed consistent positive experiences by children as well as parents. According to parents, surfing improved the child's mood, self-confidence, self-esteem and social-emotional functioning. They saw their child enjoy the lessons, conquering their fears, feeling safe and free. According to many parents, effects transferred into their child's daily life. Surfing in a safe, structured and positive environment holds promise to improve the quality of life for children with developmental difficulties. Findings provide valuable insights into the scope of these effects and possible working mechanisms underlying the effects

    Circulating cell-free methylated DNA and lactate dehydrogenase release in colorectal cancer

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    Background: Hypermethylation of DNA is an epigenetic alteration commonly found in colorectal cancer (CRC) and can also be detected in blood samples of cancer patients. Methylation of the genes helicase-like transcription factor (HLTF) and hyperplastic polyposis 1 (HPP1) have been proposed as prognostic, and neurogenin 1 (NEUROG1) as diagnostic biomarker. However the underlying mechanisms leading to the release of these genes are unclear. This study aimed at examining the possible correlation of the presence of methylated genes NEUROG1, HLTF and HPP1 in serum with tissue breakdown as a possible mechanism using serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) as a surrogate marker. Additionally the prognostic impact of these markers was examined. Methods: Pretherapeutic serum samples from 259 patients from all cancer stages were analyzed. Presence of hypermethylation of the genes HLTF, HPP1, and NEUROG1 was examined using methylation-specific quantitative PCR (MethyLight). LDH was determined using an UV kinetic test. Results: Hypermethylation of HLTF and HPP1 was detected significantly more often in patients with elevated LDH levels (32% vs. 12% {[}p = 0.0005], and 68% vs. 11% {[}p < 0.0001], respectively). Also, higher LDH values correlated with a higher percentage of a fully methylated reference in a linear fashion (Spearman correlation coefficient 0.18 for HLTF {[}p = 0.004]; 0.49 {[}p <.0001] for HPP1). No correlation between methylation of NEUROG1 and LDH was found in this study. Concerning the clinical characteristics, high levels of LDH as well as methylation of HLTF and HPP1 were significantly associated with larger and more advanced stages of CRC. Accordingly, these three markers were correlated with significantly shorter survival in the overall population. Moreover, all three identified patients with a worse prognosis in the subgroup of stage IV patients. Conclusions: We were able to provide evidence that methylation of HLTF and especially HPP1 detected in serum is strongly correlated with cell death in CRC using LDH as surrogate marker. Additionally, we found that prognostic information is given by both HLTF and HPP1 as well as LDH. In sum, determining the methylation of HLTF and HPP1 in serum might be useful in order to identify patients with more aggressive tumors

    Проблемы технического нормирования шумовых характеристик текстильных машин

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    Для целей оценки соответствия шумовых характеристик машин требованиям санитарных норм предложено использовать обобщенные предельно допустимые шумовые характеристики, которые задают предельно допустимые характеристики для близких по типу машин, объединенных в группы с учетом характерной плотности их установки и условий эксплуатации. Для уточненного определения этих характеристик целесообразно использовать методику, учитывающую звукопоглощение и рассеяние шума поверхностью машин, плотность тел рассеяния в поперечном сечении производственного помещения и его акустические и геометрические характеристики.For the purposes of assessing the compliance of noise characteristics of machines with the requirements of sanitary standards, it is suggested to use generalized maximum permissible noise characteristics that set the maximum permissible characteristics for similar machines, grouped together, taking into account the characteristic density of their installation and operating conditions. For an accurate definition of these characteristics, it is advisable to use a technique that takes into account the sound absorption and noise scattering by the machine surface, the density of scattering bodies in the cross section of the production room and its acoustic and geometric characteristics

    Severe Multiorgan Failure Following Yellow Fever Vaccination

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    Background: The yellow fever (YF) vaccination is recommended by the WHO for peopletraveling or living in endemic areas at risk for yellow fever infections in Africa and South America.Although the live attenuated yellow fever vaccine is a safe and efficient vaccine, rare serious adverseevents after vaccination have been reported. Case presentation: We present the case of a 74-year-oldmale with multiorgan failure after yellow fever vaccination for a trip to Brazil. The patient requiredadmission to the intensive care unit with a prolonged stay due to severe organ dysfunction. Five daysafter the YF vaccination, the patient experienced nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and general illness. Threedays later he sought medical attention and was transferred to the University Hospital Heidelberg withbeginning multiorgan failure and severe septic shock, including hypotonia, tachypnea, thrombopenia,and acute renal failure the same day. Within one week after vaccination, antibodies against YF viruswere already detectable and progressively increased over the next two weeks. Viral RNA was detectedin serum on the day of admission, with a viral load of 1.0×105copies/mL. The YF virus (YFV) RNAwas also present in tracheal secretions for several weeks and could be detected in urine samples upto 20 weeks after vaccination, with a peak viral load of 1.3×106copies/mL. After 20 weeks in theICU with nine weeks of mechanical ventilation, the patient was transferred to another hospital forfurther recovery. Conclusions: The risk for severe adverse events due to the YF vaccination should bebalanced against the risk of acquiring a severe YF infection, especially in elderly travelersPeer Reviewe

    Liver failure in adult Still's disease during corticosteroid treatment

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    Adult Still's disease is a well-characterized rheumatic disorder of unknown origin, which may affect multiple organs and may have a fatal course. However, liver failure has rarely been described in adult Still's disease. We present the case of a 25-year-old woman who was admitted with acute liver failure 2 years after the start of symptoms (arthritis, fever, sore throat) of a yet undefined rheumatic disease. She had been treated with prednisolone for 2 months before admission. The diagnosis of adult Still's disease was made in accordance with well-established criteria. Other causes of liver failure were excluded. Withdrawal of prednisolone did not affect the course of liver disease. Ursodeoxycholic acid therapy was started when the patient slowly began to recover. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of adult Still's disease reported in which hepatic failure developed when other symptoms were well controlled by corticosteroid treatmen