7 research outputs found


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    This paper presents an original performance model of lecturing teams at Todor Kableshkov University of Transport, Sofia. The model is based on various managerial, social and behavioural theories. It combines classical and up-to-date theoretical achievements with regulations and established practices at Todor Kableshkov University of Transport. The specific features of the model relate primarily to the indicators proposed for measuring the results of the lecturing teams at the university. The paper consists of two parts. Part one presents the conceptual basis on which the performance model of lecturing teams at Todor Kableshkov University of Transport is developed, as well as the definitions of some basic notions related to the control on teams. Part one also reviews the team model as the basis of the performance model which is proposed. Part two explains the specific features and the determinants of the performance model and introduces the indicators applied to the formation, activity and results of the lecturing teams at the universit

    A fuzzy logic model for evaluating the motivation for high-quality publications: Evidence from a Bulgarian university

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    This paper proposes a fuzzy logic model for evaluating stakeholder motivation for high-quality publications. Conceptually, the model is based on stakeholder theory and Vroom\u27s expectancy theory of motivation. Instrumentally, tools of fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, and expert evaluations are at its core. The model is suitable for any university. Further, it reflects university specificity, using specific motivational factors in one of the evaluation procedures. The model easily evaluates the level of motivation by processing vague, subjective perceptions. It was applied at a Bulgarian university through a comprehensive survey that included 106 participants and performed well. The model contributes to the advancement of management science by theoretically enriching research management and organizational behaviour and complementing their tools. Expected practical implications are improved university management and better research results based on well-grounded decisions about research, people, and performance

    From quality to quantity and vice versa: How to evaluate performance in the budgetary control process

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    According to modern management theory, the performance evaluation based entirely on objective indicators within an organization is not considered to be an effective tool. The research objective of this paper is to suggest a contemporary model for evaluation in the budgetary control process of the organization. The model is based on a modern evaluation approach and a complex toolkit of management science and mathematical theories of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic. In this model, subjective evaluations of the responsibility centres' achievement and performance in budgetary control are generated by fuzzy techniques based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative indicators. The model also allows for an immediate transformation of quantitative into qualitative evaluations and vice versa both in fuzzy and crisp types. The proposed model is an appropriate tool for the subjective performance evaluation of objective results from the organization's budgetary control process under uncertainty. This model was tested in a Bulgarian enterprise for unique wood furniture manufacturing in July 2018 and was applied to five cost centres, with the results demonstrating its applicability. According to our study, the model provides a modern solution to a management problem that is unresolved in the scientific literature and is important to the budgetary management practice of organizations. We believe that the further improvement and implementation of the model will contribute to more effective management and thus to the enhancing competitiveness of the organization


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    This study aims to develop the conceptual and methodological foundations for team control in organizations. It presents a concept of team control, which combines classical and modern achievements of a number of management and mathematical theories. The concept is based on a comprehensive toolkit which includes management and advanced mathematical tools from the theory of fuzzy logic and the theory of fuzzy subsets. The study consists of four parts. Part one clarifies the author’s concept regarding the nature and characteristics of a team. Part two elaborates on the conceptual foundations of the team control process. Part three contains the author’s model of team control in an organization. Part four presents the results of testing the model of team control at Todor Kableshkov University of Transport – Sofia


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    The present report takes the view of the business organizations’ natural evolution. The report scrutinizes crises as a necessary challenge, an inevitable companion and a motive force of this evolution. Along with some fundamental methodological approaches to that understanding, a general characterization of the evaluation methods for threats to the organization is propounded in the report. Such methods are considered as a key point for revealing the extent of contradiction between organization and its surroundings, which contradiction causes any type of crisis

    A suggestion about potentialities for the SWOT analysis’s development concerning threats

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    Emphasizing merits of the SWOT analysis, its insufficient methodical provision, as its main disadvantage, is diagnosed in the introduction of the article. The conclusion is drawn that this disadvantage of the SWOT analysis characterizes the analysis of threats in the extreme. The authors of the article are aimed at suggesting a new managerial instrument that to support this problem solving. It is speaking of instrument, called license board, by which implementation of the threats identification, threats measurement and counteraction to threats to be realized. The article is illustrated by examples from the approbation accomplished for the University of National and W orld Economy in the city of Sofia. Key aspects of both elaboration and implementation of the new instrument, worked out by the authors, are presented in the essential parts of the article. An original approach to the threats identification is offered, by viewing threats as products of actions and inactions of various, internal and/or external to the organization, parties concerned in their capacity of licensing institutions. By presenting empirical results of their implementation, the instruments of measuring and evaluating of threats are substantiated, provided threats evolve from the aggression degree of licensing institutions. The aggression is viewed as a result of the license infringement, where the license is issued from licensing institutions to the organizations and it covers organizations critical indicators and their critical values. The instruments of the consecutive measuring and evaluating of various managerial decisions about limitation of the threats to the organizations are substantiated further in the article. The empirical results of the instruments implementation are presented also. In the article conclusion the authors’ fundamental conclusions are suggested about contributions of the managerial instrument, elaborated by them (the authors), to the potentialities for development of both classical SWOT analysis and extended one


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    Measuring enterprise performance plays an important role in maximizing business efficiency. A modern business performance measurement tool is the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) method. This method helps assess not only the financial situation of the enterprise, but also indicators, and evaluates non-financial indicators, which is important for achieving the maximum competitiveness of the enterprise. This paper points out the importance of non-financial indicators in small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovakia, using the BSC method as a strategic management tool. Three hypotheses were established and then verified using the method of proportionality of the given phenomenon in the population and the chi-square test of independence. Apartial objective of the study was to find out the existence of a statistically significant link between the use of the BSC method and the importance of non-financial indicators in small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovakia, as the BSC method attaches the same importance to both financial and non-financial indicators. It has been shown that these two variables are related