1,503 research outputs found

    The America Economic Crisis Of 2009/2010: Three Pillars Of American Strength That Will Lead To Recovery

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    The notion of the Fall of the American Empire (Wojtowicz, 1993) is equivalent to the Peter Principal in that positive realization will always prevail over the negative perspective. Wojtowicz (1993) contends that Isaac Asimov wrote his foundation stories to show that every empire, even the most powerful one, has to fall eventually. Lawrence Peter (1984), an educator and hierarchiologist, argued that each manager will rise to the level in which he or she will fail. Inevitably, the Peter Principal failed because it placed a negative connotation on managerial growth. The same thing holds true with the Failure of the American Empire. America cannot fail because while there are many foundations of strength that has held America together since the American Revolution, there are three pillars that will help America continue to prosper. The three pillars are the strength of the military, the excellent education system, and the spirit of democracy that has led to capitalism. The spirit of democracy as Abraham Lincoln exemplifies as “A government of people, by the people, for the people,” has kept America vibrant and open for people to rise to the highest office in the free world (Powell and Powell, 1918). In the philosophical Age of Enlightenment, John Locke, a puritan in the England of Cromwell, put forth a new civil order: law based on reason, a government deriving its power from the governed, liberty to pursue individual goals as a natural right, and private property and its use in the pursuit of happiness (Wren and Bedian, 2009). These four ideas provide the bases of how our founders designed the America of today. This paper provides an overview of the three pillars that will influence the economic recovery of America in a positive way

    Prevalence of androgenicanabolic steroid use in adolescents in two regions of South Africa

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    Objective. To determine the prevalence of androgenicanabolic steroid (AAS) use  among schoolchildren in two geographically separate regions of South Africa.Design. Self-reported questionnaire.Population. Standard 10 schoolchildren (16 - 18 years) were selected, 1 136 from region A and 1 411 from region B.Results. The prevalence of AAS use in the overall populationwas 14.4/1 000. There were significant diHerences in prevalence of AAS use between the two regions (5.9/1 000 v. '22.7/1 000; P < 0.0005). There was significantly higher use in males (28.2/1 000) compared with females (0.7/1 000) (p < 0.005). Gymnasia were the most common source of AAS. Although there were regional diHerences in general knowledge about AAS, general knowledge scores were low across all the groups. Male sports participants who used AAS experienced significantly higher  pressure to perform than their non-user counterparts in both regions.Conclusions. Regional differences in AAS use and general knowledge about AAS need to be considered before a meaningful programme can be implemented to reduce the use of AAS by South African schoolchildren

    Changes in cortical beta activity related to a biceps brachii movement task while experiencing exercise induced muscle damage

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    AbstractExercise-induced-muscle-damage (EIMD) is a well-described phenomenon which leads to decreased force output and altered neuromuscular function. How these symptoms of EIMD affect brain function, in particular cortical activity has not been described. Therefore the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the symptoms of EIMD and cortical beta (β) activity during a submaximal biceps brachii movement. Half of the subjects participated in an EIMD protocol. Control and EIMD groups were monitored for 132h thereafter. Muscle pain scores in the EIMD group peaked after 36h with the lowest muscle torque reported at 12h. Beta-1 and -2 activity was increased in the frontal and parietal area in the experimental group at 12h. This suggests an impact of EIMD induced neuromuscular changes on the cortical proprioceptive and motor perceptive networks. Beta-2 activity decreased in the control group over time suggesting a loss in focused attention and greater familiarization with the protocol as the study progressed. These data suggest that a change in β-1 and -2 activity is associated with integrating movement perception and proprioception post-EIMD

