27 research outputs found

    From Humble Beginnings

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    Michael Lambur, the Journal of Extension editor who presided over the transition from paper to electronic format in 1994-95, recounts some of his experiences during this historic effort. Highlights include how little was known at the time about publishing a journal electronically, how we initially began, reactions to publishing electronically, and recollections about the people involved in the process at the time

    Use of Electronic Mail In the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service

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    The level of usage, appropriateness, and effectiveness of electronic mail within the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service was studied. More than 20,000 electronic mail records and the contents of 200 electronic mail messages were analyzed. We determined that, during the past 12 months, a minimum of 13,000 notes were routed electronically from campus staff to county and city Extension offices. The most frequent type of message sent was a request for information. We also learned that more than 95% of the field offices respond to electronic mail within three working days. We concluded from the study results that electronic mail is a fairly common communication method in Virginia and Extension staff generally are making appropriate use of electronic mail

    Identifying Key Constructs and Measurements to Assess the Situation Analysis Reports

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    Every five years, unit offices of Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) must submit a situation analysis (SA) report. The purpose of the SA report is to identify the current issues at the local level to develop future educational programs. The primary objective of this study was to develop a methodology that could be used to assess the quality of SA reports in Virginia. We have evaluated 196 SA reports from VCE to begin development of an assessment. Results of testing of the tool identify areas for continued development

    Extension\u27s Role in Homeland Security: A Virginia Perspective

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    Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) conducted a project designed to determine what role it might play in assisting local governments in dealing with emergency preparedness issues in the aftermath of a manmade disaster resulting from terrorist activity. The project was funded through USDA. Community forums were used to collect viewpoints and perspectives on the unique role VCE could play in providing Homeland Security educational assistance to local governments and key professionals involved in the protection of residents from a terrorist attack. Using this information, VCE has taken steps to position itself to play a key role in addressing this important issue

    Nutrition Education Program Assistants: A Leverage Point for Collecting Authentic Program Data

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    Extension administrators and educators wonder why low-income audiences refrain from participating or underparticipate in educational opportunities. This may be due to a gap between administrator or educator views of program participation barriers versus the lived experience of low-income audiences. Virginia Cooperative Extension worked to bridge this gap in perspectives by using Nutrition Program Assistants as a leverage point for recruiting and gathering authentic data on program participation from low-income individuals. Even though program assistants rarely serve in this role, their connection with low-income clientele and groups that serve them is invaluable for gathering authentic program data

    Identifying Needs and Implementing Organizational Change to Improve Retention of Early-Career Agents

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    Retention of agents is important for the growth and stability of Cooperative Extension. A study of early-career agents in Virginia Cooperative Extension identified specific areas in which organizational change could be made to improve agent fit in the organization and long-term retention. As a result, numerous changes have been made, particularly associated with existing agents but also in work with prospective agents. Although this article relates specifically to Virginia, the challenges and solutions identified may be relevant to other programs and to national professional development organizations

    Das Bundeszentralabitur in Deutschland

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    In dieser Masterarbeit wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie erklärt werden kann, dass es bisher kein Bundeszentralabitur in Deutschland gibt. Vor dem Hintergrund der Theorie des Historischen Institutionalismus und dem Konzept der Pfadabhängigkeit werden handlungsleitende Akteure, ihre Positionen und Begründungen identifiziert. Kritische Situationen seit dem PISA-Schock mit der Möglichkeit der Einführung eines Bundeszentralabiturs sowie Mechanismen der Stagnation und Zeichen des Wandels werden mithilfe einer Dokumentenanalyse untersucht

    Das Bundeszentralabitur in Deutschland

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    In dieser Masterarbeit wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie erklärt werden kann, dass es bisher kein Bundeszentralabitur in Deutschland gibt. Vor dem Hintergrund der Theorie des Historischen Institutionalismus und dem Konzept der Pfadabhängigkeit werden handlungsleitende Akteure, ihre Positionen und Begründungen identifiziert. Kritische Situationen seit dem PISA-Schock mit der Möglichkeit der Einführung eines Bundeszentralabiturs sowie Mechanismen der Stagnation und Zeichen des Wandels werden mithilfe einer Dokumentenanalyse untersucht

    Una interpretación de la esclavitud africana en Honduras siglos XVI-XVIII

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    En las páginas siguientes se presentan los resultados del estudio de la población de ascendencia africana sometida a esclavitud en la provincia de Honduras en la época colonial. Este esfuerzo está encaminado a analizar sus experiencias y a revalorizar la importancia que tuvieron en la construcción de la nueva sociedad que se fue estructurando a partir de la llegada de los colonizadores. Aquí tratamos de desvirtuar la visión de marginalidad con que generalmente se valora la participación de esta población, y lo hacemos dando cuenta de la diversidad de actividades en las que se involucraron junto a sus amos, y de la trascendencia de las mismas en el proceso de dominación de las poblaciones nativas y de defensa del territorio cuando acechaba el enemigo. Un tema que por el escaso abordaje historiográfico, ha limitado nuestra participación en la discusión que actualmente recobra cada vez mayor importancia en el área.The following pages presents the results of the study of the population of African ancestry submitted to the slavery in the province of Honduras in the epoch colony. This effort is to analyze his experiences and to revaluing the importance that they had in the construction of the new company that was structured from the arrival of the settlers. Here we try to spoil the vision of marginality with which generally there is valued the participation of this population, and do it realizing of the diversity of activities in which they interfered together with his owners, and of the transcendence of the same ones in the process of domination of the native populations and of defense of the territory when the enemy was stalking. A topic that has limited our participation in the discussions which currently recovers more and more importance in the area by the scare historiographical approach

    Nutrition Education Program Assistants: A Leverage Point for Collecting Authentic Program Data

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    Extension administrators and educators wonder why low-income audiences refrain from participating or underparticipate in educational opportunities. This may be due to a gap between administrator or educator views of program participation barriers versus the lived experience of low-income audiences. Virginia Cooperative Extension worked to bridge this gap in perspectives by using Nutrition Program Assistants as a leverage point for recruiting and gathering authentic data on program participation from low-income individuals. Even though program assistants rarely serve in this role, their connection with low-income clientele and groups that serve them is invaluable for gathering authentic program data