    UV Resonant Raman Spectrometer with Multi-Line Laser Excitation

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    A Raman spectrometer employs two or more UV (ultraviolet) laser wavel engths to generate UV resonant Raman (UVRR) spectra in organic sampl es. Resonant Raman scattering results when the laser excitation is n ear an electronic transition of a molecule, and the enhancement of R aman signals can be several orders of magnitude. In addition, the Ra man cross-section is inversely proportional to the fourth power of t he wavelength, so the UV Raman emission is increased by another fact or of 16, or greater, over visible Raman emissions. The Raman-scatter ed light is collected using a high-resolution broadband spectrograph . Further suppression of the Rayleigh-scattered laser light is provi ded by custom UV notch filters

    Early-type stars observed in the ESO UVES Paranal Observatory Project - V. Time-variable interstellar absorption

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    The structure and properties of the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM) on small scales, sub-au to 1 pc, are poorly understood. We compare interstellar absorption-lines, observed towards a selection of O- and B-type stars at two or more epochs, to search for variations over time caused by the transverse motion of each star combined with changes in the structure in the foreground ISM. Two sets of data were used: 83 VLT- UVES spectra with approximately 6 yr between epochs and 21 McDonald observatory 2.7m telescope echelle spectra with 6 - 20 yr between epochs, over a range of scales from 0 - 360 au. The interstellar absorption-lines observed at the two epochs were subtracted and searched for any residuals due to changes in the foreground ISM. Of the 104 sightlines investigated with typically five or more components in Na I D, possible temporal variation was identified in five UVES spectra (six components), in Ca II, Ca I and/or Na I absorption-lines. The variations detected range from 7\% to a factor of 3.6 in column density. No variation was found in any other interstellar species. Most sightlines show no variation, with 3{\sigma} upper limits to changes of the order 0.1 - 0.3 dex in Ca II and Na I. These variations observed imply that fine-scale structure is present in the ISM, but at the resolution available in this study, is not very common at visible wavelengths. A determination of the electron densities and lower limits to the total number density of a sample of the sightlines implies that there is no striking difference between these parameters in sightlines with, and sightlines without, varying components.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    GPS comparison of training activities and game demands of professional rugby union

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    Closely matching training session exertions with actual match-play intensities ensures players are physically prepared for competition. The movement patterns of four typical rugby union training activities (traditional endurance, high-intensity interval, game-based and skills training) were compared with match-play using global positioning systems. The degree of difference from match-play was determined by calculating Cohen’s effect size statistic. Training activities for players in different positions (tight forward, loose forward, scrumhalf, inside back and outside back) were similarly assessed. Movement patterns were measured as relative distance, distance walking (0–2 m.s1 ), jogging (2–4 m.s1 ), striding (4–6 m.s1 ) and sprinting (>6 m.s1 ) and sprint and acceleration (>2.75 m.s2 ) frequency. Overall, high-intensity interval training was the most similar to match-play, and could be adopted as a primary training activity. Game-based training failed to meet match intensity in all positions (Effect size ¼ medium to large). If game-based training is used as the primary training activity, supplementary training is required to ensure players are adequately prepared for match demands

    Monitoring of Tree Island Conditions in the Southern Everglades: The Effects of Hurricanes and Hydrology on the Status and Population Dynamics of Sixteen Tropical Hardwood Hammock Tree Islands

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    In 2005 we began a multi-year intensive monitoring and assessment study of tropical hardwood hammocks within two distinct hydrologic regions in Everglades National Park, under funding from the CERP Monitoring and Assessment Program. In serving as an Annual Report for 2010, this document, reports in detail on the population dynamics and status of tropical hardwood hammocks in Shark Slough and adjacent marl prairies during a 4-year period between 2005 and 2009. 2005-09 was a period that saw a marked drawdown in marsh water levels (July 2006 - July 2008), and an active hurricane season in 2005 with two hurricanes, Hurricane Katrina and Wilma, making landfall over south Florida. Thus much of our focus here is on the responses of these forests to annual variation in marsh water level, and on recovery from disturbance. Most of the data are from 16 rectangular permanent plots of 225-625 m2 , with all trees mapped and tagged, and bi-annual sampling of the tree, sapling, shrub, and herb layer in a nested design. At each visit, canopy photos were taken and later analyzed for determination of interannual variation in leaf area index and canopy openness. Three of the plots were sampled at 2-month intervals, in order to gain a better idea of seasonal dynamics in litterfall and litter turnover. Changes in canopy structure were monitored through a vertical line intercept method

    Composition of Pyromorphites from Broken Hill, New ·South Wales

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    Twenty eight specimens of pyromorphite from the oxidised zone of the Broken Hill orebody, New South Wales have been analysed using EPMA methods. Material was selected to represent all of the varieties of pyromorphite which have been described by earlier workers as occurring in the deposit. Aside from minor Ca2+ substitution for Pb2+ and occasionally YO/" for PO/", all specimens examined proved to be either pure end-member pyromorphite or arsenian pyromorphite with a maximum arsenate content corresponding to pyr2 . 1mim0 . 9 • In one specimen phosphate-arsenate zoning is evident; minor vanadate is present in the more arsenian material. Calcium-lead zoning has been detected in a pale grey-coloured specimen. These zoning patterns indicate chemical variations in aqueous solution during crystal growth. The arsenate contents appear to be directly related to the original distribution of the primary arsenides and arsenic-bearing sulfosalts. The compositions have been related to those of the solutions from which they crystallised. Apatite is a major accessory in the primary ore and this would provide the requisite phosphate ions

    Feature - Factors Influencing Maize Farmers’ Adoption And Use Intensity of Hermetic Storage Bags In Dormaa, Ghana

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    ABSTRACT Maize is a key staple in Ghana with a high production rate. With the growing development of the poultry and livestock sector, there is a need to boost maize production to meet the growing demand. The unfortunate thing is a significant amount of maize produced is lost during storage. The hermetic storage bag is an innovation proven to reduce maize storage loss. This study ascertains factors influencing smallholder maize farmers\u27 adoption and use intensity of hermetic storage bags in Dormaa, Ghana. We used a multi-stage sampling technique and collected data from 217 maize smallholder farmers from four communities where maize production is the main economic activity in Dormaa Municipality, Ghana. The analytical framework incorporates descriptive statistics, the Probit model, and the Ordinary Least Square Estimation (OLS) technique. The probit results reveal that age, marital status, membership in a professional association, and training have a positive and significant influence on the adoption of hermetic storage bags. Based on the intensity of use of hermetic bags, our study finds that farm size, length of storage, and quantity of maize farmers sold each season had a positive and significant influence on the number of hermetic bags used by farmers to store maize each season. This study provides us with factors development agencies, the Ministry of Food and Agricultural Organization (MoFA) in Ghana, Extension, and other stakeholders should consider disseminating hermetic bags in Dormaa, Ghana to enhance the adoption of hermetic storage bags by smallholder farmers

    Drivers of farmers’ adoption of hermetic storage bags in Ghana

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    Post-harvest loss is a global challenge due to its serious threat to food security. Hermetic storage bags offer one way to combat the loss of food after harvest. The rate at which farmers adopt hermetic bags largely depends upon their access to information and training about the technology. The adoption of hermetic storage bags in Dormaa, Ghana, was the focus of this quantitative cross-sectional research study. This study sought to describe maize farmers’ perceptions of the hermetic storage bags in Dormaa, Ghana, based on the perceived innovation attributes and to ascertain farmers’ stages of adoption of the hermetic storage bags using Rogers’s (2003) innovation-decision model. A multistage systematic sampling technique was used to survey 217 maize farmers in four communities where maize production was the main economic activity. Data indicated that the largest group of farmers were at the confirmation stage of Rogers’ model. The logistic regression model was used to ascertain the influence of the innovation attributes on adoption. The findings reveal that of the five innovation characteristics, relative advantage, compatibility, and complexity are the key and significant drivers of the adoption of hermetic storage bags, with relative advantage and compatibility increasing the adoption likelihood and complexity reducing it. The study, therefore, recommends that communities lagging behind others in adoption should be targeted for additional training
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